Name: gumbo-parser Version: 0.13.0 Release: 1mamba Summary: An implementation of the HTML5 parsing algorithm implemented as a pure C99 library Group: System/Libraries Vendor: openmamba Distribution: openmamba Packager: Silvan Calarco URL: Source:{version}/gumbo-parser-%{version}.tar.bz2 License: Apache License 2.0 ## AUTOBUILDREQ-BEGIN BuildRequires: glibc-devel ## AUTOBUILDREQ-END Requires: lib%{name} = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release} %description Gumbo is an implementation of the HTML5 parsing algorithm implemented as a pure C99 library with no outside dependencies. It's designed to serve as a building block for other tools and libraries such as linters, validators, templating languages, and refactoring and analysis tools. %package -n lib%{name} Summary: An implementation of the HTML5 parsing algorithm implemented as a pure C99 library Group: System/Libraries %description -n lib%{name} Gumbo is an implementation of the HTML5 parsing algorithm implemented as a pure C99 library with no outside dependencies. It's designed to serve as a building block for other tools and libraries such as linters, validators, templating languages, and refactoring and analysis tools. This package contains shared libraries for %{name}. %package -n lib%{name}-devel Summary: Development files for %{name} Group: Development/Libraries Requires: lib%{name} = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release} %description -n lib%{name}-devel This package contains libraries and header files for developing applications that use %{name}. %prep %setup -q ./ %build %configure %make %install [ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf "%{buildroot}" %makeinstall %clean [ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf "%{buildroot}" %files -n lib%{name} %defattr(-,root,root) %{_libdir}/* %doc doc/COPYING doc/THANKS %files -n lib%{name}-devel %defattr(-,root,root) %{_includedir}/gumbo.h %{_includedir}/tag_enum.h %{_libdir}/libgumbo.a %{_libdir}/ %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/gumbo.pc %doc %changelog * Sat Jan 25 2025 Silvan Calarco 0.13.0-1mamba - package created using the webbuild interface