%define apache_ver %(echo `rpm -q --queryformat '%{VERSION}' apache`) %define hardeningp_ver 0.4.15 %define hardeningp_phpver 5.1.6 %define with_hardening_patch 0 Name: php Version: 5.6.5 Release: 2mamba Summary: The PHP HTML-embedded scripting language Group: Applications/Development Vendor: openmamba Distribution: openmamba Packager: Silvan Calarco URL: http://www.php.net/ Source0: http://is1.php.net/distributions/php-%{version}.tar.bz2 Source1: php-httpd-conf Patch0: http://www.hardened-php.net/hardening-patch-%{hardeningp_phpver}-%{hardeningp_ver}.patch.gz Patch1: %{name}-5.0.5-phpbuilddir.patch Patch2: %{name}-5.2.5-phpize_dir.patch Patch3: %{name}-5.2.9-db47.patch Patch4: %{name}-5.2.11-BID_36555.patch Patch5: %{name}-5.3.13-apache-2.4.patch License: PHP License ## AUTOBUILDREQ-BEGIN BuildRequires: glibc-devel BuildRequires: libX11-devel BuildRequires: libXau-devel BuildRequires: libXdmcp-devel BuildRequires: libXpm-devel BuildRequires: libbzip2-devel BuildRequires: libcares-devel BuildRequires: libcurl-devel BuildRequires: libdb51-devel BuildRequires: libe2fs-devel BuildRequires: libexpat-devel BuildRequires: libfontconfig-devel BuildRequires: libfreetype-devel BuildRequires: libgcrypt-devel BuildRequires: libgd-devel BuildRequires: libgpg-error-devel BuildRequires: libgss-devel BuildRequires: libidn-devel BuildRequires: libjbig-devel BuildRequires: libjpeg-devel BuildRequires: libkeyutils-devel BuildRequires: libkrb5-devel BuildRequires: libltdl-devel BuildRequires: liblzma-devel BuildRequires: libmcrypt-devel BuildRequires: libmysql5-devel BuildRequires: libodbc-devel BuildRequires: libopenldap-devel BuildRequires: libopenssl-devel BuildRequires: libpng-devel BuildRequires: libpostgresql-devel BuildRequires: librtmp-devel BuildRequires: libsasl-devel BuildRequires: libssh2-devel BuildRequires: libtiff-devel BuildRequires: libvpx-devel BuildRequires: libxcb-devel BuildRequires: libxml2-devel BuildRequires: libxslt-devel BuildRequires: libz-devel BuildRequires: pam-devel ## AUTOBUILDREQ-END BuildRequires: apache-devel BuildRequires: libapr-devel BuildRequires: libaprutil-devel BuildRequires: libimap-c-client-devel BuildRequires: libmcal-devel BuildRequires: libsablotron-devel BuildRequires: libsqlite3-devel BuildRequires: gettext-devel #BuildRequires: pear-PHP_Archive BuildRequires: pkgconfig BuildRequires: /usr/sbin/sendmail BuildRequires: flex, bison BuildRequires: re2c Requires(pre): libapr >= 1.2.2 Requires(pre): libaprutil >= 1.2.2 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root %description PHP is an HTML-embeddable scripting language. PHP offers built-in database integration for several commercial and non-commercial database management systems, so writing a database-enabled script with PHP is fairly simple. The most common use of PHP coding is probably as a replacement for CGI scripts. %package devel Summary: Development package for PHP5 Group: Development/Libraries Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release} %description devel The php-devel package lets you compile dynamic extensions to PHP5. Included here is the source for the PHP extensions. Instead of recompiling the whole PHP binary to add support for, say, Oracle, install this package and use the new self-contained extensions support. For more information, read the file SELF-CONTAINED-EXTENSIONS. %package imap Summary: PHP IMAP extension Group: System/Servers Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release} %description imap PHP is an HTML-embeddable scripting language. PHP offers built-in database integration for several commercial and non-commercial database management systems, so writing a database-enabled script with PHP is fairly simple. The most common use of PHP coding is probably as a replacement for CGI scripts. This package contains the IMAP extension for PHP. %package ldap Summary: PHP LDAP extension Group: System/Servers Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release} %description ldap PHP is an HTML-embeddable scripting language. PHP offers built-in database integration for several commercial and non-commercial database management systems, so writing a database-enabled script with PHP is fairly simple. The most common use of PHP coding is probably as a replacement for CGI scripts. This package contains the LDAP extension for PHP. %package mysql Summary: PHP MySQL extension Group: System/Servers Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-pdo = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release} %description -n php-mysql PHP is an HTML-embeddable scripting language. PHP offers built-in database integration for several commercial and non-commercial database management systems, so writing a database-enabled script with PHP is fairly simple. The most common use of PHP coding is probably as a replacement for CGI scripts. This package contains the MySQL extensions for PHP. %package mysqli Summary: PHP MySQLi extension Group: System/Servers Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release} %description -n php-mysqli PHP is an HTML-embeddable scripting language. PHP offers built-in database integration for several commercial and non-commercial database management systems, so writing a database-enabled script with PHP is fairly simple. The most common use of PHP coding is probably as a replacement for CGI scripts. This package contains the MySQLi extensions for PHP. %package odbc Summary: PHP ODBC extension Group: System/Servers Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-pdo = %{version}-%{release} %description odbc PHP is an HTML-embeddable scripting language. PHP offers built-in database integration for several commercial and non-commercial database management systems, so writing a database-enabled script with PHP is fairly simple. The most common use of PHP coding is probably as a replacement for CGI scripts. This package contains the ODBC extensions for PHP. %package opcache Summary: PHP OPcache extension Group: System/Servers Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release} %description opcache OPcache extension improves PHP performance by storing precompiled script bytecode in shared memory, thereby removing the need for PHP to load and parse scripts on each request. %package openssl Summary: PHP OpenSSL extension Group: System/Servers Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release} %description openssl PHP is an HTML-embeddable scripting language. PHP offers built-in database integration for several commercial and non-commercial database management systems, so writing a database-enabled script with PHP is fairly simple. The most common use of PHP coding is probably as a replacement for CGI scripts. This package contains the OpenSSL extensions for PHP. %package pdo Summary: PHP Data Objects Interface Group: System/Servers Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release} %description pdo PHP is an HTML-embeddable scripting language. PHP offers built-in database integration for several commercial and non-commercial database management systems, so writing a database-enabled script with PHP is fairly simple. The most common use of PHP coding is probably as a replacement for CGI scripts. This package contains the PHP Data Objects Interface for PHP. Read the documentation at http://www.php.net/pdo for more information. %package pgsql Summary: PHP PostgreSQL extension Group: System/Servers Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-pdo = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release} %description pgsql PHP is an HTML-embeddable scripting language. PHP offers built-in database integration for several commercial and non-commercial database management systems, so writing a database-enabled script with PHP is fairly simple. The most common use of PHP coding is probably as a replacement for CGI scripts. This package contains the PostgreSQL extensions for PHP. %package sqlite Summary: PHP SQLite extension Group: System/Servers Provides: php-pdo_sqlite = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: php-pdo_sqlite Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-pdo = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release} %description sqlite PHP is an HTML-embeddable scripting language. PHP offers built-in database integration for several commercial and non-commercial database management systems, so writing a database-enabled script with PHP is fairly simple. The most common use of PHP coding is probably as a replacement for CGI scripts. This package contains the SQLite extensions for PHP. %package xsl Summary: PHP xslt extension Group: System/Servers Provides: php-xslt = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: php-xslt Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release} %description xsl PHP is an HTML-embeddable scripting language. PHP offers built-in database integration for several commercial and non-commercial database management systems, so writing a database-enabled script with PHP is fairly simple. The most common use of PHP coding is probably as a replacement for CGI scripts. This package contains the xslt extension for PHP. %package -n apache-mod_php Summary: PHP module for Apache Web Server Group: System/Servers Requires(pre): apache >= %{apache_ver} Requires(pre): %{_bindir}/apr-1-config Requires(pre): %{_bindir}/apu-1-config Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release} %description -n apache-mod_php PHP is an HTML-embeddable scripting language. PHP offers built-in database integration for several commercial and non-commercial database management systems, so writing a database-enabled script with PHP is fairly simple. The most common use of PHP coding is probably as a replacement for CGI scripts. This package adds PHP support to the Apache Web Server. %prep %setup -q %if %with_hardening_patch %patch0 -p1 -b .hardening %endif %patch1 -p1 -b .phpbuilddir %patch2 -p1 #%patch3 -p1 #%patch4 -p4 # prevent %%doc confusion over LICENSE files cp Zend/LICENSE Zend/ZEND_LICENSE cp TSRM/LICENSE TSRM_LICENSE cp ext/gd/libgd/README gd_README # remove unneded packages #rm -f HTML_Template_IT-*.tar Net_UserAgent_Detect-*.tar #popd %build EXTENSION_DIR=%{_libdir}/php/extensions; export EXTENSION_DIR # Required to set default INCLUDE_PATH with %{_libdir}/php PEAR_INSTALLDIR="%{_libdir}/php"; export PEAR_INSTALLDIR %configure \ --sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir}/php \ --with-libdir=%{_lib} \ --disable-debug \ --disable-rpath \ --enable-sockets \ --with-apxs2=%{_bindir}/apxs \ --enable-shared \ --with-config-file-path=%{_sysconfdir}/php \ --with-config-file-scan-dir=%{_sysconfdir}/php/php.d \ --with-regex=php \ --with-openssl=shared,%{_prefix} \ --with-gettext \ --enable-ftp \ --with-ldap=shared,%{_prefix} \ --with-zlib \ --with-gd=%{_prefix} \ --with-jpeg-dir=%{_prefix} \ --with-png-dir=%{_prefix} \ --with-freetype-dir=%{_prefix} \ --with-pgsql=shared,%{_prefix} \ --with-mysql=shared,%{_prefix} \ --with-mysqli=shared,%{_bindir}/mysql_config \ --with-unixODBC=shared,%{_prefix} \ --with-imap=shared,%{_libdir}/imap/ \ --with-imap-ssl \ --with-mcrypt \ --with-db4=%{_includedir}/db51 \ --with-xsl=shared \ --without-pear \ --with-kerberos \ --with-bz2 \ --with-curl \ --with-xmlrpc \ --with-pdo-mysql=shared \ --with-pdo-odbc=shared,unixODBC,%{_prefix} \ --with-pdo-pgsql=shared \ --with-pdo-sqlite=shared \ --with-sqlite3=shared \ --enable-pdo=shared \ --enable-mbstring \ --enable-calendar \ --enable-soap \ --enable-zip \ --enable-exif \ --enable-intl %make %install [ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf "%{buildroot}" # fake httpd.conf for apxs install -D %{S:1} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/httpd/httpd.conf make install INSTALL_ROOT=%{buildroot}/ rm -f %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/httpd/httpd.conf* install -D php.ini-production %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/php/php.ini sed -i "\ s|\(extension_dir = \).*|\1%{_libdir}/php/extensions| s|\(;extension=\)php_\(.*\)dll|\1\2so|g;s|w32api.so|odbc.so|" \ %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/php/php.ini # remove execution permission from some files chmod 0664 %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/php/build/*.awk chmod 0664 %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/php/build/*.global chmod 0664 %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/php/build/*.m4 # create php.conf file for httpd install -d %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/httpd/httpd.d cat > %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/httpd/httpd.d/php.conf << _EOF SetHandler application/x-httpd-php DirectoryIndex index.php _EOF install -m 755 -d %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/php/php.d install -m 755 -d %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/lib/php install -m 700 -d %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/lib/php/session # generate files lists and stub .ini files for each subpackage for mod in imap ldap mysql mysqli odbc openssl opcache \ pdo pdo_mysql pdo_odbc pdo_pgsql pgsql pdo_sqlite sqlite3 xsl; do cat > %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/php/php.d/${mod}.ini < files.${mod} <> files.mysql cat files.pdo_odbc >> files.odbc cat files.pdo_pgsql >> files.pgsql cat files.pdo_sqlite >> files.sqlite3 # remove hidden files installed in root directory rm -rf %{buildroot}/.channels rm -f %{buildroot}/.depdb rm -f %{buildroot}/.depdblock rm -f %{buildroot}/.filemap rm -f %{buildroot}/.lock %clean [ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf "%{buildroot}" %files %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_sysconfdir}/php %attr(0644,root,root) %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/php/php.ini %dir %{_sysconfdir}/php/php.d %{_bindir}/php %{_bindir}/php-cgi %{_bindir}/phar %{_bindir}/phar.phar %dir %{_libdir}/php %dir %{_libdir}/php/extensions %dir %{_libdir}/php/build %{_libdir}/php/build/* %{_mandir}/man1/phar.1* %{_mandir}/man1/phar.phar.1* %{_mandir}/man1/php.1* %{_mandir}/man1/php-cgi.1* %dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/php %dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/php/session %doc CREDITS %doc LICENSE Zend/ZEND_LICENSE TSRM_LICENSE %doc php.ini-development php.ini-production %files -n php-devel %defattr(-,root,root) %{_bindir}/php-config %{_bindir}/phpize %dir %{_includedir}/php %{_includedir}/php/* %{_mandir}/man1/php-config.1* %{_mandir}/man1/phpize.1* %doc CODING_STANDARDS EXTENSIONS README.* %doc NEWS gd_README %post -n apache-mod_php if [ $1 -ge 1 ]; then # delete PHP type definition in httpd.conf, it is now in httpd.d/php.conf sed -i "/AddType application\/x-httpd-php .php/d" /etc/httpd/httpd.conf # same for DirectoryIndex directive sed -i "s|\(DirectoryIndex .*\)index.php\(.*\)|\1\2|" /etc/httpd/httpd.conf %{_bindir}/apxs -e -a -n php5 %{_libdir}/apache/libphp5.so > /dev/null # do not load the PHP 4 module any more sed -i "/^LoadModule[ \t]*php4_module/d" /etc/httpd/httpd.conf service httpd condrestart fi exit 0 %preun -n apache-mod_php if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then #erase %{_bindir}/apxs -e -A -n php5 %{_libdir}/apache/libphp5.so > /dev/null sed -i "/AddType application\/x-httpd-php .php/d" /etc/httpd/httpd.conf sed -i "s|\(DirectoryIndex .*\)index.php\(.*\)|\1\2|" /etc/httpd/httpd.conf service httpd condrestart fi exit 0 %files -n apache-mod_php %defattr(-,root,root) %{_libdir}/apache/libphp5.so %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/httpd/httpd.d/php.conf %files -n php-imap -f files.imap %defattr(-,root,root) %files -n php-ldap -f files.ldap %defattr(-,root,root) %files -n php-mysql -f files.mysql %defattr(-,root,root) %files -n php-mysqli -f files.mysqli %defattr(-,root,root) %files -n php-odbc -f files.odbc %defattr(-,root,root) %files -n php-opcache -f files.opcache %defattr(-,root,root) %files -n php-openssl -f files.openssl %defattr(-,root,root) %files -n php-pdo -f files.pdo %defattr(-,root,root) %files -n php-pgsql -f files.pgsql %defattr(-,root,root) %files -n php-sqlite -f files.sqlite3 %defattr(-,root,root) %files -n php-xsl -f files.xsl %defattr(-,root,root) %changelog * Thu Feb 05 2015 Silvan Calarco 5.6.5-2mamba - rebuilt with exif and intl enabled - fix default INCLUDE_PATH after splitting php-pear * Fri Jan 23 2015 Automatic Build System 5.6.5-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Sat Dec 27 2014 Automatic Build System 5.6.4-1mamba - automatic update by autodist * Fri Nov 14 2014 Automatic Build System 5.6.3-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Thu Oct 16 2014 Automatic Build System 5.6.2-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Fri Oct 03 2014 Automatic Build System 5.6.1-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Thu Aug 28 2014 Automatic Build System 5.6.0-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Fri Aug 22 2014 Automatic Build System 5.5.16-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Thu Jul 24 2014 Automatic Build System 5.5.15-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Thu Jun 26 2014 Automatic Build System 5.5.14-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Thu Jun 05 2014 Automatic Build System 5.5.13-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Thu May 01 2014 Automatic Build System 5.5.12-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Thu Apr 03 2014 Automatic Build System 5.5.11-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Thu Mar 06 2014 Automatic Build System 5.5.10-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Thu Feb 06 2014 Automatic Build System 5.5.9-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Wed Jan 29 2014 Silvan Calarco 5.5.8-2mamba - rebuilt with system libgd 2.1.0 * Wed Jan 15 2014 Silvan Calarco 5.5.8-1mamba - update to 5.5.8 * Thu Nov 14 2013 Automatic Build System 5.5.6-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Thu Oct 17 2013 Automatic Build System 5.5.5-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Fri Sep 20 2013 Automatic Build System 5.5.4-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Fri Aug 23 2013 Automatic Build System 5.5.3-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Fri Aug 16 2013 Automatic Build System 5.5.2-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Sat Jul 27 2013 Automatic Build System 5.5.1-1mamba - update to 5.5.1 * Sun Jul 14 2013 Automatic Build System 5.4.17-1mamba - update to 5.4.17 * Fri Jun 07 2013 Automatic Build System 5.4.16-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Sat May 11 2013 Automatic Build System 5.4.15-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Thu Apr 11 2013 Automatic Build System 5.4.14-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Tue Mar 19 2013 Silvan Calarco 5.4.13-2mamba - sync with 5.4.13 formerly present in devel-makedist - removed requirements for pear-PHP_Archive * Tue Mar 19 2013 Silvan Calarco 5.4.13-1mamba - update to 5.4.13 * Wed Mar 13 2013 Davide Madrisan 5.4.12-2mamba - rebuilt by adding `--with-config-file-scan-dir=%{_sysconfdir}/php.d' - create a .ini file for each php extension - move manpages for php-config and phpize to the devel package - build requires libaprutil-devel and pear-PHP_Archive - build with `--with-sqlite3=shared' * Sat Feb 23 2013 Automatic Build System 5.4.12-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Wed Feb 20 2013 Silvan Calarco 5.4.11-3mamba - addded --enable-pdo=shared to fix pdo_sqlite * Mon Feb 18 2013 Silvan Calarco 5.4.11-2mamba - updated php.conf for apache 2.4 - remove old extension=sqlite.so from php.ini * Thu Jan 17 2013 Automatic Build System 5.4.11-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Sat Jan 12 2013 Automatic Build System 5.4.10-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Fri Nov 23 2012 Automatic Build System 5.4.9-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Thu Oct 18 2012 Automatic Build System 5.4.8-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Sat Oct 13 2012 Automatic Build System 5.4.7-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Sat Sep 29 2012 Silvan Calarco 5.3.17-1mamba - update to 5.3.17 - added --enable-zip * Sat May 12 2012 Silvan Calarco 5.3.13-1mamba - update to 5.3.13 - built with apache 2.4.2 * Sun Oct 23 2011 Silvan Calarco 5.2.17-1mamba - update to 5.2.17 - added soap extension * Tue Jul 27 2010 Silvan Calarco 5.2.14-1mamba - update to 5.2.14 * Tue Jun 29 2010 Silvan Calarco 5.2.13-1mamba - update to 5.2.13 * Fri Apr 09 2010 Silvan Calarco 5.2.11-5mamba - fix extension_dir if wrong in php.ini * Tue Mar 16 2010 Silvan Calarco 5.2.11-4mamba - php.ini: fix extension_dir setting in sample configuration * Sat Feb 06 2010 Davide Madrisan 5.2.11-3mamba - fix the value of extensiondir via the EXTENSION_DIR environment variable - own %{_libdir}/php/extensions * Tue Oct 20 2009 Silvan Calarco 5.2.11-2mamba - added security patch for BID#36554 and 36555 (http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/36555) * Tue Oct 20 2009 Silvan Calarco 5.2.11-1mamba - update to 5.2.11 * Sun Jun 21 2009 Automatic Build System 5.2.10-1mamba - automatic update to 5.2.10 by autodist * Thu Jun 11 2009 Silvan Calarco 5.2.9-6mamba - rebuilt in devel (remove dependency on libxcb-xlib) - added --enable-calendar configure option * Wed Jun 10 2009 Fabio Giani 5.2.9-5mamba - added MySQLi support - added a buildrequirement for libaprutil-devel * Mon Jun 08 2009 Automatic Build System 5.2.9-4mamba - automatic rebuild by autodist * Thu May 21 2009 Automatic Build System 5.2.9-3mamba - automatic rebuild by autodist * Fri Mar 13 2009 Silvan Calarco 5.2.9-2mamba - rebuilt with --enable-mbstring (required by SugarCE) * Wed Feb 25 2009 Silvan Calarco 5.2.9-1mamba - automatic update to 5.2.9 by autodist * Wed Dec 10 2008 Silvan Calarco 5.2.8-2mamba - rebuilt with --enable-sockets * Mon Dec 08 2008 Silvan Calarco 5.2.8-1mamba - automatic update to 5.2.8 by autodist * Thu May 29 2008 Silvan Calarco 5.2.6-1mamba - update to 5.2.6 * Wed Feb 06 2008 Silvan Calarco 5.2.5-2mamba - PDO database extensions enabled for ODBC, MySql, SqLite and Postgresql - added php-sqlite subpackage * Mon Dec 03 2007 Silvan Calarco 5.2.5-1mamba - update to 5.2.5 * Wed Sep 19 2007 Silvan Calarco 5.2.4-1mamba - update to 5.2.4 - hardening patch removed - xmlrpc feature enabled * Fri Oct 20 2006 Davide Madrisan 5.1.5-2qilnx - added a build requirements for libe2fs-devel * Thu Aug 31 2006 Davide Madrisan 5.1.5-1qilnx - update to version 5.1.5 by autospec - this version fixes several security issues (bugtraq#62,#101) * Tue May 09 2006 Davide Madrisan 5.1.4-1qilnx - update to version 5.1.4 by autospec * Mon Mar 20 2006 Davide Madrisan 5.1.2-2qilnx - apache-mod_php prerequires apr-1-config and apu-1-config * Thu Mar 02 2006 Silvan Calarco 5.1.2-1qilnx - update to version 5.1.2 by autospec * Wed Oct 19 2005 Davide Madrisan 5.0.5-2qilnx - buildrequires /usr/sbin/sendmail * Mon Sep 19 2005 Davide Madrisan 5.0.5-1qilnx - update to version 5.0.5 by autospec - added last available patch from the Hardened-PHP Project - updated pear.php.net packages (HTTP, Mail, and Net_SMTP) - apache configuration: remove loading of the PHP4 module - dinamically get the version of the installed apache server (apache_ver) * Wed Jun 15 2005 Silvan Calarco 5.0.4-2qilnx - disable modules in php.ini by default; will be enabled by module packages installation scripts * Tue Jun 14 2005 Silvan Calarco 5.0.4-1qilnx - update to version 5.0.4 by autospec * Fri Jun 10 2005 Silvan Calarco 4.3.11-2qilnx - added pluggable configuration for Apache (/etc/httpd/httpd.d/php.conf) * Mon Apr 18 2005 Davide Madrisan 4.3.11-1qilnx - update to version 4.3.11 by autospec - also fix security issues QSA-2005-048 (CAN-2004-1392, CAN-2005-[1042,1043]) - fixed package groups - added PEAR packages omitted from the 4.3.11 tarball - fixed package license * Tue Feb 08 2005 Silvan Calarco 4.3.10-1qilnx - update to version 4.3.10 by autospec * Thu Dec 09 2004 Silvan Calarco 4.3.9-2qilnx - fix requirement for apache_modphp: version = php_ver, not >= * Thu Oct 28 2004 Silvan Calarco 4.3.9-1qilnx - new version build - removed libdb.so dependency * Mon Aug 02 2004 Silvan Calarco 4.3.8-3qilnx - really use external libgd (in 4.3.8-2 it was still using the builtin library) * Wed Jul 28 2004 Silvan Calarco 4.3.8-2qilnx - rebuild with new libgd version - use external mysql and gd libraries (don't use PHP's builtin) * Mon Jul 19 2004 Davide Madrisan 4.3.8-1qilnx - new version rebuild - fixes security issues: CAN-2004-0594, CAN-2004-0595 * Wed Apr 21 2004 Davide Madrisan 4.3.6-1qilnx - new version rebuild * Wed Apr 07 2004 Davide Madrisan 4.3.5-1qilnx - new version rebuild * Tue Feb 17 2004 Silvan Calarco 4.3.4-3qilnx - added apache-mod_php requirement of php - fixed AddType line configuration in httpd.conf - shared extensions enabled * Thu Dec 23 2003 Silvan Calarco 4.3.4-2qilnx - added libmcrypt support * Thu Dec 18 2003 Silvan Calarco 4.3.4-1qilnx - new version rebuild - added xslt support - added imap-ssl support * Tue Sep 09 2003 Silvan Calarco 4.3.3-1qilnx - rebuilt with gettext support * Tue Jun 17 2003 Silvan Calarco 4.3.2-2qilnx - added default php.ini * Wed Jun 04 2003 Alessandro Ramazzina 4.3.2-1qilnx - creation of php package