openmamba bootcd menu ===================== 1) mount rootfs from first USB storage (sda1) 2) mount rootfs from second USB storage (sda2) 3) mount rootfs from unpartitioned USB storage (sda) 4) mount rootfs from first IDE (hda) 8) mount rootfs from first USB storage (sda1) in debug mode 9) Start a system memory benchmark Please, enter 1 or wait 10 seconds to boot automatically. You can also pass some extra parameters to the kernel. For example: boot: 1 root=/dev/sdb1 If you have trouble during boot stage please use debug=1 and vga=normal options in order to see system startup messages. NOTE: In most cases the kernel will detect your hardware, and parameters are not needed. If you don't need to enter any parameters, hit ENTER to boot the default kernel.