Unicode::EastAsianWidth - East Asian Width properties https://www.cpan.org/
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2024-01-06 09:51:35 +01:00
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This module provide user-defined Unicode properties that deal with East Asian characters' width status, as specified in http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr11</http:>. It exports the following functions to the caller's scope, to be used by Perl's Unicode matching system: "InEastAsianFullwidth", "InEastAsianHalfwidth", "InEastAsianAmbiguous", "InEastAsianNarrow" "InEastAsianWide", "InEastAsianNeutral". In accord to TR11 cited above, two additional context-sensitive properties are exported: "InFullwidth" (union of "Fullwidth" and "Wide") and "InHalfwidth" (union of "Halfwidth", "Narrow" and "Neutral"). Ambiguous characters are treated by default as part of "InHalfwidth", but you can modify this behaviour by assigning a true value to $Unicode::EastAsianWidth::EastAsian.