86 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2011-04-27 21:50:52 +02:00
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /tag=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.]+)/" -->
<!--#set var="tag" value="$1" -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/${tag}/_index.inc" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="List of all packages in the $tag repository" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="List of all RPM packages in the openmamba $tag repository" -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /pkg=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.]+)/" -->
<!--#set var="pkg" value="$1" -->
<!--#if expr="$pkg != _index" -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/${tag}/${pkg}.inc" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="$pkg RPM package information ($tag repository)" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="openmamba $tag repository: $pkg RPM package information and download" -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /maintainer=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.:]+)/" -->
<!--#set var="maintainer" value="$1" -->
<!--#if expr="$maintainer = _index" -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/${tag}/_maintainers.inc" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="List of all maintainers in the $tag repository" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="List of all maintainers in the $tag repository" -->
<!--#else -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/${tag}/maintainers/${maintainer}.inc" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Packages maintained by ${maintainer} in the $tag repository" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Packages maintained by ${maintainer} in the $tag repository" -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /group=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.:]+)/" -->
<!--#set var="group" value="$1" -->
<!--#if expr="$group = _index" -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/${tag}/_groups.inc" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="List of all groups for the $tag repository" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="List of all groups for the $tag repository" -->
<!--#else -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/${tag}/${group}/_index.inc" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Packages of $group group in the $tag repository" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Packages of $group group in the $tag repository" -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#else -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/_index.inc" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Index of all available repositories" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Index of all available repositories" -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<table width="100%"><tr><td>
<!--#if expr="$tag != ''" -->
[<a href="index.html">repositories</a>]
<!--#if expr="$group != _index" -->
[<a href="index.html?tag=<!--#echo var=tag -->&amp;group=_index"><!--#echo var=tag --> groups</a>]
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$pkg != '_index'" -->
[<a href="index.html?tag=<!--#echo var=tag -->&amp;pkg=_index"><!--#echo var=tag --> packages</a>]
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$maintainer != _index" -->
[<a href="index.html?tag=<!--#echo var=tag -->&amp;maintainer=_index"><!--#echo var=tag --> maintainers</a>]
<!--#endif -->
<!--#endif -->
<table border=0><tr>
<td valign=top width="100%">
<!--#include virtual=${includefile} -->
<td valign=top>
<!--#include virtual="/verticalbanner.html" -->
<br><font size=-1>
<!--#if expr="$tag != ''" -->
[<a href="index.html">repositories</a>]
<!--#if expr="$group != _index" -->
[<a href="index.html?tag=<!--#echo var=tag -->&amp;group=_index"><!--#echo var=tag --> groups</a>]
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$pkg != '_index'" -->
[<a href="index.html?tag=<!--#echo var=tag -->&amp;pkg=_index"><!--#echo var=tag --> packages</a>]
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$maintainer != _index" -->
[<a href="index.html?tag=<!--#echo var=tag -->&amp;maintainer=_index"><!--#echo var=tag --> maintainers</a>]
<!--#endif -->
<!--#endif -->
<br>Automatically generated by <a href="index.html?tag=devel&pkg=distromatic">distromatic</a>.
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->