
Collection of source recipes, patches and additional files used to build openmamba RPM packages

Marathon scenario data files for Aleph One
Updated 2024-07-20 15:16:49 +02:00
Marathon Infinity scenario data files for Aleph One
Updated 2024-07-20 15:16:34 +02:00
3D first-person shooter game
Updated 2024-07-20 15:16:13 +02:00
XS::Parse::Keyword::Builder - build-time support for XS::Parse::Keyword
Updated 2024-07-20 12:13:23 +02:00
Load one kernel from another
Updated 2024-07-20 12:12:43 +02:00
Asterisk PBX
Updated 2024-07-20 12:12:26 +02:00
KDE Plasma xdg desktop portal
Updated 2024-07-20 00:32:34 +02:00
KDE Plasma system settings panel
Updated 2024-07-20 00:30:31 +02:00
KDE Plasma configuration tool for the sddm login manager
Updated 2024-07-20 00:27:54 +02:00
A pure Qt Quick/Kirigami Qt Quick Controls style for KDE Plasma
Updated 2024-07-20 00:26:15 +02:00
KDE printer manager
Updated 2024-07-20 00:25:10 +02:00
KDE Plasma power management
Updated 2024-07-20 00:24:03 +02:00
KDE authentication agent for polkit
Updated 2024-07-20 00:23:08 +02:00
KDE Plasma configuration tool for the Plymouth bootsplash manager
Updated 2024-07-20 00:22:36 +02:00
KDE Plasma support for Plasma
Updated 2024-07-20 00:21:49 +02:00