restored as requirement for scilab, use binary jars [release 6.7-2mamba;Sun May 16 2021]
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
# java-skinlf
# java-skinlf
Skin Look And Feel is a java framework that is able to read GTK (The
Skin Look And Feel is a java framework that is able to read GTK (The Gimp ToolKit) and KDE (The K Desktop Environment) skins to enhance your application.
Gimp ToolKit) and KDE (The K Desktop Environment) skins to enhance
SkinLF supports GUI controls such as Buttons, Checks, Radios, Scrollbars, Progress Bar, Lists, Tables, Internal Frames, Colors, Background Textures, Regular Windows.
your application.
SkinLF supports GUI controls such as Buttons, Checks, Radios, Scrollbars,
Progress Bar, Lists, Tables, Internal Frames, Colors, Background
Textures, Regular Windows.
@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
diff -Nru skinlf-6.7/build.xml skinlf-6.7-gil/build.xml
--- skinlf-6.7/build.xml 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ skinlf-6.7-gil/build.xml 2009-04-22 03:34:39.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+<!DOCTYPE project [
+ <!ENTITY build-COMMON SYSTEM "common.xml">
+ Skin Look And Feel Build
+<project name="skinlf" default="" basedir=".">
+<!-- Allow user to override settings -->
+<property file="${user.home}/"/>
+<property file=""/>
+<!-- Project Identification -->
+<property name="project" value="skinlf"/>
+<property name="version" value="6.7"/>
+<property name="year" value="2000-2006"/>
+<property name="project.fullname" value="Skin Look And Feel"/>
+<property name="project.nativeskin" value="nativeskin"/>
+<property name="javadoc.packagenames" value="com.l2fprod.gui,,com.l2fprod.gui.region,com.l2fprod.gui.nativeskin"/>
+<path id="classpath">
+<pathelement location="/usr/share/java/imageconversion.jar"/>
+<pathelement location="/usr/share/java/"/>
+<pathelement location="/usr/share/java/xalan.jar"/>
+<pathelement location="/usr/share/java/xercesImpl.jar"/>
+<pathelement location="/usr/share/java/xml-apis.jar"/>
+<pathelement location="/usr/share/java/laf-plugin.jar"/>
+<property name="classpath.asprop" refid="classpath"/>
+ get some of the dependant jars from maven repository
+<target name="init.jars">
+<get src="" dest="lib/" verbose="true" usetimestamp="true"/>
+<get src="" dest="lib/xalan.jar" verbose="true" usetimestamp="true"/>
+<get src="" dest="lib/xercesImpl.jar" verbose="true" usetimestamp="true"/>
+<get src="" dest="lib/xml-apis.jar" verbose="true" usetimestamp="true"/>
+<target name="compile.javacc" depends="init">
+<javacc target="src/com/l2fprod/gui/plaf/skin/impl/gtk/parser/GtkParser.jj" outputdirectory="src/com/l2fprod/gui/plaf/skin/impl/gtk/parser" javacchome="lib" static="false" javaunicodeescape="true"/>
+<target name="compile" depends="init">
+ </target>
+ Utility targets to use the style converters
+<target name="convert.msstyles">
+<fail unless="msstyle" message="Specify path to msstyle xml -Dmsstyle=pathtoxml"/>
+<fail unless="skin" message="Specify themepack folder -Dskin=pathtothemepackdir"/>
+<java classname="" classpath="${classpath.asprop}:${java.src.dir}:${build.classes}" fork="yes">
+<arg value="${msstyle}"/>
+<arg value="${msstyle}.xml"/>
+<arg value="${skin}"/>
+<copy todir="${skin}">
+<fileset dir="src/themepacks/skeletonthemepack" includes="**"/>
+ Start Demos
+ -->
+<target name="demo">
+<java classname="examples.demo" classpath="${classpath.asprop}:${java.src.dir}:${build.classes}" fork="yes">
+<arg value="${skin}"/>
+<!-- Dist targets -->
+<target name="jar" depends="">
+<!-- uncompress laf-plugin jar -->
+<unjar src="lib/laf-plugin.jar" dest="${build.classes}/"/>
+<jar destfile="${build.dir}/${project}.jar">
+<fileset dir="${build.classes}" includes="*.class,nanoxml/**,org/jvnet/**,com/**/*.class" excludes="**/region/**,**/nativeskin/**"/>
+<fileset dir="${java.src.dir}" includes="com/**/*.properties"/>
+<fileset dir="${java.src.dir}" includes="com/**/*.template"/>
+<fileset dir="${java.src.dir}" includes="com/**/*.gif"/>
+<attribute name="Built-by" value="${}"/>
+<attribute name="Main-Class" value=""/>
+<section name="com/l2fprod/gui/plaf/skin">
+<attribute name="Specification-Title" value="${project.fullname}"/>
+<attribute name="Specification-Version" value="${version}"/>
+<attribute name="Specification-Vendor" value=""/>
+<attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="${project.fullname}"/>
+<attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${version}"/>
+<attribute name="Implementation-Vendor" value=""/>
+<target name="obfuscate" depends="jar">
+<taskdef name="proguard" classname="proguard.ant.ProGuardTask" classpath="lib/proguard.jar"/>
+<move file="${build.dir}/${project}.jar" tofile="${build.dir}/${project}-toobfuscate.jar"/>
+<proguard outjar="${build.dir}/${project}.jar" obfuscate="yes" usemixedclassnames="no" overloadaggressively="yes" printmapping="obfuscatemapping.txt" printusage="obfuscateusage.txt">
+<libraryjar name="${java.home}/lib/rt.jar"/>
+<injar name="${build.dir}/${project}-toobfuscate.jar"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="Skinit">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="com.l2fprod.gui.SkinApplet">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="com.l2fprod.gui.SkinChooser">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="com.l2fprod.gui.WindowSnapping">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="com.l2fprod.gui.nativeskin.**">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="*">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="com.l2fprod.gui.region.*">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep access="public" type="class" name="**">
+<method name="*"/>
+<keep type="class" name="com.l2fprod.util.**">
+<method name="*"/>
+<target name="dist.pre" depends="jar">
+<!-- examples.jar -->
+<jar destfile="${build.dist.lib}/examples.jar">
+<fileset dir="${build.classes}" includes="examples/**.class"/>
+<fileset dir="${java.src.dir}" includes="examples/**.properties,examples/**.gif,examples/**.jpg"/>
+<!-- nativeskin.jar -->
+<jar jarfile="${build.dist.lib}/nativeskin.jar">
+<fileset dir="${build.classes}" includes="com/l2fprod/gui/region/**,com/l2fprod/gui/nativeskin/**,com/l2fprod/util/OS**,,com/l2fprod/util/Access**" excludes="**/*.html"/>
+<!-- batch files -->
+<copy todir="${build.dist.bin}" flatten="yes" preservelastmodified="yes">
+<fileset dir="src" includes="**/*.bat"/>
+<!-- dlls -->
+<copy todir="${build.dist.lib}">
+<fileset dir="src/native/win32" includes="*.dll"/>
+<!-- default theme -->
+<zip destfile="${build.dist.lib}/">
+<zipfileset dir="src/themepacks/whistlerthemepack"/>
+ Publish the new version of SKinLF
+ -->
+<target name="publish" depends="init">
+<!-- copy zip to dist folder -->
+<copy todir="${}" file="${project}-${version}-${build.version}.zip"/>
+<filter token="WEB" value="${publish.web.url}"/>
+<!-- update the jnlp website with the new release -->
+<!-- put skinlf.jar in jnlp folder -->
+<copy todir="${publish.skinlf.home}/jnlp/" filtering="on" overwrite="yes">
+<fileset dir="src/jnlp" includes="*.jnlp"/>
+<copy file="${build.dist.lib}/${project}.jar" todir="${publish.skinlf.home}/jnlp/"/>
+<copy file="${build.dist.lib}/examples.jar" todir="${publish.skinlf.home}/jnlp/"/>
+<copy file="${build.dist.lib}/" todir="${publish.skinlf.home}/jnlp/"/>
+<copy file="${build.dist.lib}/nativeskin.jar" todir="${publish.skinlf.home}/jnlp"/>
+<jar destfile="${publish.skinlf.home}/jnlp/nativeskinlibs.jar" basedir="${build.dist.lib}" includes="*.dll"/>
+ copy the documentation
+ <copy todir="${web.skinlf.home}/documentation">
+ <fileset dir="${javadoc.destdir}"/>
+ </copy>
+<target name="themes">
+<zip destfile="${build.www.themedir}/" basedir="src/themepacks/cellshadedthemepack"/>
+<zip destfile="${build.www.themedir}/" basedir="src/themepacks/whistlerthemepack"/>
+<zip destfile="${build.www.themedir}/" basedir="src/themepacks/xplunathemepack"/>
+<zip destfile="${build.www.themedir}/" basedir="src/themepacks/toxicthemepack"/>
+<zip destfile="${build.www.themedir}/" basedir="src/themepacks/beigeazulthemepack"/>
+<!-- png for these themepacks are not in cvs -->
+<zip destfile="${build.www.themedir}/" basedir="src/themepacks/aquathemepack"/>
+<zip destfile="${build.www.themedir}/" basedir="src/themepacks/alloythemepack"/>
+<target name="nativeskin">
+<javah destdir="src/native/x11" classpath="${build.classes}" class="com.l2fprod.gui.nativeskin.x11.X11NativeSkin"/>
+<javah class="com.l2fprod.gui.nativeskin.win32.Win32NativeSkin" destdir="src/native/win32" classpath="${build.classes}"/>
+<antcall target="createdll">
+<param name="java.home" value="${jdk14.home}"/>
+<param name="dir" value="src\native\win32"/>
+<param name="file" value="regionJAWT"/>
+<param name="dll" value="nativeskinwin32JAWT.dll"/>
+<target name="createdll">
+<exec executable="${bcc55.home}\bin\bcc32.exe" dir="${dir}">
+<arg line="-w-"/>
+<arg value="-I${bcc55.home}\include;${java.home}\include;${java.home}\include\win32"/>
+<arg value="-c"/>
+<arg value="${file}.c"/>
+<exec executable="${bcc55.home}\bin\ilink32.exe" dir="${dir}">
+<arg value="-L${bcc55.home}\lib;${bcc55.home}\lib\psdk;${java.home}\lib;${basedir}\..\common\lib"/>
+<arg line="-Gn -Tpd -x c0d32.obj ${file}.obj ,${dll},,user32 gdi32 bccjawt import32 cw32mt,,"/>
@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
diff -Nru skinlf-6.7/common.xml skinlf-6.7-gil/common.xml
--- skinlf-6.7/common.xml 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ skinlf-6.7-gil/common.xml 2009-04-22 03:34:39.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+ Common Target which could be reused by other projects later.
+ <property name="debug" value="true"/>
+ <property name="optimize" value="false"/>
+ <!-- Java Related -->
+ <property name="java.src.dir" value="src"/>
+ <property name="javac.compiler" value="modern"/>
+ <!-- Destination Directory for the build -->
+ <property name="build.dir" value="build"/>
+ <property name="build.classes" value="${build.dir}/classes"/>
+ <property name="build.src" value="${build.dir}/src"/>
+ <property name="build.dist.dir" value="${project}-${version}"/>
+ <property name="build.dist.src" value="${build.dist.dir}/src"/>
+ <property name="build.dist.lib" value="${build.dist.dir}/lib"/>
+ <property name="build.dist.bin" value="${build.dist.dir}/bin"/>
+ <property name="build.www.dir" value="${build.dir}/www"/>
+ <target name="">
+ <tstamp>
+ <format property="build.time" pattern="MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm aa" locale="en"/>
+ <format property="build.version" pattern="yyyyMMdd" locale="en"/>
+ </tstamp>
+ <filter token="VERSION" value="${version}"/>
+ <filter token="PROJECT.FULLNAME" value="${project.fullname}"/>
+ <filter token="DATE" value="${build.time}"/>
+ <filter token="YEAR" value="${year}"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="init.directories">
+ <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${build.classes}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${build.dist.dir}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${build.dist.src}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${build.dist.lib}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${build.dist.bin}"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="init" depends=",init.directories">
+ </target>
+ <target name="clean">
+ <delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
+ <delete dir="${build.dist.dir}"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="fixcrlf">
+ <fixcrlf srcdir="${basedir}" eol="cr">
+ <include name="**/*.java" />
+ </fixcrlf>
+ </target>
+<!-- Java Related Targets -->
+ <target name="" depends="init">
+ <depend srcdir="${java.src.dir}"
+ destdir="${build.classes}"
+ cache="${build.dir}/dependcache"
+ closure="yes"/>
+ <copy todir="${build.src}" filtering="yes">
+ <fileset dir="${java.src.dir}">
+ <include name="**/*.java"/>
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ <javac srcdir="${build.src}"
+ destdir="${build.classes}"
+ classpathref="classpath"
+ compiler="${javac.compiler}"
+ includeAntRuntime="false"
+ includeJavaRuntime="false"
+ debug="${debug}"
+ optimize="${optimize}"
+ target="1.3" source="1.3">
+ </javac>
+ </target>
+<!-- Distribution Target -->
+ <target name="dist" depends="jar,dist.pre">
+ <!-- project.jar -->
+ <copy todir="${build.dist.lib}"
+ file="${build.dir}/${project}.jar"
+ preservelastmodified="yes"/>
+ <!-- source code -->
+ <copy todir="${build.dist.src}"
+ preservelastmodified="yes">
+ <fileset dir="${build.src}" includes="**/*.java"/>
+ <fileset dir="${java.src.dir}" includes="**/*.properties"/>
+ </copy>
+ <!-- regular files -->
+ <copy todir="${build.dist.dir}"
+ filtering="yes"
+ preservelastmodified="yes">
+ <fileset dir="${basedir}">
+ <include name="AUTHORS"/>
+ <include name="INSTALL"/>
+ <include name="README"/>
+ <include name="THANKS"/>
+ <include name="LICENSE"/>
+ <include name="LICENSE_*"/>
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ <xslt in="xdocs/CHANGES.xml"
+ out="${build.dist.dir}/CHANGES"
+ style="xdocs/xsl/text.xsl"/>
+ <!-- zip file -->
+ <zip destfile="${project}-${version}-${build.version}.zip">
+ <zipfileset dir="${build.dist.dir}"
+ prefix="${project}-${version}" />
+ </zip>
+ </target>
+<!-- Source code formatting -->
+ <target name="jalopy" depends="init">
+ </target>
+<!-- Project Web Documentation -->
+ <target name="www" depends="init">
+ <mkdir dir="${build.www.dir}"/>
+ <xslt in="xdocs/www.xml"
+ out="${build.www.dir}/empty.html"
+ style="xdocs/xsl/tohtml.xsl">
+ <param name="output.dir" expression="${build.www.dir}"/>
+ <param name="timestamp" expression="${build.time}"/>
+ </xslt>
+ <copy todir="${build.www.dir}">
+ <fileset dir="xdocs">
+ <include name="images/**"/>
+ <include name="**.java"/>
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ <mkdir dir="${build.www.dir}/javadoc"/>
+ <javadoc sourcepath="${java.src.dir}"
+ classpath="${classpath}"
+ destdir="${build.www.dir}/javadoc"
+ packagenames="${javadoc.packagenames}"
+ private="false" protected="true"
+ windowtitle="${project.fullname} ${version} API"
+ doctitle="${project.fullname} ${version}"
+ version="false" author="false" use="false"
+ stylesheetfile="xdocs/javadoc.css"
+ splitindex="true"
+ bottom="Copyright © ${year} All Rights Reserved."/>
+ <delete file="${build.www.dir}/empty.html"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="www.sync" depends="init">
+ <ftp server="${build.www.server}"
+ userid="${build.www.userid}"
+ password="${build.www.password}"
+ remotedir="${build.www.remotedir}"
+ action="put"
+ verbose="yes"
+ depends="yes">
+ <fileset dir="${build.www.dir}">
+ <include name="**/**"/>
+ </fileset>
+ </ftp>
+ </target>
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
--- skinlf-6.7/src/com/l2fprod/tools/ 2006-07-22 13:46:18.000000000 +0200
+++ skinlf-6.7/src/com/l2fprod/tools/ 2009-04-22 03:45:46.000000000 +0200
@@ -6,15 +6,11 @@
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
-import com.sun.jimi.core.*;
+import javax.imageio.*;
public class ImageUtils {
public static Component bitmapCreator = new javax.swing.JLabel();
- static BMPDecoder decoder = new BMPDecoder();
- static BMPEncoder encoder = new BMPEncoder();
public static Image loadPng(String pathToImage) throws Exception {
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(new File(pathToImage).toURL());
@@ -22,7 +18,21 @@
public static void savePng(Image image, String pathToImage) throws Exception {
- Jimi.putImage(image, pathToImage);
+ ImageIO.write((RenderedImage)image, "png", new File(pathToImage));
+ }
+ private static String getFileFmt(String pathToImage) throws Exception {
+ String fmt;
+ if (pathToImage.toLowerCase().endsWith(".png")) {
+ return "png";
+ }
+ if (pathToImage.toLowerCase().endsWith(".gif")) {
+ return "gif";
+ }
+ if (pathToImage.toLowerCase().endsWith(".bmp")) {
+ return "bmp";
+ }
+ return "";
public static void createPicture(String pathToImage, int index, int maxParts,
@@ -31,20 +41,10 @@
System.out.println("working with " + pathToImage);
Image image = null;
- if (pathToImage.toLowerCase().endsWith(".png") ||
- pathToImage.toLowerCase().endsWith(".gif")) {
- image = loadPng(pathToImage);
- } else if (pathToImage.toLowerCase().endsWith(".bmp")) {
- decoder.setInputFilename(pathToImage);
- decoder.triggerAction();
- image = decoder.getResult();
- } else {
- throw new Error("do not know how to load " + pathToImage);
- }
+ image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(pathToImage);
// if only one image, dump it as it
- if (index == 0 && maxParts == 1) {
- Jimi.putImage(image, filename);
+ if (index == 0 && maxParts == 1) {
+ ImageIO.write((RenderedImage)image, getFileFmt(pathToImage), new File(pathToImage));
} else {
if (horizontal) {
int partHeight = image.getHeight(bitmapCreator) / maxParts;
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@
int partWidth = image.getWidth(bitmapCreator) / maxParts;
image = grab(image, partWidth * index, 0,
partWidth, image.getHeight(bitmapCreator));
- }
- Jimi.putImage(image, filename);
+ };
+ ImageIO.write((RenderedImage)image, getFileFmt(pathToImage), new File(pathToImage));
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("error while working with " + pathToImage);
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
--- skinlf-6.7/src/com/l2fprod/tools/msstyles/ 2006-07-22 13:46:22.000000000 +0200
+++ skinlf-6.7/src/com/l2fprod/tools/msstyles/ 2009-04-22 03:52:30.000000000 +0200
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
-import org.apache.xpath.XPathAPI;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
#Original source is located at
# --no-check-certificate
rm -rf skinlf-6.7
unzip skinlf-$
rm skinlf-6.7/src/examples/
#sed -i -e 's/patentedcodec.c//' libfoo-$VERSION/src/Makefile
tar -czvf skinlf-6.7-clean.tar.gz skinlf-6.7
@ -1,109 +1,36 @@
Name: java-skinlf
Name: java-skinlf
Version: 6.7
Version: 6.7
Release: 1mamba
Release: 2mamba
Summary: Skin Look And Feel
Summary: Skin Look And Feel
Group: Development/Libraries/Java
Group: Development/Libraries/Java
Vendor: openmamba
Vendor: openmamba
Distribution: openmamba
Distribution: openmamba
Packager: gil <>
Packager: Silvan Calarco <>
# wget --no-check-certificate
Source0: skinlf-%{version}-clean.tar.gz
# invoke this script to regenerate the source archive
License: Apache Software License 1.1, Apache Software License 2.0, zlib
License: Apache Software License 1.1, Apache Software License 2.0, zlib
Patch0: java-skinlf-6.7-nosun-jimi-patch.patch
Patch1: java-skinlf-6.7-build-xml-patch.patch
Patch2: java-skinlf-6.7-common-xml-patch.patch
BuildRequires: javapackages
Patch3: java-skinlf-6.7-sun-jdk1.5-xpath-patch.patch
Requires: javapackages
BuildRequires: apache-ant
#BuildRequires: apache-ant-nodeps
BuildRequires: hd2u
#BuildRequires: java-laf-plugin
BuildRequires: jpackage-utils
BuildRequires: java-laf-plugin
Requires: jpackage-utils
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
Skin Look And Feel is a java framework that is able to read GTK (The
Skin Look And Feel is a java framework that is able to read GTK (The Gimp ToolKit) and KDE (The K Desktop Environment) skins to enhance your application.
Gimp ToolKit) and KDE (The K Desktop Environment) skins to enhance
SkinLF supports GUI controls such as Buttons, Checks, Radios, Scrollbars, Progress Bar, Lists, Tables, Internal Frames, Colors, Background Textures, Regular Windows.
your application.
SkinLF supports GUI controls such as Buttons, Checks, Radios, Scrollbars,
Progress Bar, Lists, Tables, Internal Frames, Colors, Background
Textures, Regular Windows.
%package javadoc
Summary: Javadoc for %{name}
Group: Documentation
%description javadoc
Skin Look And Feel is a java framework that is able to read GTK (The
Gimp ToolKit) and KDE (The K Desktop Environment) skins to enhance
your application.
SkinLF supports GUI controls such as Buttons, Checks, Radios, Scrollbars,
Progress Bar, Lists, Tables, Internal Frames, Colors, Background
Textures, Regular Windows.
This package contains javadoc for %{name}
%setup -q -n skinlf-%{version}
%setup -q -n skinlf-%{version}
%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1
%patch3 -p1
dos2unix -T $i;
rm -f ./lib/examples.jar
rm -f ./lib/nativeskin.jar
rm -f ./lib/skinlf.jar
#rm due to dubious license
rm -f ./src/examples/
for j in $(find -name \*.jar); do
if [ ! -L $j ] ; then
JAR_files="$JAR_files $j"
if [ ! -z "$JAR_files" ] ; then
echo "These JAR files should be deleted and symlinked to system JAR files: $JAR_files"
#Uncomment this line before accepting package
exit 1
pushd build/classes
jar cf skinlf-%{version}.jar .
javadoc -d javadoc \
`find src/ -name \*.java`
[ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf "%{buildroot}"
[ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf "%{buildroot}"
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_javadir}
install -D --mode=644 lib/skinlf.jar %{buildroot}%{_javadir}/skinlf-%{version}.jar
install -pm 644 build/classes/skinlf-%{version}.jar \
install -D --mode=644 lib/nativeskin.jar %{buildroot}%{_javadir}/nativeskin-%{version}.jar
ln -s skinlf-%{version}.jar %{buildroot}%{_javadir}/skinlf.jar
cd %{buildroot}%{_javadir}
ln -s nativeskin-%{version}.jar %{buildroot}%{_javadir}/nativeskin.jar
ln -sf skinlf-%{version}.jar skinlf.jar
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_javadocdir}/
cp -pr javadoc %{buildroot}%{_javadocdir}/skinlf-%{version}
[ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf "%{buildroot}"
[ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf "%{buildroot}"
@ -112,12 +39,13 @@ cp -pr javadoc %{buildroot}%{_javadocdir}/skinlf-%{version}
%files javadoc
* Sun May 16 2021 Silvan Calarco <> 6.7-2mamba
- restored as requirement for scilab, use binary jars
* Wed Apr 22 2009 gil <> 6.7-1mamba
* Wed Apr 22 2009 gil <> 6.7-1mamba
- package created by autospec
- package created by autospec
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