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    "; } else { $ret .= ""; $ret .= "
    "; $ret .= "openmamba $displaymilestone $medium "; $ret .= __('for','responsive')." $currarch ($mlword) 
    "; $ret .= ""; $ret .= __('Sorry, download is temporary unavailable. If the problem persists please report the problem.','responsive'); $ret .= "
    "; } return $ret; } function openmamba_infofile($mediaprefix, $milestone, $fallbackmilestone, $medium, $outputlang, $filename) { if (file_exists("$mediaprefix/$milestone/$medium/info/$filename.$")) { $script_file = "$mediaprefix/$milestone/$medium/info/$filename.$"; } else if (file_exists("$mediaprefix/$fallbackmilestone/$medium/info/$filename.$")) { $script_file = "$mediaprefix/$fallbackmilestone/$medium/info/$filename.$"; } $ret = ''; if ($script_file) { $file = fopen($script_file, "r"); while (!feof($file)) { $b=fread($file,1024); $ret .= $b; } fclose($file); } return $ret; } function openmamba_download_func( $atts ) { $a = shortcode_atts( array( 'milestone' => 'devel', 'medium' => 'livedvd', 'multilang' => '0', 'archs' => 'x86_64;i586;arm', // bitmask: 1=x86_64 2=i586 3=arm 'ext' => '.iso' ), $atts ); $milestone = $a['milestone']; $medium = $a['medium']; $ext = $a['ext']; $fallbackmilestone = 'milestone2'; if ("$milestone" == "devel") { $displaymilestone = "rolling"; $suffixmilestone = "snapshot"; } else { $displaymilestone = "$milestone"; $suffixmilestone = "$milestone"; } $archname = array("x86_64", "i586", "arm"); $mediaprefix = '/var/ftp/pub/openmamba/media'; $mediafallbackprefix = '/var/ftp/pub/openmamba/media/milestone2'; $outputlang = get_bloginfo("language"); $outputlang = substr($outputlang,0,2); if ("$outputlang" != "it") { $outputlang = "en"; $mlword = "multilanguage"; } else { $mlword = "multilingue"; } $ret = "

    openmamba $medium $displaymilestone

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    "; print "Loading, please wait..."; print "";//
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