%define majver %(echo %version | cut -d. -f1-2) Name: kdewebkit Version: 5.9.0 Release: 1mamba Summary: KDE Frameworks 5 - Integration of the HTML rendering engine WebKit Group: System/Libraries Vendor: openmamba Distribution: openmamba Packager: Silvan Calarco URL: http://www.kde.org Source: http://download.kde.org/stable/frameworks/%{majver}/kdewebkit-%{version}.tar.xz License: GPL ## AUTOBUILDREQ-BEGIN BuildRequires: glibc-devel BuildRequires: libgcc BuildRequires: libkauth-devel BuildRequires: libkcodecs-devel BuildRequires: libkcompletion-devel BuildRequires: libkconfig-devel BuildRequires: libkconfigwidgets-devel BuildRequires: libkcoreaddons-devel BuildRequires: libki18n-devel BuildRequires: libkio-devel BuildRequires: libkjobwidgets-devel BuildRequires: libkparts-devel BuildRequires: libkservice-devel BuildRequires: libktextwidgets-devel BuildRequires: libkwallet-devel BuildRequires: libkwidgetsaddons-devel BuildRequires: libkxmlgui-devel BuildRequires: libqt5-devel BuildRequires: libsonnet-devel BuildRequires: libstdc++6-devel ## AUTOBUILDREQ-END BuildRequires: cmake BuildRequires: rpm-macros-kde5 BuildRequires: extra-cmake-modules Requires: lib%{name} = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release} BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root %description This library provides KDE integration of the QtWebKit library. If you are using QtWebKit in your KDE application, you are encouraged to use this layer instead of using the QtWebKit classes directly. In particular, you should use KWebView in place of QWebView, KGraphicsWebView in place of QGraphicsWebView and KWebPage in place of QWebPage. See the documentation for those classes for more information. %package -n lib%{name} Group: System/Libraries Summary: KDE Frameworks 5 - Integration of the HTML rendering engine WebKit %description -n lib%{name} This library provides KDE integration of the QtWebKit library. If you are using QtWebKit in your KDE application, you are encouraged to use this layer instead of using the QtWebKit classes directly. In particular, you should use KWebView in place of QWebView, KGraphicsWebView in place of QGraphicsWebView and KWebPage in place of QWebPage. See the documentation for those classes for more information. %package -n lib%{name}-devel Group: Development/Libraries Summary: Development files for %{name} Requires: lib%{name} = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release} %description -n lib%{name}-devel This package contains libraries and header files for developing applications that use %{name}. %debug_package %prep %setup -q %build %cmake_kde5 -d build %make %install [ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf "%{buildroot}" %makeinstall -C build %clean [ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf "%{buildroot}" %post -n lib%{name} /sbin/ldconfig exit 0 %postun -n lib%{name} /sbin/ldconfig exit 0 %files -n lib%{name} %defattr(-,root,root) %{_kde5_libdir}/libKF5WebKit.so.* %doc COPYING.LIB %files -n lib%{name}-devel %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_kde5_includedir}/KDEWebKit %{_kde5_includedir}/KDEWebKit/* %{_kde5_includedir}/kdewebkit_version.h %dir %{_kde5_libdir}/cmake/KF5WebKit %{_kde5_libdir}/cmake/KF5WebKit/KF5WebKit*.cmake %{_kde5_libdir}/libKF5WebKit.so %{_kde5_mkspecsdir}/qt_KDEWebKit.pri %changelog * Sun May 10 2015 Silvan Calarco 5.9.0-1mamba - package created using the webbuild interface