openmamba CD boot menu ====================== 1) System startup with proprietary video drivers (default choice) 2) System startup with open source video drivers 3) System startup with proprietary video drivers + low resolution (1024x768) 4) System startup with open source video drivers + low resolution (1024x768) 8) System startup in debug mode 9) Start a system memory benchmark Please, enter 1 or wait 10 seconds to boot automatically. You can also pass some extra parameters to the kernel. For example: boot: 1 debug=1 video=vesafb:off postplug=nosound,freevideo If you have trouble booting the system please use the choice '8' or the debug=1 and vga=normal options in order to see system messages. NOTE: In most cases the kernel will detect your hardware, and parameters are not needed. If you don't need to enter any parameters, hit ENTER to boot the default kernel.