<!--#set var="title" value="openmamba software packages" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="A page where you can explore the software packages that are available in the openmamba stable distribution"
<!--#set var="keywords" value="distromatic,stable,packages,milestone2" -->
<!--#set var="slogan" value="GNU/Linux distribution" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<table align=center>
<tr><td width="100%">
 <table align="center"><tr>
   <td><img src="/images/packages_gr.png" alt="packages"></td>
   <td class="toptitle">openmamba milestone 2 software packages</td>
</td><td width="0">
     <!--#include virtual="/versions.inc.en.html" -->
<tr><td colspan=2>
<p>An installation of <b>openmamba milestone2</b> (stable release) automatically provides access to
some archives of RPM packages called <i>repositories</i> or <i>channels</i> from which you can install software packages:
 <li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=milestone2">milestone2</a> channel is
the main archive for software packages that constitute the current stable release of the openmamba distribution;
 <li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=milestone2-games">milestone2-games</a> 
channel contains apart games which take a lot of storage space;
 <li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=milestone2-updates">milestone2-updates</a> 
contains the security and functionality updates that have been made available after the stable release
of the operating system.

<p>The packages in these repositories can be installed using the package management tool which comes integrated
with your openmamba desktop environment or using the command line commands <i>pkcon</i> and <i>smart</i> tools.

<p>Use of the stable distribution is recommended to all users who use the system in production
environment and expect the available functionalities not to change for long periods.
<tr><td colspan=2>
 <table class="distromatic" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"><tr valign="top"><td>
<!--#set var="repname" value="milestone2" --><!--#include virtual="/scripts/distromatic-box.inc.html" -->
  </td><td width=280>
<!--#set var="repname" value="milestone2-updates" --><!--#include virtual="/scripts/distromatic-box.inc.html" -->
  </td><td width=280>
<!--#set var="repname" value="milestone2-games" --><!--#include virtual="/scripts/distromatic-box.inc.html" -->
<p>The additional channels contain more up-to-date software packages which are considered stable but are waiting
to be fully tested before being made available to all users.
<p>In order to get updates from an additional channel you need to enable it in the <i>Software sources</i>
settings dialog of the openmamba packages management tool.
A channel can be as well enabled by command line by issuing the following command:
<pre>pkcon repo-enable channel_name</pre>

 <li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=milestone2-kernel">milestone2-kernel</a> channel
contains the most recent Linux kernel version with its components;
 <li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=milestone2-kde4">milestone2-kde4</a> channel
contains the most recent version of the KDE4 desktop environment;
 <li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=milestone2-xorg">milestone2-xorg</a> channel
contains the most recent version of the X.org graphical server and its components;
 <li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=milestone2-java">milestone2-java</a> channel
contains recent updates for Java support.

 <table class="distromatic" cellpadding="5">
  <tr><td width=280>
<!--#set var="repname" value="milestone2-kernel" --><!--#include virtual="/scripts/distromatic-box.inc.html" -->
  </td><td width=280>
<!--#set var="repname" value="milestone2-kde4" --><!--#include virtual="/scripts/distromatic-box.inc.html" -->
  </td><td width=280>
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  <tr><td width=280>
<!--#set var="repname" value="milestone2-java" --><!--#include virtual="/scripts/distromatic-box.inc.html" -->
  </td><td width=280>
<!--#set var="repname" value="milestone2-kernel-next" --><!--#include virtual="/scripts/distromatic-box.inc.html" -->
  </td><td width=280>

<br><p>If you want to take advantage from the latest system functionalities, with support for 
more recent hardware and new software releases, it is possible to upgrade to the development
system by configuring openmamba to use the <a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel">devel</a>
and <a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel">devel-games</a> repositories.
<b>This operation is not reversible and is only suggested to beta testers or experienced users
because it may cause problem to your system even with loss of functionality compared to the
stable distribution.</b>
For more information see the <a href="/distribution/development.html">development page</a>.
   <li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=milestone2-makedist">milestone2-makedist</a> is an auxiliary channel used by our makedist tool to build distribution media.
 <table class="distromatic" cellpadding="5"><tr  valign="top"><td width=280>
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