# openmamba boot loader recovery script # Copyright (c) 2007-2011 by Silvan Calarco # # Released under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 License VERSION=0.6 TEXTDOMAIN=bootrecover TEXTDOMAINDIR=/opt/kde3/share/locale/ INSTALL_DATE=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M` INPUT_FILE=~/.bootrecover.conf LOG_FILE=/var/log/bootrecover-$INSTALL_DATE.log MOUNTPOINT=/mnt/install KERNEL_RELEASE=`uname -r` function abort() { [ "$DCOPID" ] && { dcop $DCOPID KommanderIf setText progressText $"Installation aborted; press Next to see the error log." dcop $DCOPID KommanderIf setText finallabel $"Installation aborted :-(" dcop $DCOPID KommanderIf setEnabled next true } exit 1 } function finished() { [ "$DCOPID" ] && { dcop $DCOPID KommanderIf setText progressText $"Installation completed; press Next to continue." dcop $DCOPID KommanderIf setText progressBar 100 dcop $DCOPID KommanderIf setText installTopLabel $"Installation completed." dcop $DCOPID KommanderIf setText installInfoLabel "" dcop $DCOPID KommanderIf setEnabled next true dcop $DCOPID KommanderIf setEnabled ProgressGroupBox true } exit 1 } function dcop_write() { [ "$DCOPID" ] && { dcop $DCOPID KommanderIf setText progressText "$1" dcop $DCOPID KommanderIf setText progressBar $2 } } function apt_parser() { while read line; do [ "$DCOPID" ] && { echo $line dcop $DCOPID KommanderIf setText progressText2 "$line" } done } cp_parser_count=0 date_start=`date +%s` function cp_parser() { while read line; do let cp_parser_count+=1 if [ $cp_parser_count -ge 100 ]; then [ "$DCOPID" ] && { CP_LINE=`echo ${line/*$MOUNTPOINT/}` MOUNT_SPACE=`du -sh $MOUNTPOINT` MOUNT_SPACE=${MOUNT_SPACE/$MOUNTPOINT/} let TIME_ELAPSED=\(`date +%s`-$date_start\)/60 dcop $DCOPID KommanderIf setText progressText2 $"\ Copying: '$CP_LINE ${MOUNT_SPACE}bytes copied Installation time: $TIME_ELAPSED minutes" } cp_parser_count=0 fi done } DCOPID=$2 echo $"\ openmamba boot loader recovery script - version $VERSION Copyright (c) 2007-2010 by Silvan Calarco " dcop_write $"Starting installation..." 5 [ -r $INPUT_FILE ] || { echo $"Error: cannot read input file $INPUT_FILE; aborting." >&2 abort } . $INPUT_FILE [ $INSTALL_DEVICE ] || { echo $"Error: installation device is not defined in $INPUT_FILE; aborting." >&2 abort } INSTALL_DISK_DEVICE=${INSTALL_DEVICE:0:8} MOUNTPOINT=$INSTALL_MOUNTPOINT [ -d $MOUNTPOINT ] || { echo $"Error: mount point $MOUNTPOINT does not exist or is not a directory; aborting." >&2 abort } [ -e $MOUNTPOINT/etc/openmamba-release ] || { echo $"Error: file $MOUNTPOINT/etc/openmamba-release does not exist; aborting." >&2 abort } [ -e $MOUNTPOINT/usr/sbin/grub-install ] || { echo $"Error: file $MOUNTPOINT/usr/sbin/grub-install missing; aborting." >&2 abort } dcop_write $"Binding system dirs to new mountpoint..." 73 mount -o bind /dev $MOUNTPOINT/dev || { echo $"Error: could not mount $MOUNTPOINT/dev; aborting." >&2 abort } mount -o bind /sys $MOUNTPOINT/sys || { echo $"Error: could not mount $MOUNTPOINT/sys; aborting." >&2 abort } mount -o bind /proc $MOUNTPOINT/proc || { echo $"Error: could not mount $MOUNTPOINT/proc; aborting." >&2 abort } if [ "$INSTALL_BOOTLOADER_DEVICE" ]; then for k in $MOUNTPOINT/boot/vmlinuz-*; do KVER=${k/*\/boot\/vmlinuz-} dcop_write $"Recreating initramfs for $KVER kernel..." 82 echo $"Recreating initramfs for $KVER kernel" | tee -a $LOG_FILE chroot $MOUNTPOINT mkinitrd -f /boot/initramfs-${KVER}.img ${KVER} done dcop_write $"Installing bootloader on $INSTALL_BOOTLOADER_DEVICE..." 90 echo $"Installing grub bootloader on $INSTALL_BOOTLOADER_DEVICE" | tee -a $LOG_FILE grub-install $INSTALL_BOOTLOADER_DEVICE --root-directory=$MOUNTPOINT --recheck --no-floppy [ "$INSTALL_BOOTLOADER_DEVICE_SETBOOTABLE" = "1" -a \ "${INSTALL_BOOTLOADER_DEVICE:8:2}" ] && { parted ${INSTALL_BOOTLOADER_DEVICE:0:8} \ set ${INSTALL_BOOTLOADER_DEVICE:8:2} boot on || \ echo $"Warning: there was an error setting bootloader partition as bootable." >&2 } [ "$INSTALL_BOOTLOADER_CHAINLOAD" ] && { # configure boot chainloader for e.g. windows GRUB_OTHER_TITLES=() for i in ${INSTALL_BOOTLOADER_CHAINLOAD[*]}; do # FIXME: missing conversion from device to grub (hdx,y) form unset ID_FS_UUID eval `blkid $i -o udev` if [ "$ID_FS_UUID" ]; then if [ "$ID_FS_TYPE" = "ntfs" ]; then [ "$ID_FS_LABEL" ] && ID_FS_LABEL="Windows ($ID_FS_LABEL)" || ID_FS_LABEL="Windows" elif [ "${ID_FS_TYPE:0:3}" = "fat" ]; then [ "$ID_FS_LABEL" ] && ID_FS_LABEL="Win/DOS ($ID_FS_LABEL)" || ID_FS_LABEL="Windows/DOS" else [ "$ID_FS_LABEL" ] && ID_FS_LABEL="Other OS ($ID_FS_LABEL)" || ID_FS_LABEL="Other OS" fi [ "$ID_FS_LABEL" ] || ID_FS_LABEL="W" GRUB_OTHER_DEVICES=(${GRUB_OTHER_DEVICES[*]} /dev/disk/by-uuid/$ID_FS_UUID) GRUB_OTHER_TITLES=(${GRUB_OTHER_TITLES[*]} "\"$ID_FS_LABEL\"") else GRUB_OTHER_DEV=$i for o in `seq 1 ${#DEV_NAME_ORIG[*]}`; do [ "${DEV_NAME_ORIG[o-1]}" = "${i:5:3}" ] && { GRUB_OTHER_DEV=${DEV_NAME_DEST[o-1]}${i:8:2} break } done GRUB_OTHER_DEVICES=(${GRUB_OTHER_DEVICES[*]} $GRUB_OTHER_DEV) GRUB_OTHER_TITLES=(${GRUB_OTHER_TITLES[*]} "\"Windows on $GRUB_OTHER_DEV\"") fi done cat >> $MOUNTPOINT/etc/sysconfig/grub << _EOF GRUB_OTHER_DEVICES=(${GRUB_OTHER_DEVICES[*]}) GRUB_OTHER_TITLES=(${GRUB_OTHER_TITLES[*]}) _EOF } chroot $MOUNTPOINT update-grub | tee -a $LOGFILE else echo $"Info: skipping bootloader installation" | tee -a $LOG_FILE fi ## MBR backup #echo "Installing MBR record on $INSTALL_DISK_DEVICE" | tee -a $LOG_FILE #dd if=$INSTALL_DISK_DEVICE of=$MOUNTPOINT/boot/mbr-backup bs=1 count=512 #install-mbr $INSTALL_DISK_DEVICE umount $MOUNTPOINT/dev umount $MOUNTPOINT/sys umount $MOUNTPOINT/proc umount $MOUNTPOINT finished echo $"Installation done. You can now reboot to start the freshly installed system." | tee -a $LOG_FILE exit 0