%define pckver %(echo %version | tr . -) Name: gnucap Epoch: 1 Version: 2013.04.23 Release: 1mamba Summary: A general purpose circuit simulator Group: Applications/Scientific Vendor: openmamba Distribution: openmamba Packager: Silvan Calarco URL: http://gnucap.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gnucap:start Source: http://gnucap.org/devel/gnucap-%{pckver}.tar.gz Patch0: %{name}-0.34-install.patch Patch1: %{name}-0.34-libtermcap.patch Patch2: gnucap-2013.04.23-readline.patch Patch3: gnucap-2013.04.23-gcc-4.3.patch License: GPL ## AUTOBUILDREQ-BEGIN BuildRequires: glibc-devel BuildRequires: libgcc BuildRequires: libreadline-devel BuildRequires: libstdc++6-devel BuildRequires: libtermcap-devel ## AUTOBUILDREQ-END BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root # patches http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-extras-commits/2006-April/msg02132.html %description Gnucap is a general purpose circuit simulator. It performs nonlinear dc and transient analyses, fourier analysis, and ac analysis. It can also be run in batch mode or as a server. In batch mode it is mostly Spice compatible, so it is often possible to use the same file for both Gnucap and Spice. %package devel Group: Development/Libraries Summary: Development files for %{name} Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release} %description devel This package contains libraries and header files for developing applications that use %{name}. %prep %setup -q -n gnucap-%{pckver} %patch2 -p1 %patch3 -p1 %build %configure --prefix=%{_prefix} #export CCFLAGS="%{optflags}" %make -j1 %install [ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf %{buildroot} %makeinstall PREFIX=%{buildroot}%{_prefix} %ifarch x86_64 mv %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib %{buildroot}%{_libdir} %endif #install -D -m644 doc/gnucap.1 \ # %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/gnucap.1 #install -D -m644 doc/gnucap-ibis.1 \ # %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/gnucap-ibis.1 %clean [ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf %{buildroot} %files %defattr(-,root,root) %{_bindir}/gnucap %{_bindir}/gnucap-modelgen %{_libdir}/libgnucap-default-plugins.so %{_libdir}/libgnucap.so %doc AUTHORS COPYING #%doc examples/* %files devel %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_includedir}/gnucap %{_includedir}/gnucap/*.h %{_includedir}/gnucap/spice-wrapper.cc %doc NEWS README %changelog * Sat Apr 05 2014 Silvan Calarco 2013.04.23-1mamba - update to 2013.04.23 * Thu Jan 31 2013 Automatic Build System 20091207-1mamba - automatic version update by autodist * Sun Jul 20 2008 gil 2008-05-27-1mamba - update to 2008-05-27 - removed patches * Mon Mar 20 2006 Davide Madrisan 2006-01-17-1qilnx - package created by autospec