A chess client, that is fully featured, easy to use and nice looking in the gnome way. The client should be usable both to those totally new to chess, those who want to take a game here and there, and those who wants to use the computer to further enhance their play.
- CECP and UCI Engine support
- Free online play on the FICS chess servers
- Read and writes the PGN, EPD and FEN chess fileformats
- Builtin python based engine
- Undo and pause functions
- Board and piece animation
- Drag and drop
- Tabbed interface
- Hints and spyarrows
- Openingbook sidepanel using sqlite
- Scoreplot sidepanel
- "Enter game" in pgn dialog
- Internationalised or figure pieces in notation
- Optional sounds
- Legal move highlighting
- A nice and accesible look
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A chess client, that is fully featured, easy to use and nice looking in the gnome way
RPM Spec