Get a public suffix for a domain name using the Public Suffix List. Forked from and using the same API as the publicsuffix package
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2024-01-05 16:21:58 +01:00
python-publicsuffix2.spec rebuilt by autoport with build requirements: python3-devel>=3.11.5-3mamba [release 2.20191221-2mamba;Tue Sep 26 2023] 2024-01-05 16:21:58 +01:00 package created using the webbuild interface [release 2.20191221-1mamba;Mon Apr 18 2022] 2024-01-05 16:21:57 +01:00


Get a public suffix for a domain name using the Public Suffix List. Forked from and using the same API as the publicsuffix package.