Davide Madrisan 42c9a323e2 templates: several minor fixes and improvements
Signed-off-by: Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan@gmail.com>
2012-04-10 23:42:12 +02:00

54 lines
1.5 KiB

Name: @pck_name@
Version: @pck_version@
Release: @spec_first_release@@DISTRO_rpm@
Summary: ...
Group: System/Libraries
Vendor: @VENDOR@
Distribution: @DISTRO@
Packager: @packager_fullname@ <@packager_email@>
URL: ...
Source: ...
#Patch0: %{name}-<pck-version>-<patch-description>.patch
License: ...
## note: run 'autospec -u -a6 @pck_name@' to get the list of build requirements.
BuildRequires: libpython-devel
Requires: python >= %python_version
BuildRoot: @rpm_default_buildroot@
%setup -q
#%patch0 -p1
CFLAGS="%{optflags}" %{__python} setup.py build
[ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf "%{buildroot}"
%{__python} setup.py install \\
\ -O1 --skip-build \\
\ --root="%{buildroot}" \\
\ --install-headers=%{_includedir}/python \\
\ --install-lib=%{python_sitearch} \\
\ --single-version-externally-managed \\
\ --record=%{name}.filelist
sed -i "\\,\\.egg-info/,d;s,.*/man/.*,&.gz," %{name}.filelist
%files -f %{name}.filelist
## note: this list is just an example; modify as required
# %{python_sitearch}/%{name}.py*
# %{python_sitearch}/%{name}.so
## note: eventually add the remaining documents (if any)
# @standard_docs_devel@
* @spec_changelog_date@ @packager_fullname@ <@packager_email@> @pck_version@-@spec_first_release@@DISTRO_rpm@
- @spec_changelog_comment@