# perl-Unicode-EastAsianWidth This module provide user-defined Unicode properties that deal with East Asian characters' width status, as specified in . It exports the following functions to the caller's scope, to be used by Perl's Unicode matching system: "InEastAsianFullwidth", "InEastAsianHalfwidth", "InEastAsianAmbiguous", "InEastAsianNarrow" "InEastAsianWide", "InEastAsianNeutral". In accord to TR11 cited above, two additional context-sensitive properties are exported: "InFullwidth" (union of "Fullwidth" and "Wide") and "InHalfwidth" (union of "Halfwidth", "Narrow" and "Neutral"). *Ambiguous* characters are treated by default as part of "InHalfwidth", but you can modify this behaviour by assigning a true value to $Unicode::EastAsianWidth::EastAsian.