132 lines
3.8 KiB
132 lines
3.8 KiB
%define majversion %(echo %version | cut -d. -f 1-2)
Name: atomix
Version: 2.14.0
Release: 4mamba
Summary: A little mind game where you have to build molecules out of single atoms
Group: Graphical Desktop/Applications/Educational
Vendor: openmamba
Distribution: openmamba
Packager: Silvan Calarco <silvan.calarco@mambasoft.it>
URL: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/atomix/
Source: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/atomix/%{majversion}/atomix-%{version}.tar.bz2
Patch0: %{name}-2.14.0-desktop_file.patch
License: GPL
BuildRequires: perl
BuildRequires: perl-XML-Parser
BuildRequires: gettext
BuildRequires: pkgconfig
BuildRequires: ORBit-devel
BuildRequires: libesound-devel
BuildRequires: libgail-devel
BuildRequires: libglitz-devel
BuildRequires: libpixman-devel
BuildRequires: libpthread-stubs-devel
BuildRequires: libxcb-util-devel
BuildRequires: GConf-devel
BuildRequires: glibc-devel
BuildRequires: libart_lgpl-devel
BuildRequires: libatk-devel
BuildRequires: libbonobo-devel
BuildRequires: libbonoboui-devel
BuildRequires: libcairo-devel
BuildRequires: libglib-devel
BuildRequires: libgnomecanvas-devel
BuildRequires: libgnome-devel
BuildRequires: libgnomeui-devel
BuildRequires: libgnome-vfs-devel
BuildRequires: libgtk-devel
BuildRequires: libICE-devel
BuildRequires: libpango-devel
BuildRequires: libpopt-devel
BuildRequires: libSM-devel
BuildRequires: libxml2-devel
BuildRequires: ORBit2-devel
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
Atomix is yet another little mind game for GNOME, where you have to build molecules out of single atoms.
%setup -q
%patch0 -p1
# gnome bz#334319 -- translations don't get built; workaround that
sed -i 's!^SOURCES = !&\n'"$(grep "^CATALOGS" po/Makefile.in)"'!' po/Makefile
sed -i "s|games\.games|`id -u`\.`id -g`|" Makefile
sed -i "s|chgrp games $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)||" Makefile
%make -C level/
%make -C themes/
[ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf %{buildroot}
#install -m 755 -d ./po %{buildroot}{_datadir}/atomix/po
# create the italian locale from the italian catalog file
#install -d locale/it/LC_MESSAGES
#/usr/bin/msgfmt po/it.po -o locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/%{name}.mo
%find_lang %{name}
chmod 666 %{_localstatedir}/games/atomix.scores
[ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf %{buildroot}
%files -f %{name}.lang
%dir %{_datadir}/atomix
%dir %{_datadir}/atomix/level
%dir %{_datadir}/atomix/themes/default
* Fri Feb 05 2010 Silvan Calarco <silvan.calarco@mambasoft.it> 2.14.0-4mamba
- rebuilt to remove executable requirements
* Wed Oct 15 2008 Tiziana Ferro <tiziana.ferro@email.it> 2.14.0-3mamba
- fixed atomix.scores permissions
* Wed Oct 15 2008 Tiziana Ferro <tiziana.ferro@email.it> 2.14.0-2mamba
- fixed translations bug
* Sun Aug 31 2008 Tiziana Ferro <tiziana.ferro@email.it> 2.14.0-1mamba
- update to 2.14.0
- edit patch for 2.14.0 version
- edit Makefile with sed
- update buildrequirements list
* Thu Jul 10 2008 gil <puntogil@libero.it> 2.13.4-1mamba
- update to 2.13.4
- edit patch
* Mon Dec 19 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan@qilinux.it> 2.13.3-1qilnx
- update to version 2.13.3 by autospec
- modified desktop file
* Wed Jul 27 2005 Massimo Pintore <massimo.pintore@qilinux.it> 0.9.3-1qilnx
- package created by autospec