#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Carp; use CGI qw(:standard); use GD::SecurityImage; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); my $captcha_on = 1; my $captcha_font = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/FreeSansBold.ttf"; my $output_dir = "/var/www/www.openmamba.org/captcha"; my $www_output_dir = "/captcha"; my $www_address = "topix.openmamba.org"; my $db_dir = "/var/www/www.openmamba.org/captcha"; my $users_homedir = "/var/www/www.openmamba.org/people"; my $users_datadir = "/var/www/www.openmamba.org/people/data"; my $num_of_characters = 5; my $expire = 300; my $emaildest = "silvan.calarco\@mambasoft.it"; my $emailsender = "noreply\@openmamba.org"; my $sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t"; my $failmsg=""; &main; sub main { my $check_res = 0; # import any get or post variables into the Q namespace &load_cgi_variables(); if ($Q::formsubmit) { my $res = 1; check_fields(); if ($captcha_on) { $res=&check_code($Q::code, $Q::crypt); } if ($res == 1) { if ($failmsg eq "") { $check_res = &send_mail(); if ($check_res == 0) { print header; print "OK"; exit 0; } else { $failmsg = "error submitting the form, please contact the webmaster<br>"; } } } elsif ($res == -1) { $failmsg = "$failmsg code has expired<br>"; } elsif ($res == -3) { $failmsg = "$failmsg control code is not correct<br>"; } else { $failmsg = "general error ($res), please contact the webmaster<br>"; } if ($captcha_on) { &default; } else { print header; } print "Please correct the following errors and submit the form again:"; print "<br><font color=red>$failmsg</font><br>"; } else { if ($captcha_on) { &default; print "<br><br>"; } else { print header; print "<input type=hidden name=crypt value=\"\" id=crypt>"; print "<input type=hidden name=code value=\"\" id=code>\n"; } } } sub check_fields { ($Q::fullname) or $failmsg = "$failmsg username not entered<br>"; ($Q::email) or $failmsg = "$failmsg email not entered<br>"; ($Q::country) or $failmsg = "$failmsg country not selected<br>"; } sub send_mail { my $content = "User $Q::alias has just registered $www_address\n"; my $subject = "A new user has registered on $www_address"; open(SENDMAIL, "|$sendmail") or die "Cannot open $sendmail: $!"; # print SENDMAIL $reply_to; print SENDMAIL "Subject: $subject\n"; print SENDMAIL "From: $emailsender\n"; print SENDMAIL "To: $emaildest\n"; print SENDMAIL "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"; print SENDMAIL "$content\n"; close(SENDMAIL); open(OUTF, ">$users_homedir/" . $Q::alias . ".html") or die "Cannot create file $users_homedir/$Q::alias.html: $!"; print OUTF "<h1>$Q::alias home page</h1><br>"; close(OUTF); open(OUTF, ">$users_datadir/$Q::alias") or die "Cannot create file $users_datadir/${Q::alias}: $!"; print OUTF "name=\"$Q::fullname\n\""; print OUTF "email=\"$Q::email\n\""; print OUTF "phone=$Q::phone\n"; print OUTF "country=$Q::country\n"; print OUTF "address1=$Q::address1\n"; print OUTF "address2=$Q::address2\n"; print OUTF "city=$Q::city\n"; print OUTF "zip=$Q::zip\n"; print OUTF "password=$Q::password\n"; print OUTF "roles=("; ($Q::role_supporter) and print OUTF "role_supporter "; ($Q::role_sponsor) and print OUTF "role_sponsor "; print OUTF ")\n"; close(OUTF); return 0; } sub touch_file { my $file = shift; # create database file if it doesn't already exist if (! -e $file) { open (DATA, ">>$file") or die "Can't create File: $file\n"; close(DATA); } } sub write_code { my $code = shift; my $md5 = shift; my $database_file = File::Spec->catfile($db_dir,'codes.txt'); # set a variable with the current time my $current_time = time; # create database file if it doesn't already exist touch_file($database_file); # clean expired codes and images open (DBFILE, "<$database_file") or die "Can't open File: $database_file\n"; flock DBFILE, 1; # read lock my @data=<DBFILE>; close(DBFILE); my $new_data = ""; foreach my $line (@data) { $line =~ s/\n//; my ($data_time,$data_code) = split(/::/,$line); if ( (($current_time - $data_time) > $expire) || ($data_code eq $md5) ) { # remove expired captcha, or a dup my $png_file = File::Spec->catfile($output_dir,$data_code . ".png"); unlink($png_file) or carp("Can't remove png file [$png_file]\n"); } else { $new_data .= $line."\n"; } } # save the code to database # warn "open File: $database_file\n" if($self->debug() >= 2); open(DBFILE,">$database_file") or die "Can't open File: $database_file\n" ; flock DBFILE, 2; # write lock # warn "-->>" . $new_data . "\n" if($self->debug() >= 2); # warn "-->>" . $current_time . "::" . $md5."\n" if($self->debug()>= 2); print DBFILE $new_data; print DBFILE $current_time."::".$md5."\n"; close(DBFILE); } sub default { # my $md5sum = $captcha->generate_code($num_of_characters); my $image = GD::SecurityImage->new(width => 100, height => 50, ptsize => 22, lines => 10, # scramble => 1, rndmax => 5, angle => 360, # thickness => 1, send_ctobg => 1, bgcolor => '#ffffff', font => $captcha_font, gd_font => 'giant'); $image->random(""); #$your_random_str); $image->create( "ttf","ec","#0000CC","#c8c8CC"); #normal => 'circle'); $image->particle(350,1); my($image_data, $mime_type, $random_number) = $image->out; my $md5sum=md5_hex($random_number); open(PNGFILE,"> $output_dir/$md5sum.png"); print PNGFILE $image_data; close(PNGFILE); write_code($random_number, $md5sum); print header; print "<input type=hidden name=crypt value=\"$md5sum\" id=crypt><br> <table border=0><tr> <td>Please, enter the code in the image on the right: <INPUT TYPE=text name=code id=code size=5></td> <td align=\"center\"><img src=\"$www_output_dir/$md5sum.png\"><br> <a href=\"javascript://\" onclick=javascript:formScript.update();><font size=-1>load a new code</font></a> </td> </tr></table>\n"; } sub check_code { my ($code, $crypt) = @_; $code = lc($code); # warn "$code $crypt\n" if($self->debug() >= 2); my $current_time = time; my $return_value = 0; my $database_file = File::Spec->catfile($db_dir,"codes.txt"); # create database file if it doesn't already exist touch_file($database_file); # zeros (0) and ones (1) are not part of the code # they could be confused with (o) and (l), so we swap them in #$code =~ tr/01/ol/; my $md5 = md5_hex($code); # pull in current database # warn "Open File: $database_file\n" if($self->debug() >= 2); open (DBFILE, "<$database_file") or die "Can't open File: $database_file\n"; flock DBFILE, 1; # read lock my @data=<DBFILE>; close(DBFILE); # warn "Close File: $database_file\n" if($self->debug() >= 2); my $passed=0; # $new_data will hold the part of the database we want to keep and # write back out my $new_data = ""; my $found; foreach my $line (@data) { $line =~ s/\n//; my ($data_time,$data_code) = split(/::/,$line); my $png_file = File::Spec->catfile($output_dir,$data_code . ".png"); if ($data_code eq $crypt) { # the crypt was found in the database if (($current_time - $data_time) >$expire) { # warn "Crypt Found But Expired\n" if($self->debug() >= 2); # the crypt was found but has expired $return_value = -1; } else { # warn "Match Crypt in File Crypt: $crypt\n" if($self->debug() >= 2); $found = 1; } # remove the found crypt so it can't be used again # warn "Unlink File: " . $png_file . "\n" if($self->debug() >= 2); unlink($png_file) or carp("Can't remove png file [$png_file]\n"); } elsif (($current_time - $data_time) > $expire) { # removed expired crypt # warn "Removing Expired Crypt File: " . $png_file ."\n" if($self->debug() >= 2); unlink($png_file) or carp("Can't remove png file [$png_file]\n"); } else { # crypt not found or expired, keep it $new_data .= $line."\n"; } } if ($md5 eq $crypt) { # warn "Match: " . $md5 . " And " . $crypt . "\n" if($self->debug() >= 2); # solution was correct if ($found) { # solution was correct and was found in database - passed $return_value = 1; } elsif (!$return_value) { # solution was not found in database $return_value = -2; } } else { # warn "No Match: " . $md5 . " And " . $crypt . "\n" if($self->debug() >= 2); # incorrect solution $return_value = -3; } # update database open(DBFILE,">$database_file") or die "Can't open File: $database_file\n"; flock DBFILE, 2; # write lock print DBFILE $new_data; close(DBFILE); return $return_value; } sub load_cgi_variables { my $cgi = new CGI; $cgi->import_names('Q'); }