126 lines
3.6 KiB
126 lines
3.6 KiB
Name: @pck_name@
Version: @pck_version@
Release: @spec_first_release@@DISTRO_rpm@
Summary: ...
Group: ...
Vendor: @VENDOR@
Distribution: @DISTRO@
Packager: @packager_fullname@ <@packager_email@>
URL: http://www.kde.org
Source: ...
#Patch0: %{name}-<pck-version>-<patch-description>.patch
License: ...
BuildRequires: cmake
BuildRequires: libqt4-devel
BuildRequires: kdelibs-devel
## note: run 'autospec -u -a6 @pck_name@' to get the list of build requirements.
Requires: kde-workspace
BuildRoot: @rpm_default_buildroot@
%setup -q
#%patch0 -p1
%cmake_kde4 -d build
[ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf "%{buildroot}"
%makeinstall -C build
%find_lang %{name} --all-name --with-kde || touch %{name}.lang
[ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf "%{buildroot}"
## remove the following line if no dynamic libraries are provided by this package
## remove the following line if this package has no hicolor icons
touch --no-create %{_kde4_icondir}/hicolor &>/dev/null
## remove the following line if this package has no oxygen icons
touch --no-create %{_kde4_icondir}/oxygen &>/dev/null
exit 0
## remove the following line if no dynamic libraries are provided by this package
update-desktop-database -q &>/dev/null
update-mime-database %{_kde4_mimedir} &>/dev/null
## remove the following line if this package has no hicolor icons
gtk-update-icon-cache %{_kde4_icondir}/hicolor &>/dev/null
## remove the following line if this package has no oxygen icons
gtk-update-icon-cache %{_kde4_icondir}/oxygen &>/dev/null
exit 0
## remove the following line if no dynamic libraries are provided by this package
if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
\ update-desktop-database -q &>/dev/null
\ update-mime-database %{_kde4_mimedir} &>/dev/null
## remove the following two lines if this package has no hicolor icons
\ touch --no-create %{_kde4_icondir}/hicolor &>/dev/null
\ gtk-update-icon-cache %{_kde4_icondir}/hicolor &>/dev/null
## remove the following two lines if this package has no oxygen icons
\ touch --no-create %{_kde4_icondir}/oxygen &>/dev/null
\ gtk-update-icon-cache %{_kde4_icondir}/oxygen &>/dev/null
exit 0
%files -f %{name}.lang
## note: this list is just an example; modify as required
# %{_kde4_bindir}/%{name}
# %{_kde4_datadir}/%{name}
# %{_kde4_dbusinterfacesdir}/org.kde.*.xml
# %{_kde4_kcfgdir}/*.kcfg
# %{_kde4_libdir}/kde4/*.so
# %{_kde4_icondir}/hicolor/*/*/*.png
# %{_kde4_icondir}/oxygen/*/*/*.png
# %{_kde4_icondir}/hicolor/scalable/*/*.svgz
# %{_kde4_icondir}/oxygen/scalable/*/*.svgz
# %{_kde4_xdgappsdir}/%{name}.desktop
# %{_kde4_xdgmimedir}/*.xml
# %{_kde4_servicesdir}/*.desktop
# %{_kde4_servicetypesdir}/*.desktop
# %config %{_kde4_configdir}/*.knsrc
# %doc %lang(en) %{_kde4_htmldir}/en/%{name}
## note: "man3" pages normally goes to devel package if any
# %{_mandir}/man?/%{name}.*
## note: eventually add the remaining documents (if any)
# @standard_docs_devel@
* @spec_changelog_date@ @packager_fullname@ <@packager_email@> @pck_version@-@spec_first_release@@DISTRO_rpm@
- @spec_changelog_comment@