2024-01-05 21:25:43 +01:00
%define perl_major_ver %(eval `perl -V:version`; echo ${version%*.[0-9]*}.0)
%define pkgver %(echo $(echo %version | cut -d. -f1,2)_$(echo %version | cut -d. -f3))
Name: clusterssh
2024-01-05 21:25:43 +01:00
Version: 4.02.04
2024-01-05 21:25:43 +01:00
Release: 1mamba
Summary: Cluster Admin Via SSH
Group: System/Libraries/Perl
Vendor: openmamba
Distribution: openmamba
Packager: Stefano Cotta Ramusino <stefano.cotta@openmamba.org>
URL: http://www.cpan.org
Source: http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/D/DU/DUNCS/App-ClusterSSH-%{pkgver}.tar.gz
License: GPL, Artistic
BuildRequires: perl-Exception-Class
BuildRequires: perl-Tk
BuildRequires: perl-Try-Tiny
BuildRequires: perl-X11-Protocol
BuildRequires: perl-devel
Requires: perl >= %perl_major_ver
Requires: perl-Exception-Class
Requires: perl-Tk
Requires: perl-Try-Tiny
Requires: perl-X11-Protocol
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
BuildArch: noarch
ClusterSSH is a tool for making the same change on multiple servers at the same time.
The 'cssh' command opens an administration console and an xterm to all specified hosts.
Any text typed into the administration console is replicated to all windows.
All windows may also be typed into directly.
%setup -q -n App-ClusterSSH-%{pkgver}
%{__perl} Makefile.PL PREFIX=%{_prefix} INSTALLDIRS=vendor OPTIMIZE="%{optflags}"
[ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf "%{buildroot}"
packlist=`find %{buildroot} -name .packlist`
[ -z "$packlist" ] && exit 1 || cat $packlist | \
sed "s,%{buildroot},,g;s,.*/man/.*,&.gz,g" | \
sort -u > .packlist && rm -f $packlist
strid=`echo $packlist | sed 's,.*auto\(.*\)/.packlist,\1,'`
for dir in `find %{buildroot} -type d | grep $strid`; do
echo "%dir ${dir#%buildroot}" >> .packlist
[ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf "%{buildroot}"
%files -f .packlist
2024-01-05 21:25:43 +01:00
* Sun May 25 2014 Automatic Build System <autodist@mambasoft.it> 4.02.04-1mamba
- automatic version update by autodist
2024-01-05 21:25:43 +01:00
* Wed Feb 19 2014 Stefano Cotta Ramusino <stefano.cotta@openmamba.org> 4.02.03-1mamba
- package created using the webbuild interface