2024-01-05 21:41:57 +01:00
Name: ddcutil
2024-01-05 21:41:57 +01:00
Version: 0.9.9
2024-01-05 21:41:57 +01:00
Release: 1mamba
Summary: Query and change Linux monitor settings using DDC/CI and USB
Group: System/Kernel and Hardware
Vendor: openmamba
Distribution: openmamba
Packager: Silvan Calarco <silvan.calarco@mambasoft.it>
URL: http://www.ddcutil.com
## GITSOURCE https://github.com/rockowitz/ddcutil.git v0.9.8
Source: https://github.com/rockowitz/ddcutil.git/v%{version}/ddcutil-%{version}.tar.bz2
License: GPL
BuildRequires: glibc-devel
BuildRequires: ldconfig
BuildRequires: libX11-devel
BuildRequires: libXau-devel
BuildRequires: libXdmcp-devel
BuildRequires: libXext-devel
BuildRequires: libXrandr-devel
BuildRequires: libXrender-devel
BuildRequires: libbsd-devel
BuildRequires: libdrm-devel
BuildRequires: libglib-devel
BuildRequires: libudev-devel
BuildRequires: libusb-devel
BuildRequires: libxcb-devel
BuildRequires: libz-devel
Requires: lib%{name} = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release}
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
Query and change Linux monitor settings using DDC/CI and USB.
%package -n lib%{name}
Group: System/Libraries
Summary: Shared libraries for %{name}
%description -n lib%{name}
This package contains shared libraries for %{name}.
%package -n lib%{name}-devel
Group: Development/Libraries
Summary: Development files for %{name}
Requires: lib%{name} = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release}
Requires: pkg-config
%description -n lib%{name}-devel
This package contains libraries and header files for developing applications that use %{name}.
%setup -q
[ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf "%{buildroot}"
[ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf "%{buildroot}"
%post -n lib%{name} -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun -n lib%{name} -p /sbin/ldconfig
%files -n lib%{name}
%dir %{_datadir}/ddcutil
%dir %{_datadir}/ddcutil/data
%files -n lib%{name}-devel
2024-01-05 21:41:57 +01:00
2024-01-05 21:41:57 +01:00
%doc ChangeLog README.md
2024-01-05 21:41:57 +01:00
* Fri Jun 26 2020 Automatic Build System <autodist@mambasoft.it> 0.9.9-1mamba
- automatic version update by autodist
2024-01-05 21:41:57 +01:00
* Fri Dec 27 2019 Silvan Calarco <silvan.calarco@mambasoft.it> 0.9.8-1mamba
- package created using the webbuild interface