
Collection of source recipes, patches and additional files used to build openmamba RPM packages

Improved Linux sound server
Updated 2024-01-18 14:30:42 +01:00
Performs a stream or iterative, pull JSON parsing and is able to parse very large JSON files or streams
Updated 2024-01-06 11:21:16 +01:00
Free PDF library
Updated 2024-05-05 10:30:38 +02:00
Python extension module generator for C and C++ libraries
Updated 2024-02-11 12:08:07 +01:00
A repository management tool built on top of Git
Updated 2024-01-05 17:25:24 +01:00
Stellarium is a free open source planetarium
Updated 2024-06-24 22:01:54 +02:00
A plugin to run a terminal inside a webbrowser tab
Updated 2024-01-05 19:09:01 +01:00
Graphical File And Directories Comparator And Merge Tool
Updated 2024-01-05 19:58:50 +01:00
A set of client and server components which implement a crash-reporting system
Updated 2024-01-05 20:55:34 +01:00
A configuration applet for the Direct Rendering Infrastructure
Updated 2024-01-05 21:57:54 +01:00
GHC comonad: Comonads
Updated 2024-01-05 22:47:21 +01:00
GraphThing is a tool that allows you to create, manipulate and study graphs.
Updated 2024-01-05 23:27:13 +01:00
Java XSLT processor
Updated 2024-01-06 00:11:22 +01:00
A library written in C++ for Qt that implements the OAuth 1.0 authentication specification RFC 5849
Updated 2024-01-06 02:42:38 +01:00
A C++ port of Lucene: the high-performance, full-featured text search engine
Updated 2024-01-06 04:00:37 +01:00