#!/bin/bash # # gen_target_lists.sh # # Generates the lists of files of a given target # # Copyright (c) 2004-2007 by Silvan Calarco # # %1 - %n: Makefile targets # function expand_rpm_names() { local f for f in $1; do find $RPMSDIR -regex ".*/${f//+/\\+}-[^-]*-[^-]*" -printf "%f " || echo "Warning: missing RPM file for $f" done } function expand_srpm_names() { local f for f in $1; do find $SRPMSDIR -regex ".*/${f//+/\\+}-[^-]*-[^-]*" -printf "%f " || echo "Warning: missing SRPM file for $f" done } MAKEFILEDIR=/var/makedist/SOURCE/utils RPMSDIR=/var/makedist/SOURCE/RPMS/i586/ SRPMSDIR=/var/makedist/SOURCE/SRPMS/ OUTDIR=/var/makedist/SOURCE RPMOUT=$OUTDIR/rpms-list SRPMOUT=$OUTDIR/srpms-list #alltargets=`sed -n '/^qilinux-[^ ]*:/{s/:.*//g;p}' $MAKEFILEDIR/Makefile` #echo $alltargets #read toinstall=`make -C $MAKEFILEDIR $@ -s 2>/dev/null` #echo $toinstall [ $? -ne 0 ] && { echo "Error in Makefile"; exit 1; } rpms=`expand_rpm_names "$toinstall"` srpms=`expand_srpm_names "$toinstall"` rpmsfilesum=0 > $RPMOUT for rpm in $rpms; do filesize=`du -b $RPMSDIR$rpm | gawk '{ print $1 }'` echo $rpm $filesize >> $RPMOUT rpmsfilesum=`expr $rpmsfilesum + $filesize` done srpmsfilesum=0 > $SRPMOUT for srpm in $srpms; do filesize=`du -b $SRPMSDIR$srpm | gawk '{ print $1 }'` echo $srpm $filesize >> $SRPMOUT srpmsfilesum=`expr $srpmsfilesum + $filesize` done echo "Total: RPMS=$rpmsfilesum bytes SRPMS=$srpmsfilesum bytes" #(cd $RPMSDIR && du -c -h $rpms | tail -n 1)