#!/bin/sh # Generate a source drop for jython from SVN # Usage message usage="usage: $0 " project_name=$1 svn_root=$2 svn_tag=$3 # Ensure we got all of the variables if [ "x$project_name"x = "xx" ] then echo >&2 "$usage" exit 1 fi if [ "x$svn_root"x = "xx" ] then echo >&2 "$usage" exit 1 fi if [ "x$svn_tag"x = "xx" ] then echo >&2 "$usage" exit 1 fi mkdir -p temp && cd temp svn export --username guest --password "" $svn_root/$project_name/tags/$svn_tag mv $svn_tag/$project_name $project_name-svn-$svn_tag mv $project_name-svn-$svn_tag $project_name-$(echo $(echo $svn_tag | cut -d '_' -f 2-)| sed 's/_/./g').svn tar jcf $project_name-$(echo $(echo $svn_tag | cut -d '_' -f 2-)| sed 's/_/./g').svn.tar.bz2 \ $project_name-$(echo $(echo $svn_tag | cut -d '_' -f 2-)| sed 's/_/./g').svn