Changes in version 0.8 20100110 - openmamba-dw-checklist: integrated use of distdb configuation from autodist - openmamba-newrelease: add platforms installdvd and bootusb, dropped livestudio - openmamba-repository: * added list option * added distromatic option to populate specs repository directory - cron.daily/20-openmamba-autobuild-makedist: * update to new targets * support for creation of torrent files * parametric support for languages - cron.daily/30-openmamba-autobuild-cleanold: * parametric support for languages * support for torrent files - cron.daily/50-openmamba-fix-permissions: added - openmamba-autobuild-autodist cron moved from daily to hourly cron - cron.hourly/10-openmamba-sync-back cron.hourly/30-openmamba-distromatic cron.hourly/40-openmamba-rsync: minor fixes - cron.weekly/20-gencontents: generate contentslist inside nonflat dir --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 0.7 - update to current scripts release - added script openmamba-newrelease - frontend: added scripts 05-ntpd and 20-openmamba-developer-messages --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 0.6 - update to current scripts release - added script and cron for dw-checklist support --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 0.5 - cron scripts: lots of updates - added frontend cron scripts --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 0.4 - openmamba-import renamed to openmamba-repository with many new features - cron scripts: lots of updates; added rsync daily cron --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 0.3 - openmamba-newrep: added script for new repository creation - cron.weekly/10-openmamba-makedist: added cron script - small fixes to cron files --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 0.2 - openmamba-import: added support for local source repositories - cron files: many small fixes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 0.1 - first packaging ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------