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$(MAKEDIST_TARGET): rpm make
# gcc gcc-c++ gcc-cpp
@[ "$(RELEASE)" = "devel" -o "$(RELEASE)" = "" ] && echo -n "openmamba-devel "; \
$(MAKEDIST_TARGET)-base: filesystem gzip texinfo ldconfig bash libreadline glibc \
2015-04-09 10:22:43 +02:00
ncurses systemd setup coreutils rootfiles chkconfig \
udev debianutils openmamba-release
# splashutils
$(MAKEDIST_TARGET)-firmwares: ipw2100-firmware ipw2200-firmware zd1211-firmware radeon-firmware \
rt2501-firmware rt2860-firmware rt2870-firmware r5u87x-firmware
$(MAKEDIST_TARGET)-commontools: $(_init_system) util-linux kmod \
procps sed grep tar bzip2 unzip zip pciutils lshw \
2015-04-09 10:22:43 +02:00
pam shadow-common pwdutils acpid screen \
net-tools prelink mc dhcpclient timezone nfs-utils \
wireless_tools wpa_supplicant openmamba-release refit-tools openssh-clients \
dosfstools man mbr iptables cups vim iputils sudo postplug less \
reiserfsprogs ppp b43-tools mdadm usb-modeswitch \
usbutils ftp telnet whois eject bluez lsof rsync \
pcmcia-utils xdg-utils iproute $(MAKEDIST_TARGET)-firmwares \
dracut postfix $(MAKEDIST_TARGET)-devel
$(MAKEDIST_TARGET)-debug: strace valgrind gdb minicom openssh-server dhcpclient rpm iputils \
openssh-clients diffutils Mesa-tools kbd mc openmamba-release
$(MAKEDIST_TARGET)-advanced: hdparm hibernate
# empty language and arch target to be overriden next
include $(TARGETSDIR)/$(TARGET)/platforms/$(PLATFORM)/Makefile
@[ `echo " $$INSTALLED " | grep -c " $@ "` -eq 0 ] && \
{ echo -n "$@ "; \
[ "$(MULTILANGUAGE)" ] && for l in $(MULTILANGUAGE); do echo -n "kde-i18n-$$l "; done; \
[ ! "$(LANGUAGE)" = "" ] && [ ! "$(LANGUAGE)" = "en" ] && echo -n "kde-i18n-$(LANGUAGE) "; } || :
@[ `echo " $$INSTALLED " | grep -c " $@ "` -eq 0 ] && \
{ echo -n "$@ "; \
[ "$(MULTILANGUAGE)" != "" ] && for l in $(MULTILANGUAGE); do echo -n "kde-l10n-$$l "; done; \
[ ! "$(LANGUAGE)" = "" ] && [ ! "$(LANGUAGE)" = "en" ] && echo -n "kde-l10n-$(LANGUAGE) "; } || :
@[ `echo " $$INSTALLED " | grep -c " $@ "` -eq 0 ] && \
{ echo -n "$@ "; \
# [ "$(MULTILANGUAGE)" != "" ] && for l in $(MULTILANGUAGE); do echo -n "koffice-i18n-$$l "; done; \
[ ! "$(LANGUAGE)" = "" ] && [ ! "$(LANGUAGE)" = "en" ] && echo -n "koffice-i18n-$(LANGUAGE) "; } || :
# @[ `echo " $$INSTALLED " | grep -c " $@ "` -eq 0 ] && \
# { echo -n "$@ "; \
# [ ! "$(LANGUAGE)" = "" ] && [ ! "$(LANGUAGE)" = "en" ] && echo -n "k3b-i18n-$(LANGUAGE) "
# } || :
@[ `echo " $$INSTALLED " | grep -c " $@ "` -eq 0 ] && \
{ echo -n "$@ "; \
[ "$(MULTILANGUAGE)" ] && for l in $(MULTILANGUAGE); do echo -n "aspell-$$l "; done; \
[ ! "$(LANGUAGE)" = "" ] && echo -n "aspell-$(LANGUAGE) "; } || :
@[ `echo " $$INSTALLED " | grep -c " $@ "` -eq 0 ] && \
{ echo -n "$@ "; \
[ "$(MULTILANGUAGE)" != "" ] && for l in $(MULTILANGUAGE); do echo -n "libreoffice-i18n-$$l "; done; \
[ ! "$(LANGUAGE)" = "" ] && echo -n "libreoffice-i18n-$(LANGUAGE) "; } || :