316 lines
9.3 KiB
316 lines
9.3 KiB
%define pkgver %(echo %version | tr . -)
%define javahome %{_jvmdir}/jdk
Name: java-saxon9
Release: 3mamba
Summary: Saxon XSLT and XQuery Processor
Group: Development/Libraries/Java
Vendor: openmamba
Distribution: openmamba
Packager: gil <puntogil@libero.it>
URL: http://saxon.sourceforge.net
# http://saxon.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/saxon
Source0: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/saxon/Saxon-B/%{version}/saxonb%{pkgver}source.zip
Source1: java-saxon9-services.tar.gz
Source2: java-saxon9.build.script
Patch0: java-saxon9.1.0.7-Configuration.patch
License: MPL
BuildRequires: apache-ant
%if "%{stage1}" != "1"
BuildRequires: apache-fop == 0.95
BuildRequires: apache-fop-javadoc == 0.95
BuildRequires: java-xom
BuildRequires: java-xqjapi
BuildRequires: java-dom
BuildRequires: java-dom-javadoc
BuildRequires: java-bea-stax
BuildRequires: java-bea-stax-api
BuildRequires: java-dom4j
BuildRequires: jpackage-utils
BuildRequires: xml-commons-apis
Requires: java-bea-stax
Requires: java-bea-stax-api
Requires: java-dom
Requires: java-dom4j
Requires: jpackage-utils
Requires: xml-commons-apis
Obsoletes: saxon9
Provides: saxon9
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
The Saxon XSLT and XQuery processor, developed by Michael Kay
The SAXON package is a collection of tools for processing XML documents.
The main components are:
- An XSLT processor, which implements the Version 1.0 XSLT and XPath Recommendations from the World Wide Web Consortium, found at
http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xslt-19991116 and
http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xpath-19991116 with a number of powerful
extensions. This version of Saxon also includes many of the new features
defined in the XSLT 1.1 working draft, but for conformance and portability
reasons these are not available if the stylesheet header specifies
- A Java library, which supports a similar processing model to XSL, but allows
full programming capability, which you need if you want to perform complex
processing of the data or to access external services such as a relational
So you can use SAXON with any SAX-compliant XML parser by writing XSLT stylesheets, by writing Java applications, or by any combination of the two.
%package dom
Summary: DOM support for %{name}
Group: Applications/Publishing
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: saxon9-dom
Provides: saxon9-dom
%description dom
The SAXON package is a collection of tools for processing XML documents.
Provides additional classes enabling Saxon to be used with the DOM Document Object Model. Supports using a DOM as the input or output of transformations and queries, and calling extension functions that use DOM interfaces to access a Saxon tree structure. Requires DOM level 3 (dom.jar, part of JAXP 1.3) to be on the classpath, if not running under JDK 1.5.
%package jdom
Group: Development/Libraries/Java
Summary: JDOM support for %{name}
Requires: java-dom
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: saxon9-jdom
Provides: saxon9-jdom
%description jdom
The SAXON package is a collection of tools for processing XML documents.
This package contains JDOM support for %{name}.
%package dom4j
Group: Development/Libraries/Java
Summary: DOM4J support for %{name}
Requires: java-dom
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: saxon9-dom4j
Provides: saxon9-dom4j
%description dom4j
The SAXON package is a collection of tools for processing XML documents.
This package contains DOM4J support for %{name}.
%package sql
Group: Applications/Publishing
Summary: SQL support for %{name}
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: saxon9-sql
Provides: saxon9-sql
%description sql
The SAXON package is a collection of tools for processing XML documents.
This package contains supports XSLT extensions for accessing and updating a relational database from within a stylesheet.
%package s9api
Group: Development/Libraries/Java
Summary: Java API for %{name}
Obsoletes: saxon9-s9api
Provides: saxon9-s9api
%description s9api
The SAXON package is a collection of tools for processing XML documents.
This package provides a Java API for %{name}
%package xom
Group: Applications/Publishing
Summary: XOM support for %{name}
Group: Applications/Publishing
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: java-xom
Obsoletes: saxon9-xom
Provides: saxon9-xom
%description xom
The SAXON package is a collection of tools for processing XML documents.
Provides additional classes enabling Saxon to be used with XOM trees. Supports using a XOM document as the input or output of transformations and queries. Requires xom.jar on the classpath.
%package xpath
Group: Applications/Publishing
Summary: XPATH support for %{name}
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: saxon9-xpath
Provides: saxon9-xpath
%description xpath
The SAXON package is a collection of tools for processing XML documents.
Provides support for the JAXP 1.3 XPath API. Requires the JAXP 1.3 version of jaxp-api.jar on the classpath, if not running under JDK 1.5.
%package xqj
Group: Applications/Publishing
Summary: XQUERY support for %{name}
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: java-xqjapi
Obsoletes: saxon9-xqj
Provides: saxon9-xqj
%description xqj
The SAXON package is a collection of tools for processing XML documents.
This package contains XQUERY support for %{name}.
%package javadoc
Group: Documentation
Summary: Javadoc for %{name}
Requires: java-dom-javadoc
%description javadoc
The SAXON package is a collection of tools for processing XML documents.
This package contains javadoc for %{name}
%setup -q -c -n saxonb-%{version} -a 1
for j in $(find -name "*.jar"); do
mv $j $j.no
for j in $(find -name "*.class"); do
rm -rf $j
rm -rf docs/api
find -name "*.exe" -exec rm -rf {} \;
for j in $(find -name ".svn"); do
rm -rf $j
cp -p %{S:2} ./build.xml
# require for .NET compilation: IKVM
rm -rf bj/net/sf/saxon/dotnet
rm -rf net/sf/saxon/dotnet
mkdir -p build/classes
cp -pr net src/
export JAVA_HOME=%javahome
%if "%{stage1}" != "1"
export CLASSPATH=$(build-classpath xml-commons-apis xom fop jdom dom4j bea-stax-ri bea-stax-api xqjapi):build/classes
export CLASSPATH=$(build-classpath xml-commons-apis xom jdom dom4j bea-stax-ri bea-stax-api xqjapi):build/classes
ant \
-Dj2se.javadoc=%{_javadocdir}/java-gcj-compat \
-Djdom.javadoc=%{_javadocdir}/jdom \
[ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf "%{buildroot}"
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_javadir}
install -m 644 build/lib/saxon9-dom4j.jar \
install -m 644 build/lib/saxon9-dom.jar \
install -m 644 build/lib/saxon9-jdom.jar \
install -m 644 build/lib/saxon9-s9api.jar \
install -m 644 build/lib/saxon9-sql.jar \
install -m 644 build/lib/saxon9-xom.jar \
install -m 644 build/lib/saxon9-xqj.jar \
install -m 644 build/lib/saxon9-xpath.jar \
install -m 644 build/lib/saxon9.jar \
cd %{buildroot}%{_javadir}
for jar in *-%{version}*; do
ln -sf ${jar} `echo $jar| sed "s|-%{version}||g"`
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_javadocdir}/saxon9-%{version}
cp -pr build/api/* %{buildroot}%{_javadocdir}/saxon9-%{version}
ln -sf saxon9-%{version} %{buildroot}%{_javadocdir}/saxon9
[ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf "%{buildroot}"
%files dom
%files dom4j
%files jdom
%files s9api
%files sql
%files xom
%files xpath
%files xqj
%files javadoc
* Fri Mar 25 2011 gil <puntogil@libero.it>
- rebuilt with java-gcj-compat support
* Wed Nov 24 2010 gil <puntogil@libero.it>
- rebuilt devel
* Fri May 08 2009 gil <puntogil@libero.it>
- package created by autospec