975 lines
32 KiB
975 lines
32 KiB
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# 14all.cgi
# create html pages and graphics with rrdtool for mrtg + rrdtool
# (c) 1999-2002 bawidama@users.sourceforge.net
# use freely, but: NO WARRANTY - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
# license: GPL
# if MRTG_lib.pm (from mrtg) is not in the module search path (@INC)
# uncomment the following line and change the path appropriatly:
use lib qw(/usr/lib/mrtg2);
# if RRDs (rrdtool perl module) is not in the module search path (@INC)
# uncomment the following line and change the path appropriatly
# or use a LibAdd: setting in the config file
#use lib qw(/usr/local/rrdtool-1.0.38/lib/perl);
# RCS History - removed as it's available on the web
my $rcsid = '$Id: 14all.cgi,v 2.25 2003/01/05 18:39:51 bawidama Exp $';
my $subversion = (split(/ /,$rcsid))[2];
$subversion =~ m/^\d+\.(\d+)$/;
my $version = "14all.cgi 1.1p$1";
# my $DEBUG = 0; has gone - use config "14all*GraphErrorsToBrowser: 1"
use strict;
use CGI;
BEGIN { eval { require CGI::Carp; import CGI::Carp qw/fatalsToBrowser/ }
if $^O !~ m/Win/i };
use MRTG_lib "2.090003";
sub main();
sub set_graph_params($$$$);
sub show_graph($$$);
sub show_log($$$);
sub show_dir($$$);
sub print_error($@);
sub intmax(@);
sub yesorno($);
sub get_graph_params($$$);
sub getdirwriteable($$);
sub getpngsize($);
sub errorpng();
sub gettextpic($);
sub log_rrdtool_call($$@);
# global, static vars
my ($cfgfile, $cfgfiledir);
my (@author, @style);
### where the mrtg.cfg file is
# anywhere in the filespace
#$cfgfile = '/home/mrtg/mrtg.cfg';
# relative to the script
#$cfgfile = 'mrtg.cfg';
# use this so 14all.cgi gets the cfgfile name from the script name
# (14all.cgi -> 14all.cfg)
$cfgfile = '/etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg';
# if you want to store your config files in a different place than your cgis:
$cfgfiledir = '';
### customize the html pages
@author = ( -author => 'bawidama@users.sourceforge.net');
# one possibility to enable stylesheets (second is to use "AddHead[_]:..." in mrtg.cfg)
#@style = ( -style => { -src => 'general.css' });
# static data
my @headeropts = (@author, @style);
my %myrules = (
'14all*errorpic' =>
[sub{$_[0] && (-r $_[0] )}, sub{"14all*ErrorPic '$_[0]' not found/readable"}],
'14all*grapherrorstobrowser' => [sub{1}, sub{"Internal Error"}],
'14all*columns' =>
[sub{int($_[0]) >= 1}, sub{"14all*Columns must be at least 1 (is '$_[0]')"}],
'14all*rrdtoollog' =>
[sub{$_[0] && (!-d $_[0] )}, sub{"14all*RRDToolLog must be a writable file"}],
'14all*background' =>
[sub{$_[0] =~ /^#[0-9a-f]{6}$/i}, sub{"14all*background colour not in form '#xxxxxx', x in [a-f0-9]"}],
'14all*logarithmic[]' => [sub{1}, sub{"Internal Error"}],
'14all*graphtotal[]' => [sub{1}, sub{"Internal Error"}],
'14all*dontshowindexgraph[]' => [sub{1}, sub{"Internal Error"}],
'14all*indexgraph[]' => [sub{1}, sub{"Internal Error"}],
'14all*indexgraphsize[]' =>
[sub{$_[0] =~ m/^\d+[,\s]+\d+$/o}, sub{"14all*indexgraphsize: need two numbers"}],
'14all*maxrules[]' => [sub{1}, sub{"Internal Error"}],
'14all*stackgraph[]' => [sub{1}, sub{"Internal Error"}],
my %graphparams = (
'daily' => ['-2000m', 'now', 300],
'weekly' => ['-12000m','now', 1800],
'monthly' => ['-800h', 'now', 7200],
'yearly' => ['-400d', 'now', 86400],
'daily.s' => ['-1250m', 'now', 300],
# the footer we print on every page
my $footer_template = <<"EOT";
BORDER=0 SRC="##ICONDIR##mrtg-l.gif"></A></TD>
<TD WIDTH=25><A ALT=""
BORDER=0 SRC="##ICONDIR##mrtg-m.gif"></A></TD>
<TD WIDTH=388><A ALT=""
BORDER=0 SRC="##ICONDIR##mrtg-r.gif"></A></TD>
<TD WIDTH=88 ALIGN=RIGHT><FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica" SIZE=2>Version ${MRTG_lib::VERSION}</FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH=388 ALIGN=RIGHT><FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica" SIZE=2>
<A HREF="http://ee-staff.ethz.ch/~oetiker/">Tobias Oetiker</A>
<A HREF="mailto:oetiker\@ee.ethz.ch"><oetiker\@ee.ethz.ch></A> and
<A HREF="http://www.bungi.com">Dave Rand</A>
<A HREF="mailto:dlr\@bungi.com"><dlr\@bungi.com></A>
<TD WIDTH=88 ALIGN=RIGHT><FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica" SIZE=2><a
<TD WIDTH=388 ALIGN=RIGHT><FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica" SIZE=2>
Rainer Bawidamann
<A HREF="mailto:bawidama\@users.sourceforge.net"><bawidama\@users.sourceforge.net></A></FONT>
# global vars, persistent for speecyCGI/mod_perl
%my14all::config_cache = ();
$my14all::meurl = '';
# run main
# end.
sub main() {
if (!$cfgfile && $#ARGV == 0 && $ARGV[0] !~ m/=/ && !exists($ENV{QUERY_STRING})) {
$cfgfile = shift @ARGV;
my %setup;
# initialize CGI
my $q = new CGI;
$setup{q} = $q;
# change for mrtg-2.9.*
# look for the config file
$my14all::meurl = $q->url(-relative => 1);
my $l_cfgfile; # don't change what is set above in the CGI
if (defined $q->param('cfg')) {
$l_cfgfile = $q->param('cfg');
# security fix: don't allow ./ in the config file name
print_error($q, "Illegal characters in cfg param: ./")
if $l_cfgfile =~ m'(^/)|(\./)';
$l_cfgfile = $cfgfiledir.$l_cfgfile unless -r $l_cfgfile;
print_error($q, "Cannot find the given config file: \<tt>$l_cfgfile\</tt>")
unless -r $l_cfgfile;
} elsif (!$cfgfile) {
$l_cfgfile = $my14all::meurl;
$l_cfgfile =~ s|.*\Q$MRTG_lib::SL\E||;
$l_cfgfile =~ s/\.(cgi|pl|perl)$/.cfg/;
#$my14all::meurl =~ m{\Q$MRTG_lib::SL\E([^\Q$MRTG_lib::SL\E]*)\.(cgi|pl)$};
#$l_cfgfile = $1 . '.cfg';
$l_cfgfile = $cfgfiledir.$l_cfgfile unless -r $l_cfgfile;
} else {
$l_cfgfile = $cfgfile;
# now we have the name of the config file.
# we might already have it with speedyCGI or mod_perl
my $read_file = 1;
my @cfg_stat = stat($l_cfgfile);
if (exists $my14all::config_cache{config}{$l_cfgfile}{mtime} &&
$cfg_stat[9] <= $my14all::config_cache{config}{$l_cfgfile}{mtime})
$read_file = 0;
# read the config file
if ($read_file) {
# wipe old config
delete $my14all::config_cache{config}{$l_cfgfile}
if exists $my14all::config_cache{config}{$l_cfgfile};
my (@sorted, %config, %targets);
readcfg($l_cfgfile, \@sorted, \%config, \%targets, "14all", \%myrules);
my @processed_targets;
cfgcheck(\@sorted, \%config, \%targets, \@processed_targets);
# set default refresh
if (exists $config{refresh} && yesorno($config{refresh})
&& $config{refresh} !~ m/^\d*[1-9]\d*$/o) {
$config{refresh} = $config{interval} * 60;
# store config in "cache"
$my14all::config_cache{config}{$l_cfgfile}{sorted} = \@sorted;
$my14all::config_cache{config}{$l_cfgfile}{config} = \%config;
$my14all::config_cache{config}{$l_cfgfile}{targets} = \%targets;
$my14all::config_cache{config}{$l_cfgfile}{processed_targets} = \@processed_targets;
$my14all::config_cache{config}{$l_cfgfile}{mtime} = $cfg_stat[9];
# add LibAdd from config for RRDs.pm
if ($config{libadd}) {
unshift @INC, $config{libadd};
# load the rrdtool perl extension
eval "use RRDs 1.00038";
my $cfg = $my14all::config_cache{config}{$l_cfgfile};
my $footer = $footer_template;
# make sure icondir is set (should be done by mrtg)
$cfg->{config}{icondir} ||= $cfg->{config}{workdir};
# put icondir into footer
$footer =~ s/##ICONDIR##/$cfg->{config}{icondir}/g;
my $log = '_';
if (defined $q->param('log')) {
$log = $q->param('log');
# set timezone for rrdtool
if ($cfg->{targets}{timezone}{$log}) {
$ENV{"TZ"} = $cfg->{targets}{timezone}{$log};
### the main switch
# the modes:
# if parameter "dir" is given show a list of the targets in this "directory"
# elsif parameter "png" is given show a graphic for the target given w/ parameter "log"
# elsif parameter "log" is given show the page for this target
# else show a list of directories and of targets w/o directory
# parameter "cfg" can hold the name of the config file to use
if (defined $q->param('dir')) {
show_dir($cfg, $q, $q->param('dir'));
} elsif (defined $q->param('png')) {
show_graph($cfg, $q, $q->param('png'));
exit(0); # don't show (html) footer
} elsif (defined $q->param('log')) {
show_log($cfg, $q, $q->param('log'));
} else {
show_dir($cfg, $q, '');
if (!$cfg->{targets}{options}{nobanner}{$log}) {
print $footer;
print $q->end_html();
sub set_graph_params($$$$) {
# calculate graph params and store in config
my ($cfg, $log, $png, $small) = @_;
unless (exists $cfg->{targets}{target}{$log}) {
return "target '$log' unknown";
my ($start, $end, $maxage);
my $graphparams = $cfg->{targets}{"graph*$png"}{$log};
if ($graphparams) {
($start, $end, $maxage) = split(/[,\s]+/, $graphparams, 3);
unless ($start && $end && $maxage) {
unless (exists $graphparams{$png}) {
return "CGI call error: graph '$png' unknown";
($start, $end, $maxage) = @{$graphparams{$png}};
my ($xs, $ys);
if ($small) {
($xs, $ys) = (250, 100);
($xs, $ys) = ($cfg->{targets}{'14all*indexgraphsize'}{$log} =~ m/(\d+)[,\s]+(\d+)/)
if $cfg->{targets}{'14all*indexgraphsize'}{$log};
} else {
($xs, $ys) = ($cfg->{targets}{xsize}{$log}, $cfg->{targets}{ysize}{$log});
unless ($xs && $ys) {
return "cannot get image sizes for graph $png / target $log";
my $rrd = $cfg->{config}{logdir}.$cfg->{targets}{directory}{$log} . $log . '.rrd';
# escape ':' and '\' with \ in $rrd
# (rrdtool replaces '\:' by ':' and '\\' by '\')
$rrd =~ s/([:\\])/\\$1/g;
my $pngdir = getdirwriteable($cfg->{config}{imagedir}, $cfg->{targets}{directory}{$log});
$png .= '-i' if $small;
my $pngfile = "${pngdir}${log}-${png}.png";
# build the rrd command line: set the starttime and the graphics format (PNG)
my @args = ($pngfile, '-s', $start, '-e', $end, '-a', 'PNG');
# if it's not a small picture set the legends
my ($l1,$l2,$l3,$l4,$li,$lo) = ('','','','','','');
my ($ri, $ro) = ('','');
# set the size of the graph
push @args, '-w', $xs, '-h', $ys;
# set scale factor and legend defaults
my $per_unit = 'Second';
my $persec = 'Bytes';
my $factor = 1; # should we scale the values?
if ($cfg->{targets}{options}{perminute}{$log}) {
$factor = 60; # perminute -> 60x
$per_unit = 'Minute';
} elsif ($cfg->{targets}{options}{perhour}{$log}) {
$factor = 3600; # perhour -> 3600x
$per_unit = 'Hour';
if ($cfg->{targets}{options}{bits}{$log}) {
$factor *= 8; # bits instead of bytes -> 8x
$persec = 'Bits';
# let the user give an arbitrary factor:
if ($cfg->{targets}{factor}{$log} and
$cfg->{targets}{factor}{$log} =~ m/^[-+]?\d+(.\d+)?([eE][+-]?\d+)?$/)
$factor *= 0+$cfg->{targets}{factor}{$log};
# check if only one value should be graphed (set vars for fast access)
my $noi = $cfg->{targets}{options}{noi}{$log};
my $noo = $cfg->{targets}{options}{noo}{$log};
# prepare the legends
if (!$small && !$cfg->{targets}{options}{nolegend}{$log}) {
foreach (qw/legend1 legend2 legend3 legend4 legendi legendo legendy shortlegend/) {
if ($cfg->{targets}{$_}{$log}) {
$cfg->{targets}{$_}{$log} =~ s' ' 'go; #'
$cfg->{targets}{$_}{$log} =~ s/%/%%/go;
if ($cfg->{targets}{ylegend}{$log}) {
push @args, '-v', $cfg->{targets}{ylegend}{$log};
} else {
push @args, '-v', "$persec per $per_unit";
if ($cfg->{targets}{legend1}{$log}) {
$l1 = ":".$cfg->{targets}{legend1}{$log}."\\l"; }
else {
$l1 = ":Incoming Traffic in $persec per $per_unit\\l"; }
if ($cfg->{targets}{legend2}{$log}) {
$l2 = ":".$cfg->{targets}{legend2}{$log}."\\l"; }
else {
$l2 = ":Outgoing Traffic in $persec per $per_unit\\l"; }
if ($cfg->{targets}{legend3}{$log}) {
$l3 = ":".$cfg->{targets}{legend3}{$log}."\\l"; }
else {
$l3 = ":Maximal 5 Minute Incoming Traffic\\l"; }
if ($cfg->{targets}{legend4}{$log}) {
$l4 = ":".$cfg->{targets}{legend4}{$log}."\\l"; }
else {
$l4 = ":Maximal 5 Minute Outgoing Traffic\\l"; }
if (exists $cfg->{targets}{legendi}{$log}) {
$li = $cfg->{targets}{legendi}{$log}; }
else { $li = "In: "; }
$li =~ s':'\\:'; # ' quote :
if (exists $cfg->{targets}{legendo}{$log}) {
$lo = $cfg->{targets}{legendo}{$log}; }
else { $lo = "Out:"; }
$lo =~ s':'\\:'; # ' quote :
if ($cfg->{targets}{options}{integer}{$log}) {
$li .= ' %9.0lf' if $li;
$lo .= ' %9.0lf' if $lo;
$ri = '%3.0lf%%';
$ro = '%3.0lf%%';
} else {
$li .= ' %8.3lf' if $li;
$lo .= ' %8.3lf' if $lo;
$ri = '%6.2lf%%';
$ro = '%6.2lf%%';
if (!exists($cfg->{targets}{kmg}{$log}) || $cfg->{targets}{kmg}{$log}) {
$li .= ' %s' if $li;
$lo .= ' %s' if $lo;
if ($cfg->{targets}{kilo}{$log}) {
push @args, '-b', $cfg->{targets}{kilo}{$log};
if ($cfg->{targets}{shortlegend}{$log}) {
$li .= $cfg->{targets}{shortlegend}{$log} if $li;
$lo .= $cfg->{targets}{shortlegend}{$log} if $lo;
my $pngchar = substr($png,0,1);
if ($pngchar and $cfg->{targets}{unscaled}{$log} and
$cfg->{targets}{unscaled}{$log} =~ m/$pngchar/) {
my $max = intmax($cfg->{targets}{maxbytes}{$log},
$max *= $factor;
push @args, '-l', 0, '-u', $max, '-r';
} elsif (yesorno($cfg->{targets}{'14all*logarithmic'}{$log})) {
push @args, '-o';
push @args,'--alt-y-mrtg','--lazy','-c','MGRID#ee0000','-c','GRID#000000';
# contributed by Henry Chen: option to stack the two values
# set the mode of the second line from config
my $line2 = 'LINE1:';
if (yesorno($cfg->{targets}{'14all*stackgraph'}{$log})) {
$line2 = 'STACK:';
# now build the graph calculation commands
# ds0/ds1 hold the normal data sources to graph/gprint
my ($ds0, $ds1) = ('in', 'out');
push @args, "DEF:$ds0=$rrd:ds0:AVERAGE", "DEF:$ds1=$rrd:ds1:AVERAGE";
if (defined $cfg->{targets}{options}{unknaszero}{$log}) {
push @args, "CDEF:uin=$ds0,UN,0,$ds0,IF",
($ds0, $ds1) = ('uin', 'uout');
if ($factor != 1) {
# scale the values. we need a CDEF for this
push @args, "CDEF:fin=$ds0,$factor,*","CDEF:fout=$ds1,$factor,*";
($ds0, $ds1) = ('fin', 'fout');
my $maximum0 = $cfg->{targets}{maxbytes1}{$log} || $cfg->{targets}{maxbytes}{$log};
my $maximum1 = $cfg->{targets}{maxbytes2}{$log} || $cfg->{targets}{maxbytes}{$log};
$maximum0 = 1 unless $maximum0;
$maximum1 = 1 unless $maximum1;
# ps0/ps1 hold the percentage data source for gprint
my ($ps0, $ps1) = ('pin', 'pout');
push @args, "CDEF:pin=$ds0,$maximum0,/,100,*,$factor,/",
if (yesorno($cfg->{targets}{'14all*graphtotal'}{$log})
&& $small) {
push @args, "CDEF:total=$ds0,$ds1,+", "LINE1:total#ffa050:Total AVG\\l";
# now for the peak graphs / maximum values
# mx0/mx1 hold the maximum data source for graph/gprint
my ($mx0, $mx1) = ($ds0, $ds1);
# px0/px1 hold the maximum pecentage data source for gprint
my ($px0, $px1) = ($ps0, $ps1);
if (!$small) {
# the defs for the maximum values: for the legend ('MAX') and probabely
# for the 'withpeak' graphs
push @args, "DEF:min=$rrd:ds0:MAX", "DEF:mout=$rrd:ds1:MAX";
($mx0, $mx1) = ('min', 'mout');
if (defined $cfg->{targets}{options}{unknaszero}{$log}) {
push @args, "CDEF:umin=$mx0,UN,0,$mx0,IF",
($mx0, $mx1) = ('umin', 'umout');
if ($factor != 1) {
# scale the values. we need a CDEF for this
push @args, "CDEF:fmin=$mx0,$factor,*","CDEF:fmout=$mx1,$factor,*";
($mx0, $mx1) = ('fmin', 'fmout');
# draw peak lines if configured
if ($cfg->{targets}{withpeak}{$log} &&
substr($png,0,1) =~ /[$cfg->{targets}{withpeak}{$log} ]/) {
push @args, "AREA:".$mx0.$cfg->{targets}{rgb3}{$log}.$l3 unless $noi;
push @args, $line2.$mx1.$cfg->{targets}{rgb4}{$log}.$l4 unless $noo;
if (yesorno($cfg->{targets}{'14all*graphtotal'}{$log})) {
push @args, "CDEF:mtotal=$mx0,$mx1,+", "LINE1:mtotal#ff5050:Total MAX\\l";
push @args, "CDEF:pmin=$mx0,$maximum0,/,100,*,$factor,/",
($px0, $px1) = ('pmin', 'pmout');
# the commands to draw the values
my (@hr1, @hr2);
if (!$small && yesorno($cfg->{targets}{'14all*maxrules'}{$log})) {
chop $l1; chop $l1; chop $l2; chop $l2;
@hr1 = (sprintf("HRULE:%d#ff4400: MaxBytes1\\l",$maximum0*$factor));
@hr2 = (sprintf("HRULE:%d#aa0000: MaxBytes2\\l",$maximum1*$factor));
push @args, "AREA:".$ds0.$cfg->{targets}{rgb1}{$log}.$l1, @hr1 unless $noi;
push @args, $line2.$ds1.$cfg->{targets}{rgb2}{$log}.$l2, @hr2 unless $noo;
if (!$small && !$cfg->{targets}{options}{nolegend}{$log}) {
# print the legends
# order matters so noi/noo makes this ugly
if ($cfg->{targets}{options}{nopercent}{$log}) {
push @args, "GPRINT:$mx0:MAX:Maximal $li" if $li && !$noi;
push @args, "GPRINT:$mx1:MAX:Maximal $lo\\l" if $lo && !$noo;
push @args, "GPRINT:$ds0:AVERAGE:Average $li" if $li && !$noi;
push @args, "GPRINT:$ds1:AVERAGE:Average $lo\\l" if $lo && !$noo;
push @args, "GPRINT:$ds0:LAST:Current $li" if $li && !$noi;
push @args, "GPRINT:$ds1:LAST:Current $lo\\l" if $lo && !$noo;
} else {
push @args,
"GPRINT:$mx0:MAX:Maximal $li",
"GPRINT:$px0:MAX:($ri)" if $li && !$noi;
push @args,
"GPRINT:$mx1:MAX:Maximal $lo",
"GPRINT:$px1:MAX:($ro)\\l" if $lo && !$noo;
push @args,
"GPRINT:$ds0:AVERAGE:Average $li",
"GPRINT:$ps0:AVERAGE:($ri)" if $li && !$noi;
push @args,
"GPRINT:$ds1:AVERAGE:Average $lo",
"GPRINT:$ps1:AVERAGE:($ro)\\l" if $lo && !$noo;
push @args,
"GPRINT:$ds0:LAST:Current $li",
"GPRINT:$ps0:LAST:($ri)" if $li && !$noi;
push @args,
"GPRINT:$ds1:LAST:Current $lo",
"GPRINT:$ps1:LAST:($ro)\\l" if $lo && !$noo;
# store rrdtool arg list for speedCGI/mod_perl mode
$cfg->{rrdargs}{$log}{$png}{args} = \@args;
$cfg->{rrdargs}{$log}{$png}{pngdir} = $pngdir;
$cfg->{rrdargs}{$log}{$png}{pngfile} = $pngfile;
$cfg->{rrdargs}{$log}{$png}{maxage} = $maxage;
return '';
sub show_graph($$$) {
# send a graphic, create it if necessary
my ($cfg, $q, $png) = @_;
my $log = $q->param('log');
my $small = $q->param('small') ? '-i' : '';
my $errstr = '';
if (!$log) {
$errstr="CGI call error: missing param 'log'";
goto ERROR;
unless (exists $cfg->{targets}{target}{$log}) {
$errstr="target '$log' unknown";
goto ERROR;
# fix a problem with indexmaker
if ($small) {
my %imaker = qw/day.s daily.s week.s weekly month.s monthly year.s yearly/;
if (exists $imaker{$png}) {
$png = $imaker{$png};
my $argsref;
if (!exists $cfg->{rrdargs}{$log}{"$png$small"}{args}) {
$errstr = set_graph_params($cfg, $log, $png, $small);
goto ERROR if $errstr;
$argsref = $cfg->{rrdargs}{$log}{"$png$small"}{args};
# fire up rrdtool
my ($a, $rrdx, $rrdy) = RRDs::graph(@$argsref);
my $e = RRDs::error();
my $pngfile = $cfg->{rrdargs}{$log}{"$png$small"}{pngfile};
if ($e) {
my $pngdir = $cfg->{rrdargs}{$log}{"$png$small"}{pngdir};
if (!-w $pngdir) {
$errstr = "cannot write to graph dir $pngdir\nrrdtool error: $e";
} elsif (-e $pngfile and !-w _) {
$errstr = "cannot write $pngfile\nrrdtool error: $e";
} elsif (-e $pngfile) {
if (unlink($pngfile)) {
# try rrdtool a second time
($a, $rrdx, $rrdy) = RRDs::graph(@$argsref);
$e = RRDs::error();
$errstr = $e ? $errstr."\nrrdtool error from 2. call: $e" : '';
} else {
$errstr = "cannot delete file $pngfile: $!";
} else {
$errstr = "cannot create graph\nrrdtool error: $e";
unless ($errstr) {
if (open(PNG, "<$pngfile")) {
my $maxage = $cfg->{rrdargs}{$log}{"$png$small"}{maxage};
print $q->header(-type => "image/png", -expires => "+${maxage}s");
binmode(PNG); binmode(STDOUT);
while(read PNG, my $buf, 16384) { print STDOUT $buf; }
close PNG;
$errstr = "cannot read graph file: $!";
if (yesorno($cfg->{config}{'14all*grapherrorstobrowser'})) {
my ($errpic, $format) = gettextpic($errstr);
print $q->header(-type => $format, -expires => 'now');
print $errpic;
$log ||= '_';
if (defined $cfg->{targets}{options}{'14all*errorpic'}{$log} &&
open(PNG, $cfg->{targets}{options}{'14all*errorpic'}{$log})) {
print $q->header(-type => "image/png", -expires => 'now');
binmode(PNG); binmode(STDOUT);
while(read PNG, my $buf,16384) { print STDOUT $buf; }
close PNG;
print $q->header(-type => "image/png", -expires => 'now');
print pack("C*", errorpng());
sub show_log($$$) {
# show the graphics for one target
my ($cfg, $q, $log) = @_;
print_error($q,"Target '$log' unknown") if (!exists $cfg->{targets}{target}{$log});
my $title;
# user defined title?
if ($cfg->{targets}{title}{$log}) {
$title = $cfg->{targets}{title}{$log};
} else {
$title = "MRTG/RRD - Target $log";
my @httphead;
push @httphead, (-expires => '+' . int($cfg->{config}{interval}) . 'm');
if (yesorno($cfg->{config}{refresh})) {
push @httphead, (-refresh => $cfg->{config}{refresh});
my @htmlhead = (-title => $title, @headeropts,
-bgcolor => $cfg->{targets}{background}{$log});
if ($cfg->{targets}{addhead}{$log}) {
push @htmlhead, (-head => $cfg->{targets}{addhead}{$log});
print $q->header(@httphead), $q->start_html(@htmlhead);
# user defined header line? (should exist as mrtg requires it)
print $cfg->{targets}{pagetop}{$log},"\n";
my $rrd = $cfg->{config}{logdir}.$cfg->{targets}{directory}{$log} . $log . '.rrd';
my $lasttime = RRDs::last($rrd);
print $q->hr,
"The statistics were last updated: ",$q->b(scalar(localtime($lasttime))),
$q->hr if $lasttime;
my $sup = $cfg->{targets}{suppress}{$log} || '';
my $url = "$my14all::meurl?log=$log";
my $tmpcfg = $q->param('cfg');
$url .= "&cfg=$tmpcfg" if defined $tmpcfg;
$url .= "&png";
# the header lines and tags for the graphics
my $pngdir = getdirwriteable($cfg->{config}{imagedir}, $cfg->{targets}{directory}{$log});
if ($sup !~ /d/) {
print $q->h2("'Daily' graph (5 Minute Average)"),"\n",
$q->img({src => "$url=daily", alt => "daily-graph",
), "\n";
if ($sup !~ /w/) {
print $q->h2("'Weekly' graph (30 Minute Average)"),"\n",
$q->img({src => "$url=weekly", alt => "weekly-graph",
), "\n";
if ($sup !~ /m/) {
print $q->h2("'Monthly' graph (2 Hour Average)"),"\n",
$q->img({src => "$url=monthly", alt => "monthly-graph",
), "\n";
if ($sup !~ /y/) {
print $q->h2("'Yearly' graph (1 Day Average)"),"\n",
$q->img({src => "$url=yearly", alt => "yearly-graph",
), "\n";
if ($cfg->{targets}{pagefoot}{$log}) {
print $cfg->{targets}{pagefoot}{$log};
sub show_dir($$$) {
# if no parameter - show a list of directories and targets
# without "Directory[...]" (aka root-targets)
# else show a list of targets in the given directory
my ($cfg, $q, $dir) = @_;
my @httphead;
push @httphead, (-expires =>
($dir ? '+' . int($cfg->{config}{interval}) . 'm' : '+1d') );
if (yesorno($cfg->{config}{refresh})) {
push @httphead, (-refresh => $cfg->{config}{refresh});
push @headeropts, (-bgcolor => ($cfg->{config}{'14all*background'} || '#ffffff'));
my @htmlhead = (-title =>
($dir ? "MRTG/14all - Group $dir" : "MRTG/14all $version"),
print $q->header(@httphead), $q->start_html(@htmlhead);
my (@dirs, %dirs, @logs);
# get the list of directories and "root"-targets
# or get list of targets from given directory
foreach my $tar (@{$cfg->{sorted}}) {
next if $tar =~ m/^[_\$\^]$/; # pseudo targets
if ($cfg->{targets}{directory}{$tar}) {
if ($dir) {
# show a specified dir. check this targets dir against specified
if ($dir eq $cfg->{targets}{directory}{$tar}) {
# target is from specified dir
push @logs, $tar;
next if exists $dirs{$cfg->{targets}{directory}{$tar}};
$dirs{$cfg->{targets}{directory}{$tar}} = $tar;
push @dirs, $cfg->{targets}{directory}{$tar};
} elsif (!$dir) {
# showing 'homepage', add this target
push @logs, $tar;
my $cfgstr = (defined $q->param('cfg') ? "&cfg=".$q->param('cfg') : '');
print $q->h1("Available Targets"),"\n";
my $confcolumns = $cfg->{config}{'14all*columns'} || 2;
if ($#dirs > -1) {
print $q->h2("Directories"),"\n\<table width=100\%>\n";
my $column = 0;
foreach my $tar (@dirs) {
print '<tr>' if $column == 0;
(my $link = $tar) =~ s/ /\+/g;
chop $tar; # remove / for display (from ensureSL)
print $q->td($q->a({href => "$my14all::meurl?dir=$link$cfgstr"},
if ($column >= $confcolumns) {
$column = 0;
print '</tr>';
if ($column != 0 and $column < $confcolumns) {
print '<td> </td>' x ($confcolumns - $column),"\</tr>\n";
print '</table><hr>';
my $pngdir = getdirwriteable($cfg->{config}{imagedir},$dir);
if ($#logs > -1) {
print $q->h2("Targets"),"\n\<table width=100\%>\n";
my $column = 0;
foreach my $tar (@logs) {
my $small = 0;
unless (yesorno($cfg->{targets}{'14all*dontshowindexgraph'}{$tar})) {
$small = $cfg->{targets}{'14all*indexgraph'}{$tar};
$small = 'daily.s' unless $small;
next if $tar =~ m/^[\$\^_]$/; # _ is not a real target
print '<tr>' if $column == 0;
print '<td>',
$q->p($q->a({href => "$my14all::meurl?log=$tar$cfgstr"}, $cfg->{targets}{title}{$tar}));
print $q->a({href => "$my14all::meurl?log=$tar$cfgstr"},
$q->img({src => "$my14all::meurl?log=$tar&png=$small&small=1$cfgstr",
alt => "index-graph",
if $small;
print "\</td>\n";
if ($column >= $confcolumns) {
$column = 0;
print '</tr>';
if ($column != 0 and $column < $confcolumns) {
print '<td> </td>' x ($confcolumns - $column),"\</tr>\n";
print '</table>';
sub print_error($@)
my $q = shift;
print $q->header(),
-title => 'MRTG/RRD index.cgi - Script error',
-bgcolor => '#ffffff'
$q->h1('Script Error'),
@_, $q->end_html();
exit 0;
sub intmax(@)
my (@p) = @_;
my $max = 0;
foreach my $n (@p) {
$max = int($n) if defined $n and int($n) > $max;
return $max;
sub yesorno($)
my $opt = shift;
return 0 unless defined $opt;
return 0 if $opt =~ /^((no?)|(false)|0)$/i;
return 1;
sub getdirwriteable($$)
my ($base, $sub) = @_;
$base .= $MRTG_lib::SL . $sub if $sub;
if (!-w $base) {
if ($^O =~ m/Win/i) {
$base = $ENV{'TEMP'};
$base = $ENV{'TMP'} unless $base;
$base = $MRTG_lib::SL unless $base;
} else {
$base = '/tmp/';
return $base;
use IO::File;
sub pngstring() { return chr(137)."PNG".chr(13).chr(10).chr(26).chr(10); };
sub getpngsize($)
my ($file) = @_;
my $fh = new IO::File $file;
return () unless defined $fh;
my $line;
if (sysread($fh, $line, 8) != 8 or $line ne pngstring()) {
return ();
CHUNKS: while(1) {
last CHUNKS if (sysread($fh, $line, 8) != 8);
my ($chunksize, $type) = unpack "Na4", $line;
if ($type ne "IHDR") {
last CHUNKS if (sysread($fh, $line, $chunksize + 4) != $chunksize + 4);
next CHUNKS;
last CHUNKS if (sysread($fh, $line, 8) != 8);
my ($x, $y) = unpack("NN", $line);
return ('-width' => "$x", '-height' => "$y");
return ();
# this data contains a small png with the text:
# "error: cannot create graph"
sub errorpng()
return (
sub gettextpic($) {
my ($text) = @_;
my @textsplit = split(/\n/, $text);
my $len = 0;
my $max = sub { $_[0] > $_[1] ? $_[0] : $_[1] };
my @rrdargs;
foreach (@textsplit) {
$len = &$max($len, length($_));
push @rrdargs, "COMMENT:$_\\l";
eval { require GD; 1; };
unless ($@) {
my $ys = @textsplit * (GD::gdMediumBoldFont()->height + 5);
my $xs = $len * GD::gdMediumBoldFont()->width();
my $im = new GD::Image($xs + 20, $ys + 20);
my $back = $im->colorAllocate(255,255,255);
my $red = $im->colorAllocate(255,0,0);
my $starty = 10;
foreach $text (@textsplit) {
$im->string(GD::gdMediumBoldFont(), 10, $starty, $text, $red);
$starty += 5 + GD::gdMediumBoldFont()->height;
if ($GD::VERSION lt '1.20') {
#eval 'print $im->gif';
return ($im->gif(), 'image/gif');
} elsif ($GD::VERSION ge '1.20') {
return ($im->png(), 'image/png');
if ($ENV{MOD_PERL}) {
# forking a RRDs child doesn't work with mod_perl
return (pack("C*", errorpng()), 'image/png');
# create a graphic with rrdtool
$len = &$max($len*6-60,50);
unshift @rrdargs, ('-', '-w', $len, '-h', 10, '-c', 'FONT#ff0000');
my $pid = open(P, "-|");
unless (defined $pid) {
return (pack("C*", errorpng()), 'image/png');
unless ($pid) {
exit 0;
local $/ = undef;
my $png = <P>;
close P;
unless (defined $png) {
return (pack("C*", errorpng()), 'image/png');
return ($png, 'image/png');
sub log_rrdtool_call($$@) {
my ($logfile, $error, @args) = @_;
return unless yesorno($logfile);
unless (open(LOG, '>>'.$logfile)) {
print STDERR "cannot log rrdtool call: $!\n";
print LOG "\n# call to rrdtool:\nrrdtool ";
foreach my $arg (@args) {
if (ref($arg) eq 'ARRAY') {
print LOG join(' ',@$arg),' ';
} else {
print LOG $arg," ";
print LOG "\n";
if ($error) {
print LOG "# gave ERROR: $error\n";
} else {
print LOG "# completed without error\n";
close LOG;