an Apache module that implements a WSGI compliant interface for hosting Python based web applications
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2024-11-27 12:14:54 +01:00
apache-mod_wsgi.spec automatic version update by autodist [release 5.0.2-1mamba;Tue Nov 26 2024] 2024-11-27 12:14:54 +01:00 package created using the webbuild interface [release 4.4.12-1mamba;Sat Jun 13 2015] 2024-01-05 20:29:19 +01:00
wsgi-apache.conf install tmpfiles and apache configurations for /run/wsgi as default socket dir [release 4.4.12-2mamba;Mon Aug 24 2015] 2024-01-05 20:29:19 +01:00
wsgi-tmpfile.conf install tmpfiles and apache configurations for /run/wsgi as default socket dir [release 4.4.12-2mamba;Mon Aug 24 2015] 2024-01-05 20:29:19 +01:00


The mod_wsgi package provides an Apache module that implements a WSGI compliant interface for hosting Python based web applications on top of the Apache web server.