
Collection of source recipes, patches and additional files used to build openmamba RPM packages

Qt5 wayland components
Updated 2024-01-05 17:08:45 +01:00
Qt5 virtual keyboard component
Updated 2024-01-05 17:08:39 +01:00
Qt5 translations components
Updated 2024-01-05 17:08:34 +01:00
Qt5 SVG components
Updated 2024-01-05 17:08:18 +01:00
Qt5 speech components
Updated 2024-01-05 17:08:13 +01:00
Qt5 serial port component
Updated 2024-01-05 17:08:08 +01:00
Qt5 serial bus components
Updated 2024-01-05 17:08:02 +01:00
Qt5 sensors components
Updated 2024-01-05 17:07:55 +01:00
Qt5 scxml component
Updated 2024-01-05 17:07:50 +01:00
Qt5 scripting components
Updated 2024-01-05 17:07:45 +01:00
Qt5 remote objects component
Updated 2024-01-05 17:07:38 +01:00
Qt5 quickcontrols2 components
Updated 2024-01-05 17:07:33 +01:00
Qt5 Quick controls components
Updated 2024-01-05 17:07:28 +01:00
Qt5 Quick 3D components
Updated 2024-01-05 17:07:22 +01:00
Qt5 purchasing component
Updated 2024-01-05 17:07:15 +01:00