4222 lines
152 KiB
4222 lines
152 KiB
Changes in version 1.12.6
+ update
* autospec.spec - Davide Madrisan:
Update the URL tag.
* autospec.spec - Davide Madrisan:
Make the specfile more distro-agnostic.
* Makefile - Davide Madrisan:
Modify the 'dist' directive to allow 'make dist', 'make dist-rpm', and
'make dist-rpm-install' with a cloned git archive.
Changes in version 1.12.5
Wed Oct 03 2012 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ bugfix
* autospec.spec - Davide Madrisan:
Add a build requirement for gettext.
+ improvement
* lib/libnetwork.lib - Davide Madrisan:
git.create_tarball(): run 'git clone --depth=1' to only clone the last
commit. We do not need to clone the whole git repository.
(Thanks to Silvan Calarco:silvan.calarco(a)mambasoft.it for spotting this.)
+ bugfix
* lib/libnetwork.lib - Davide Madrisan:
git.create_tarball(): fix typo.
+ update
* lib/libnetwork.lib - Davide Madrisan:
git.create_tarball(): add some debug messages.
+ improvement
* spec-create - Davide Madrisan:
specfile.create(): modify the 'Source' tag by including a parsable git url.
Changes in version 1.12.4
Sat Sep 22 2012 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ update
* lib/libapse.lib - Davide Madrisan:
Coding style fixes.
+ improvement
* test/test01_pkgquality - Davide Madrisan:
When a file is detected as problematic do add its mime type.
+ update
* lib/libnetwork.lib - Davide Madrisan:
Remove the extra newline added to workaroung a bug in curl.
It's fixed now.
+ improvement
* spec-create - Davide Madrisan:
Document the creation of a specfile starting from a git repository.
* spec-create, lib/libnetwork.lib - Madrisan:
Add aupport for git branches in spec-create by adding the new options
'--git-branch' and '--preserve-dot-git'.
+ update
* lib/libnetwork.lib - Madrisan:
Do not run the git command in quiet mode.
Changes in version 1.12.3
Tue Jul 17 2012 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ improvement
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Action 4: allow a distribution-ID "upgrade" when updating the release
Example: 1mamba --> 2mamba2
(when DISTRO_rpm="mamba2" is set in the configuration files).
Feature asked by Silvan Calarco.
+ bugfix
* pck-update, libnetwork.lib - Davide Madrisan:
A package name can contain one or more undescores so add it to the list of
allowed characters in 'repository.get_srpm_pckname_from_site()'.
(Problem pointed out by Silvan Calarco.)
+ update
* conf/03-apse.conf - Stefano Cotta Ramusino:
Add 'apse_enabled' array to enable/disable a specific APSE site.
Add new sites for APSE:
. http://directory.fsf.org
. http://launchpad.net
* lib/libapse.lib - Stefano Cotta Ramusino:
Update Copyright messages.
+ bugfix
* conf/03-apse.conf - Stefano Cotta Ramusino:
Fix scraping values in APSE arrays for following sites:
. http://fileforum.betanews.com
. http://linux.softpedia.com
. http://www.gnomefiles.org -> http://gnomefiles.org
. http://freshmeat.net -> http://freecode.com
* lib/libapse.lib - Stefano Cotta Ramusino:
apse.cmpversion(): some versioning methods use next letter of the alphabet
for new version so compare versions alphabetically if there're still
letters after comparison based on 'precedence' array.
* lib/libspec.lib - Stefano Cotta Ramusino:
rpmvars.solve(): passing rpmvars to "rpm --eval" to expand compound rpm
variables such as %{majorminor}.
+ improvement
* lib/libapse.lib - Stefano Cotta Ramusino:
Modify debug output to get it more readable.
* pck-update - Stefano Cotta Ramusino:
Action 3: generate correct download URL getting new version from action 2
or from command line parameter.
+ update
* lib/libapse.lib, lib/libspec.lib - Davide Madrisan:
Style fixes.
+ improvement
* lib/libapse.lib - Davide Madrisan:
Do not use 'dirname' and 'basename': bash provides primitives to do that.
+ update
* conf/02-specfile-formatting-rules.conf - Davide Madrisan:
'library_name_structure': new default value is now "".
The old value ("^lib") does no longer apply.
(Modification asked by Silvan Calarco.)
Changes in version 1.12.2
Mon May 28 2012 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ update
* italian manpage - Davide Madrisan:
Add a few more examples for 'autospec -u' and add a short comment before
each example.
+ update
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Do not check for missing build requirements and source files when
pck-update is invoked with the option '--list-check'.
+ update
* templates/kde4
Add a requirement for kdelibs-devel in the -devel package preamble.
Add a build requirement for automoc4.
+ improvement
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Action 6: new option '--update-autobuildreq' which replace a block
Changes in version 1.12.1
Wed May 23 2012 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ bugfix
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Fix message to let work the italian translation.
+ update
* conf/02-specfile-formatting-rules.conf - Davide Madrisan:
Update 'source0_name_structure' to allow *.tar.xz archives.
* test/*, pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Update/add the code to check for the required external tools.
* conf/06-security-system-library-paths.conf - Davide Madrisan:
allowed_libdirs: replace /opt/kde4/lib with /opt/kde/lib.
Changes in version 1.12.0
Sun May 20 2012 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ bugfix
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Stop pck-update execution with an error code when 'specfile.newrelease()'
reports an error.
(Bug reported by Silvan Calarco.)
* autospec.conf - Davide Madrisan:
format_unpackaged_file_list: fix rpm variable expansion for /lib and
(As usual: bug reported by Silvan Calarco.)
+ update
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Action 0: better notification message.
* po/it/pck-update.po - Davide Madrisan:
* lib/libcfg.lib - Davide Madrisan:
Add /etc/autospec.d/*.conf to the list of configuration files.
* Makefile, Makefile.env, conf/* - Davide Madrisan:
Split autospec.conf into several configuration files.
+ improvement
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Check specfiles for CR and CRLF line terminators.
They can mislead the specfile parser.
+ bugfix
* templates/{library,standard,standard-daemon} - Davide Madrisan:
Missing requirement: "Requires(preun): %{__install_info}"
+ improvement
* tests/test01_pkgquality - Davide Madrisan:
New test: check for libraries with undefined symbols after relocation.
+ bugfix
* spec-create - Davide Madrisan:
Select makefile as build_techology when a makefile (downcase letters) or a
GNUmalefile is found, not only a Makefile (with a capital letter).
(Bug reported by Silvan Calarco.)
+ update
* TODO - Davide Madrisan:
Remove out of date stuff out of date stuff.
+ update
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Update help message.
+ improvement
* documentation - Davide Madrisan:
Remove the partially obsolete document `autospec-it-HOWTO'.
Update/improve the italian manpage by merging part of the italian HOWTO.
+ update
* autospec.spec - Davide Madrisan:
Add the requirement for bash.
* tests/test01_pkgquality, ests/test02_pkgsecurity - Davide Madrisan:
Rework output by adding the numbering of tests.
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Do not reinitialize the tests counter before executing a new test battery.
+ improvement
* lib/libtest.lib - Davide Madrisan:
New library containing the test framwork code and functions.
* lib/Makefile - Davide Madrisan:
Updated by adding the library libtest.lib.
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Move code for test to the new library libtest.lib.
* i18n - Davide Madrisan:
Updated. Add a .po file for libtest.lib.
+ update
* BUGS - Davide Madrisan:
The option '--ignore-test' works again. Remove the corresponding line.
+ update
* test/test00_specsyntax - Davide Madrisan:
New test file 'test00_specsyntax'.
Move code to check specfiles from 'pck-update' (action 4) to the test file
+ improvement
* test/test00_specsyntax, pck-update, lib/libtest.lib - Davide Madrisan:
Unify the output of all the modules' test.
Changes in version 1.10.0
Tue May 01 2012 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ improvement
* spec-create - Davide Madrisan:
Add code to create specfiles directly from git repositories.
autospec -s git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/cpu/mce/mcelog.git \
-o mcelog.spec
* spec-create - Davide Madrisan:
Add a "## GITSOURCE" comment containing the URL of the git repository.
This information will instruct pck-update on how to update the package.
* spec-create - Davide Madrisan:
Also support git URL starting by http:// and https://.
* spec-create - Davide Madrisan:
Exist with error when git is required but cannot be found.
+ bugfix
* pck-update, lib/libnetwork.lib - Davide Madrisan:
`host' is not required by pck-update; move the requirement to libnetwork.
+ update
* lib/libnetwork.lib - Davide Madrisan:
Do not require 'host'. Just display a warning message when not available.
This tool (and the package 'bind-utils') is not available in early stage
platform development.
(Asked by Silvan Calarco.)
* autospec.spec - Silvan Calarco:
Do not require '/usr/bin/host' in early stage platform development.
* spec-create, lib/libnetwork.lib - Davide Madrisan:
Move code from spec-create to the new function 'git.create_tarball()' in
+ bugfix
* lib/libnetwork.lib - Davide Madrisan:
repository.get_srpm_pckname_from_HTML(): make the function work again for
curl dumps of ftp sites. (Regression pointed out by Silvan Calarco).
+ update
* lib/libnetwork.lib - Davide Madrisan:
Function renaming: repository.get_srpm_pckname_from_HTML() -->
+ bugfix
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
specfile.newrelease(): do not ignore the release set by user at command
line. (Bug discovered by Silvan Calarco).
+ bugfix
* lib/libnetwork.lib - Davide Madrisan:
repository.get_srpm_pckname_from_site(): do not lower the curl dump.
This obviously modify the name of packages containing uppercase letters...
(Another regression (!) discovered and debugged by Silvan Calarco).
+ update
* lib/libnetwork.lib - Davide Madrisan:
repository.get_srpm_pckname_from_site(): make the search case insensitive.
Changes in version 1.9.4
Tue Apr 17 2012 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ improvement
* templates/{library,kde4,python} - Davide Madrisan:
Several minor fixes and improvements.
+ bugfix
* templates/{gnome,kde*,library,standard,standard-daemon} - Davide Madrisan:
Move %debug_package macro after all %description blocks.
+ update
* templates/kde4 - Davide Madrisan:
Remove 'Patch0' and '#%patch0 -p1' directives.
+ improvement
* lib/libnetwork.lib - Davide Madrisan:
repository.get_pckname_from_HTML: reworked to accept regular expessions.
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Action 0: display the entire list of packages when the user query is a
regular expression.
* i18n - Davide Madrisan:
* lib/libnetwork.lib - Davide Madrisan:
repository.get_pckname_from_HTML: make package search case insensitive.
+ update
* templates/{kde3,library,perl,python,standard{-daemon}} - Davide Madrisan:
Remove 'Patch0' and '#%patch0 -p1' directives.
Changes in version 1.9.3 - April Fools' Day Release
Sun Apr 01 2012 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ update
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Action 6: better check for self-provided packages.
* templates/library - Davide Madrisan:
Modify requirement for pkgconfig (the package is now called pkg-config).
+ bugfix
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Fix for the error message:
/usr/bin/pck-update: line 2458: package: command not found
(Problem pointed out by Silvan Calarco.)
* Makefile - Davide Madrisan:
Fix make clean target: the files in the root directory generated from .in
files must be removed too.
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Action 6: correctly parse self-provided build requirements containing a '='
character followed by a version number.
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Action 6: do not display the rpm message "no package provides...": it
will be a duplicate entry in the list of unresolved build requirements.
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
infofile.create(): "rpm --specfile --specedit" is buggy so it's better to
treat errors as warnings in autospec and not to stop the script execution.
(Problem detected by Silvan Calarco.)
+ update
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Action 5: new option "--list-check" for simply running "rpmbuild -bl" and
displaying the list of unpackaged files.
(Feature asked by Silvan Calarco.)
* i18n - Davide Madrisan:
+ update
* spec-create - Davide Madrisan:
Preliminary support for scon.
(Feature asked by Silvan Calarco.)
* spec-create - Davide Madrisan:
Add a build requirent for cmake and scons when required.
* templetes/{library,standard,standard-daemon} - Davide Madrisan:
Add a 'buildrequires_buildtool' conditional block.
Changes in version 1.9.2
Sun Feb 05 2012 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ improvement
* templates/library - Davide Madrisan:
Add requirements for pkgconfig.
+ update
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Action 6: code cleanups.
+ bugfix
* autospec.conf - Davide Madrisan:
swap %{_libexecdir} and %{_libdir} substitutions.
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Action 6: fix for /lib/ld-linux.so.2 -> ld-2.14.1.so
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Honour `%_specdir' and `%_sourcedir' when checking for syntax errors in the
specfiles by running `rpm -q --specfile --specedit ...'.
(Problem detected by Silvan Calarco).
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Action 6: do support static requirements containing <,>,<=,>=,...
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Action 6: never include in the list of build requirements an rpm provided
by the package itself.
Changes in version 1.9.1
Wed Jan 25 2012 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ improvement
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Display the error detected by the command 'rpm -q --specfile --specedit'
when a specfile contains errors.
* templates/library - Davide Madrisan:
Update template.
+ bugfix
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Fix expansion of templates containing '@configure@' or a line starting by
+ improvement
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Convert the list of unpackaged files discovered by rpmbuild into a list
thak make use of rpm macros (that is, do a /usr/bin --> %{_bindir}, ...
conversion for all discovered files).
* autospec.conf - Davide Madrisan:
New variable `format_unpackaged_file_list'.
+ update
* po/it/pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
* kde4-flist2rpmvars - Davide Madrisan:
Remove file: it's superseded by the last added pck-update feature.
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Action 5: for better readability do add a newline to the message asking
developers to run quality and security tests.
+ bugfix
* lib/libspec.lib - Davide Madrisan:
Correctly parse lines containing more complex 'obsoletes' directives, like
the following one:
Obsoletes: pck1 <= <v1>[,] pck2 > <v2>
(Bug discovered by Silvan Calarco)
+ update
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Remove SPEC_OBSOLETES_ESCAPED; it's no more required.
Changes in version 1.9.0 - Silvan Birthday Release
Sun Jan 15 2012 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ update
* templates/kde4 - Davide Madrisan:
Update %files section.
* lib/libapse.lib, lib/libnetwork.lib, lib/libspec.lib
config-getvar, pck-extract, pck-update, spec-create
tests/test01_pkgquality, tests/test02_pkgsecurity
tools/extract-specs, tools/kde4-flist2rpmvars - Davide Madrisan:
Use LC_ALL instead of LANG.
+ documentation
* italian manpage - Davide Madrisan:
Remove 'librarytools' from the list of available templates: it does not
+ update
* spec-create
templates/kde3, templates/kde4
templates/standard, templates/standard-daemon - Davide Madrisan:
Add the %debug_package macro when required.
* tests/test01_pkgquality
tests/test02_pkgsecurity - Davide Madrisan:
Be less verbose and write the grand total of the issues detected by each
* po/it/test01_pkgquality
po/it/test02_pkgsecurity.po - Davide Madrisan:
+ improvement
* libspec.lib - Davide Madrisan:
Rework rpmvars.init() in order to support rpm macro expressions.
(Feature asked ages ago by Silvan Calarco...)
Modify debug output to get it more readable.
* tests/test02_pkgsecurity - Davide Madrisan:
New test: check for setgid directories.
+ update
* tests/test01_pkgquality
tests/test02_pkgsecurity - Davide Madrisan:
Rework coloring schema and make output a bit more compact.
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Action 5: add a message asking developers to run quality and security
+ bugfix
* tests/test01_pkgquality - Davide Madrisan:
Fix find command used when checking for wrong file attributes in bin and lib
directories, to avoid false positives (seen for files whose names include
the substring '.so', like 'net.sourceforge.kile.main.xml').
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Ignore lines starting with '#' while checking for 'configure' and 'make'
calls in the specfile.
+ update
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Print the list of packages before running the tests.
+ bugfix
* tests/test01_pkgquality - Davide Madrisan:
Avoid pipes otherwise the error counter will not display a correct value.
+ update
* templates/kde4, templates/standard-daemon
Do not use '&>/dev/null'. It's not dash compatible.
Changes in version 1.8.2
Thu Dec 29 2011 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ bugfix
* templates/library - Davide Madrisan:
Add a missing requirement.
+ update
* templates/kde4 - Davide Madrisan:
Minor updates.
* Makefile - Davide Madrisan:
Provide a 'dist-rpm-install' target to install the rpm packages by a simple
'make dist-rpm-install' command.
* BUGS - Davide Madrisan:
Remove old stuff.
Changes in version 1.8.1 - Christmas Release
Tue Dec 20 2011 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ update
* libapse - Silvan Calarco:
Perform sourceforge search for any package and modify to use
to retrieve latest version number.
* libapse - Silvan Calarco:
(sourceforge): also get version from package name if there is no version
indication in upper level directory name.
+ bugfix
* libspec - Silvan Calarco:
Quote '%' characters before passing strings to rpm --eval to avoid a
segmentation fault error.
* pck-update - Silvan Calarco:
Escape '<' and '>' characters when printing SPEC_OBSOLETES to infofile to
fix a syntax error.
+ update
* templates/kde4 - Davide Madrisan:
Update template to better support KDE 4.7.x.
+ bugfix
* spec-create - Davide Madrisan:
Support source packages with a makefile but no configure script.
(Issue reported by Silvan Calarco)
+ update
* spec-create, templates/* - Davide Madrisan:
Move part of package documemtation to the devel package or add a comment
if the devel package is not provided by the template.
(Pointed out by Silvan Calarco)
+ bugfix
* templates/standard - Davide Madrisan:
Devel package does not exist: fix calls of the rpm scriplets.
* templates/standard-daemon - Davide Madrisan:
Devel package does not exist: move code for infopages installation/removal
to the main package scriplets.
+ update
* spec-create, templates/library - Davide Madrisan:
Support library packages with a name not starting by 'lib'.
(Feature asked by Silvan Calarco)
+ update
* Makefile: do no package file located in the .git directory (make dist).
Changes in version 1.8.0
Sat Apr 02 2011 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ bugfix
* pck-update - Silvan Calarco:
Action 6: Fix automatic build requirements detection with rpm 5.
+ update
* templates/perl - Davide Madrisan:
Pass 'OPTIMIZE="%{optflags}"' to perl when building perl modules.
+ improvement
* templates/standard-daemon - Davide Madrisan:
New template for packages providing a system/network service.
+ update
* templates/standard - Davide Madrisan:
Remove code used by services (moved to the 'standard-daemon' template).
* templates/Makefile - Davide Madrisan:
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Update Copyleft.
* autospec - Davide Madrisan:
Update Copyleft.
* spec-create - Davide Madrisan:
Update Copyleft.
* spec-create - Davide Madrisan:
Update help message.
* i18n - Davide Madrisan:
+ documentation
* italian manpage:
Document the new template 'standard-daemon'.
+ update
* lib/libcfg.lib - Davide Madrisan:
Update Copyleft.
+ improvement
* lib/libcfg.lib - Davide Madrisan:
Support modularized configuration files (`~/.autospec.d/*.conf').
(Based on an idea developed by Stefano Cotta Ramusino.)
+ update
* config-getvar - Davide Madrisan:
Minor fix: remove the always unset variable `cfg_file'.
* config-getvar - Davide Madrisan:
Update Copyleft.
* lib/libcfg.lib - Davide Madrisan:
Unset "cfg_file" before exiting because the same variable is also used in
the plugin "config-getvar".
* config-getvar - Davide Madrisan:
Correctly display variables splitted into several configuration files.
+ documentation
* italian manpage:
Document usage of configuration files `~/.autospec.d/*.conf'.
Changes in version 1.7.3
Sun Mar 20 2011 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ bugfix
* templates/kde4 - Davide Madrisan:
Remove the duplicate %posttrans block.
* templates/python - Davide Madrisan:
Remove the trailing " character in the sed command.
(Pointed out by Silvan Calarco)
* libspec - Davide Madrisan:
Workaround the segmentation fault of "rpm --eval" while parsing an internet
address (like rpm --eval 'http://ftp.gnu.org').
(Pointed out by Silvan Calarco)
Changes in version 1.7.2
Sat Jan 15 2011 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ update
* spec-create - Davide Madrisan:
Better debug messages.
* spec-create - Davide Madrisan:
Do not exit with error when the compression method is unsupported; try to
create a specfile as complete as possible.
* i18n - Davide Madrisan:
* templates/library - Davide Madrisan:
+ bugfix
* autospec.spec - Davide Madrisan:
Fixed the requirement loops detected by rpm5.
* spec-create - Davide Madrisan:
Fixed expansion of source and license tags.
+ update
* templates/perl - Davide Madrisan:
Use the perl default licence ('perl_License_default') set in the
configuration file.
* spec-create - Davide Madrisan:
Better output for the 'Summary' tag when processing perl archives which have
'WriteMakefile' data blocks containing the 'NAME' variable.
+ bugfix
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
action 1: Display the right installation path for files extracted from a
srpm archive.
Changes in version 1.7.1
Wed Dec 29 2010 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ bugfix
* spec-create - Davide Madrisan:
Fix expansion of '@standard_docs@' (do use '%doc' instead of '%docs'.)
(Thanks to Silvan Calarco for pointing out this regression.)
+ update
* spec-create - Davide Madrisan:
Updated help message.
* i18n - Davide Madrisan:
* spec-create - Davide Madrisan:
Add support for jar archives. (Feature asked by Gil.)
+ bugfix
* templates/{standard,perl} - Davide Madrisan:
Various fixes.
Changes in version 1.7.0 - Christmas Release
Wed Dec 22 2010 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ update
* spec-create - Davide Madrisan:
A completely rewritten plugin based on the templates available in the
templates directory. The previous was renamed as spec-create-old.
* templates/* - Davide Madrisan:
Updated to be used by the new spec-create plugin.
* autospec.conf - Davide Madrisan:
New variable `rpm_default_buildroot'.
* autospec.spec - Davide Madrisan:
* spec-create - Davide Madrisan:
Support conditional (boolean) directives present in templates.
Example: @i18n@%files -f %{name}.lang@%files@
* templates/librarytools - Davide Madrisan:
* spec-create - Davide Madrisan:
usage(): update the usage output; librarytools does not exist any more.
* i18n - Davide Madrisan:
Changes in version 1.6.3
Tue Nov 28 2010 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ update
* libnetwork.lib - Davide Madrisan:
repository.get_SRPMS_name(), repository.get_RPMS_name(): do not exit with
error when curl cannot download the list of files available in a given
* libnetwork.lib - Davide Madrisan:
repository.get_SRPMS_name(), repository.get_RPMS_name(): do print all the
curl commands in debug mode.
* i18n - Davide Madrisan:
Minor updates to the italian translation.
+ bugfix
* libcfg.lib - Davide Madrisan:
Display a correct error message when the user configuration file is not
+ update
* pck-extract - Davide Madrisan:
Move config.check4user check after command line options parsing to let
pck-extract --help work even when $HOME/.autospec does not exist.
* pck-extract - Davide Madrisan:
version(): Update Copyleft message.
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
version(): Update Copyleft message.
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
New option '--force-download': download the source files even if found in
the SOURCE directory.
* po/it/pck-update.po - Davide Madrisan:
+ bugfix
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Always force the download of the srpms files.
(Feature asked by Silvan Calarco).
+ documentation
* italian manpage:
Document the new option '--force-download'.
Minor updates.
Changes in version
Tue Nov 09 2010 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ bugfix
* po/libnetwork.po - Davide Madrisan:
Fixed typo.
* libnetwork.po - Davide Madrisan:
curl.ftp_command(): the option `rename-to' requires an argument.
Fixed sintax in getopt.
Changes in version 1.6.2
Tue Nov 02 2010 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ update
* lib{repository,curl}.lib,spec-create,pck-extract,pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Move all the functions from libcurl.lib to librepository.lib.
Remove libcurl.lib.
* i18n - Davide Madrisan:
Updated italian translation.
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Action 0: display the name of the distribution in the main message.
* libnetwork.lib - Davide Madrisan:
New library, formerly known as librepository.lib.
Changes in version 1.6.1
Sun Oct 17 2010 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ update
* libspec.lib, pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Move debug code from pck-update to libspec.lib (`curl.upload()').
* libspec.lib - Davide Madrisan:
curl.upload(): new options `--debug-unsecure'.
+ improvement
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Action 3: if no version is specified at command line, do use the package
version set in the specfile instead of exit the script with an error
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Action 5: display a warning message if "PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE" is set.
(required by Stefano Cotta Ramusino)
+ update
* i18n - Davide Madrisan:
Updated italian translation.
+ improvement
* libcurl - Davide Madrisan:
New function 'curl.ftp_command()'.
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Remove all the curl code. Use 'curl.ftp_command()' instead.
'curl' is not required any more.
+ bugfix
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Fixed incorrect path of the srpm package to be deleted.
* autospec.conf - Davide Madrisan:
Fixed and simplified the example for the ftp repository configuration.
* libcurl - Davide Madrisan:
curl.ftp_command(): do not pass the `--progress-bar' option to curl because
it doesn't make sense in this context.
* autospec.conf - Davide Madrisan:
New value for `patch_name_structure' (`{',`}' --> `\{',`\}').
+ update
* librepository.lib - Davide Madrisan:
Replace `notify.warning' by `notify.error' when curl exit with an error.
+ improvement
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Action 10: While uploading and removing rpm packages, do also display the
`ftp_alias', if this paramether is set.
+ improvement
* libcurl - Davide Madrisan:
curl.upload(): check if the file to be uploaded exists.
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Action 10: Do not check if the file to be uploaded exists when uploading
files. This check is now in curl.upload().
* libcurl - Davide Madrisan:
curl.upload(): move here the code that visually display the source and
destination files.
* libcurl, pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Action 1: Move the notifications to `curl.download()' in order to avoid
code duplication in `pck-update'.
Changes in version 1.6.0
Sun Oct 03 2010 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ bugfix
* autospec.spec - Silvan Calarco:
Added PreReq for rpm also to autospec-plugins package
+ improvement
* pck-update - Silvan Calarco:
Added patch install_srpms_with_nodeps for compatibility with rpm5.
* autospec.conf - Davide Madrisan:
New option `srpm_install_options' with default value '--nodeps'.
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Install srpms packages using the user configurable `srpm_install_options'
In debug mode do print the rpm command used when installing the srpm packages.
+ update
* autospec.conf - Silvan Calarco:
Added patch to replace apt with smart in default configured application for
rpm download and installation.
+ bugfix
* pck-update - Silvan Calarco:
Use rpm option --whatprovides to find unidentified requirements.
+ improvement
* pck-update - Silvan Calarco:
Added patch dont_backup_srpm_with_nosrpm_option to make it work better with
multiarch uploads.
+ update
* pck-update - Silvan Calarco:
Create specfile backups as old files (i.e. prefixed by '.').
* autospec.conf - Davide Madrisan:
New options `spec_backup_extension' (default value: `.old') and
`spec_backup_attr' (default value: `hidden')
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
specfile.rotate_bck(): requires as argument the specfile name with path.
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Move all code related to specfile rotation to the 'specfile.rotate_bck'
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Create backup files according to the user defined preferences
'spec_backup_extension' and 'spec_backup_attr'.
+ bugfix
* pck-update - Silvan Calarco:
infofile.create(): fix bug when 'specfile_preprocessed' already exists.
+ update
* autospec.spec - Silvan Calarco:
* pck-update - Silvan Calarco:
* spec-create - Silvan Calarco:
* tests/test01_pkgquality - Silvan Calarco:
* unmaintained/mbrowse.spec - Silvan Calarco:
(patch replace_obsolete_PreReq.patch)
Replace obsolete PreReq tags with Requires(pre) or Requires(post).
+ bugfix
* pck-update - Silvan Calarco:
Support configuration of @arch@ in arch_no_arch_upload
* pck-update - Silvan Calarco:
Noarch support also for operations 6, 9, and 11.
* pck-update - Davide Madrisan:
Noarch support also for operations 7, and 8.
* pck-update - Silvan Calarco:
Add rpm --eval `%_host_cpu' to find default architecture.
+ update
* autospec.conf - Davide Madrisan:
rpm_approved_licenses[]: add 'IEEE' and 'Copyright only' licenses.
+ improvement
* i18n - Davide Madrisan:
Better message displayed when different a version or a release is specified
at command line.
* spec-create - Davide Madrisan:
Add support for '.lz' and '.7z' compressed archives.
* libspec.lib - Davide Madrisan:
specfile.getvars(): better output for 'SPEC_LICENSE' (debug message).
* libspec.lib - Davide Madrisan:
specfile.getvars(): get the values of the licenses set in all the
+ improvement
* libcurl - Davide Madrisan:
New library containing the new function 'curl.download()'.
* po/it/libcurl - Davide Madrisan:
Italian translation of all the english messages contained in libcurl.
* spec-create, pck-extract - Davide Madrisan:
Replace the curl command with a call to 'curl.download()'.
Do not check for the availability of curl.
* spec-update - Davide Madrisan:
Replace the curl command used to download with a call to 'curl.download()'.
+ bugfix
* spec-create - Davide Madrisan:
Do not try to change file mode bits (chmod) over non-regular files.
+ update
* libspec.lib - Davide Madrisan:
Move 'sourcefile.download()' to 'libcurl' and rename this function
+ improvement
* spec-update - Davide Madrisan:
Display an error message if the specfile cannot be found instead of running
rpm and let it complain with the message "rpm exited with error code `1'".
+ improvement
* spec-update - Davide Madrisan:
Convert all the calls to `curl.download_sourcefile()' into calls to the new
function `curl.download()'.
* libspec.lib - Davide Madrisan:
Remove the now unused function 'curl.download_sourcefile()'.
+ update
* autospec - Davide Madrisan:
Extend copyright to 2010.
+ improvement
* libcurl.lib - Davide Madrisan:
New function `curl.upload()'.
* spec-update - Davide Madrisan:
Convert the calls to 'curl' for uploading rpm and srpm packages into calls
to the new function 'curl.upload()'.
Changes in version 1.5.0
Sat Jul 17 2010 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ bugfix
* autospec.spec:
Fix by Silvan Calarco.
Added PreReq for rpm for correct user configuration.
* libapse.lib:
Patch provided by Silvan Calarco:
Do pass netlink options ('curl_opts_netlink') to curl in libapse too.
+ improvement
* pck-update:
Patch provided by Silvan Calarco:
+ bugfix
* pck-update:
Patch provided by Silvan Calarco: autospec-1.4.17-fix_get_RPMS_name.patch
Fix identification of old packages to backup.
* pck-update:
Patch provided by Silvan Calarco:
Reduce severity from error to warning if host command fails as happens
using qemu-arm environment.
+ improvement
* libspec.lib:
Patch provided by Silvan Calarco:
Use rpm preprocessor to solve the variables used in a specfile.
Requires rpm --specfile --specedit feature added to rpm 4.4.9-15mamba
+ update
* libspec.lib:
specfile.getvars(): do not forge a default specfile name.
* pck-update:
infofile.create(): new infofile variable: 'SRPM_SPECFILE_WITH_PATH'.
* pck-update:
Use '$SRPM_SPECFILE_WITH_PATH' instead of '$spec_dir/$SRPM_SPECFILE' when
+ improvement
* libspec.lib:
rpmvars.solve(): skip the variable substitution process if the input string
does not contain any variable.
rpmvars.solve(): end the variable substitution process if the output string
does not contain any more variable.
* libspec.lib:
sourcefile.download(): in debug mode do print the full curl command.
+ bugfix
* pck-update:
package.update(): remove duplicate definition of 'rpmdefine_opts'.
+ update
* pck-update:
infofile.create(): do not redefine 'SRPM_SPECFILE_WITH_PATH' at every
function call.
* pck-update:
infofile.create(): set 'USER_RPMDEFINE_OPTS' (list of all the 'rpm --define'
command-line options defined by the user) in the infofile.
* libspec.lib: always use the USER_RPMDEFINE_OPTS value instead of recreating
the list ot the rpm --define commands every time they're needed.
* pck-update:
infofile.create(): add the variable 'SPECFILE_PREPROCESSED' in the infofile
and create this file using the rpm options '-q --specfile --specedit'.
* pck-update:
infofile.create(): use the preprocessed specile instead of the original one
when calling 'specfile.getvars()', except when running in '--verbatim' mode.
* libspec.lib:
specfile.getvars(): always use the 'specfile' name passed as paramether
+ update
* autospec.conf:
add "Delopment/Debug" to 'rpm_allowed_groups'.
Changes in version 1.4.17
Wed Maj 12 2010 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ bugfix
* libspec.lib:
* pck-update:
(Bug noticed by Silvan Calarco when cross-compiling packages via autospec)
Honour user defined macros when expanding rpm variables.
Save user defined macros in the variable 'define_list_name' using a syntax
accepted by the rpm tool.
* libspec.lib:
Fixed typo (FUCNAME --> FUNCNAME).
* pck-update:
(patch provided by Silvan Calarco:
Use alternative root directory, if provided, for build requirements check.
* pck-update:
(patch provided by Silvan Calarco:
Don't pass alternative root directory to rpmbuild except when running
rpmbuild --nobuild to check dependencies. As the dependencies check is done
before, it is safe to pass --nodeps to non-simulated build commands.
This is needed because rpm has a strange behaviour when both --root is
passed and %_builddir is defined, as it uses passed %_builddir in prepare
phase, but adds root directory to %_builddir in the build phase.
* test01_pkgquality:
(problem noticed by Stefano Cotta Ramusino)
Do not check for `%buildroot' strings when 'rpm_ignores_buildroot' is true.
* test01_pkgquality.po:
* test01_pkgquality:
* tests/test02_pkgsecurity:
Colorize all the messages describing the tests to be run.
Changes in version 1.4.16
Mon Apr 12 2010 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ improvement
* spec-create:
specfile.create(): support lzma compressed archives.
+ bugfix
* templates/kde4:
Add a missing '/sbin/ldconfig' in the %posttrans scriplet.
* pck-update:
(patch provided by Silvan Calarco:
Pass '--target=<arch>' to rpm before the '--define' directives otherwise
rpm will silently discard it.
+ improvement
* autospec.conf:
New variable 'rpm_ignores_buildroot' set to '1' by default.
Silvan Calarco noticed that the 'BuildRoot' tag of a specfile is ignored by
several vesions of rpm.
* libspec.lib:
Do not consider mandatory the 'BuildRoot' tag os a specfile when the
variable 'rpm_ignores_buildroot' is true.
* templates/python:
* spec-create:
Use the setup.py '--record' directive to automatically get the complete list
of the installed files .
(Thanks to Stefano Cotta Ramusino for pointing out this improvement.)
* libapse.lib.in:
(patch by Stefano Cotta Ramusino: autospec-1.4.15-libapse_sourceforge.patch)
Check for new software at sourceforge.net/sf.net sites.
Changes in version 1.4.15
Wed Mar 24 2010 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ improvement
* templates/kde4:
Add update-desktop-database, update-mime-database, and gtk-update-icon-cache
calls to rpm scriplets.
* pck-update:
(patch provided by Silvan Calarco: autospec-1.4.14-add_rpm_root_option.patch)
New option '--root=DIRECTORY': use the file system tree rooted at DIRECTORY
for all rpm operations.
Use the root directive when running 'rpm -U --test';
Use the root directive when installing the rpm packages.
+ bugfix
* pck-update:
(patch provided by Silvan Calarco: autospec-1.4.14-add_rpm_root_option.patch)
Do not overwrite the '--define' directives saved in 'rpmbuild_opts' when
+ documentation
* italian manpage:
Document the new option '--root'.
+ bugfix
* pck-update:
Correctly display the '\n' character in the debug message showing the curl
command used for uploading the rpm and srpm packages.
Changes in version 1.4.14
Fri Mar 12 2010 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ bugfix
* pck-update:
Fixed several variable substitutions using 'upload_ftp_port':
${upload_ftp_port:+:upload_ftp_port} >>
* pck-update:
Pass build options and defines to rpmbuild --nobuild to prevent it from
failing when it shouldn't.
Changes in version 1.4.13
Wed Feb 17 2010 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ improvement
* spec-create:
specfile.create(): add support for the xz compressed archives.
+ bugfix
* spec-create:
specfile.write_clean(): always end '%post' and '%preun' blocks containing
multiple statements with an 'exit 0' command.
Changes in version 1.4.12
Wed Feb 17 2010 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ bugfix
* libapse.lib:
Fix the error message:
/usr/share/autospec/lib/libspec.lib: line 1018: [: too many arguments
* tools/kde4-flist2rpmvars:
Correcty handle the '%{_kde4_xdgappsdir}' and '%{_kde4_xdgmimedir}'
* tools/kde4-flist2rpmvars:
Do not skip the first line of the input to process.
* spec-create:
Do not add an empty line after the '%prep' directive.
+ improvement
* spec-create:
Improved creation of python specfiles:
- update the '%install' block;
- fill the package description when a description is available;
Changes in version 1.4.11
Tue Jan 12 2010 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ bugfix
(reported by Silvan Calarco)
* libapse.lib:
Fix regression bug introduced in 1.4.9 with a mispaced "notify.debug"
statement that prevented libapse from finding lots of software updates.
Changes in version 1.4.10
Thu Jan 10 2010 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ update
* templates/python:
(patch provided by Silvan Calarco: autospec-1.4.9-python_template.patch)
Use %{__python} instead of python.
* templates/python:
(patch provided by Stefano Cotta Ramusino: autospec-1.4.9-python_opt.patch)
Do not rebuild the python modules in the %install block (do use the option
`--skip-build' to avoid this).
Do use the optimization flag `-O1'.
+ bugfix
* pck-update:
(reported by Stefano Cotta Ramusino)
If a description begins with a '%' character, do not pretend that the
"`%description' has empty body".
Changes in version 1.4.9
Fri Oct 23 2009 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ update
(by Stefano Cotta Ramusino)
* autospec.conf:
New list of OSI approved licenses ('rpm_approved_licenses')
+ improvement
* libcfg.lib:
config.check4user(): declare as 'local' all the variables used in this
Try to get the email address also looking at emaildefaults in $HOME/.kde4.
+ bugfix
* spec-create:
Call 'config.check4user()' before proceeding with the specfile creation.
(bug noticed by Stefano Cotta Ramusino)
+ improvement
(patch provided by Silvan Calarco: autospec-1.4.8-distrowatch_apse_grep.patch)
* autospec.conf:
New value for 'apse_grep[5]' to improve the Autospec Package Search Engine.
(patch provided by Silvan Calarco:
* libapse.lib:
Support more extensions for software archives;
Use the 'candidate_versions[]' vector to save a list of candidate new
versions and search for the better candidate according to the current
version scheme.
Changes in version 1.4.8
Wed Oct 14 2009 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ bugfix
(patch provided by Silvan Calarco: autospec-1.4.7-builddir_conf_default.patch)
* autospec.conf:
Also set 'build_dir'.
+ improvement
(patch provided by Silvan Calarco:
* libapse.lib:
Improved package version detection.
+ new feature
* autospec.conf:
New variable 'rpm_debug_package_macro' containing the macro provided by
rpm to build debug packages (default value: "%debug_package");
New variable 'rpm_macro_debug_package_suffix' (default value: "debug").
* libspec.lib:
specfile.getvars(): support debug packages.
Changes in version 1.4.7
Sun Jul 05 2009 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ new feature
(patch provided by Silvan Calarco: autospec-1.4.6-relocate_RPM_dirs.patch)
* pck-update:
Integrated the relocate_RPM_dirs patch by Silvan Calarco.
+ bugfix
(patch provided by Silvan Calarco:
* libapse.lib:
Update the Autospec Package Search Engine for the site <sourceforge.net>
(a specific code for this site is no longer required.)
* pck-update:
Fix the update of packages when the package name contains a relative or
absoute path ('spec_dir' was not set correctly).
* pck-update:
Fix the initialisation of the specfile directory when the '-S/--specfile'
option is specified ('spec_dir' was not set correctly).
Changes in version 1.4.6
Fri Apr 10 2009 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ bugfix
(patch provided by Silvan Calarco: autospec-1.4.5-scrape_regexp.patch)
* autospec.conf:
Updated `apse_grep' and `apse_uri' variables
+ bugfix
(patches provided by Silvan Calarco:
* libapse.lib:
apse.scrapeversion(): fixed the `pcknameregexp' regexpr and the parser that
initialize the `new_version' variable.
Changes in version 1.4.5
Sun Feb 15 2009 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ bugfix
(reported by Silvan Calarco)
* autospec.spec:
Added missing `%defattr' for subpackage `plugins'.
+ new feature
(patch provided by Silvan Calarco: autospec-1.4.4-scrape_source0_dir.patch)
* libapse.lib:
apse.scrapeversion(): new option `--pckurlverbatim'.
apse.scrapeversion(): added `source0' url based search.
* pck-update:
Action 2: use the `--pckurlverbatim' option when calling the function
+ bugfix
* libapse.lib:
apse.scrapeversion(): handle specfiles with no url specified in source0
(like autospec). Better output message. Do not display proxy login and
password in debug mode. Update help message.
+ bugfix
(patch provided by Silvan Calarco: autospec-1.4.4-fix_sourceforge.patch)
* libapse.lib:
apse.scrapeversion(): fix regexpr used for parsing sourceforge.net pages.
+ update
* libapse.lib, pck-update: update Copyright messages.
+ bugfix
(patch by Silvan Calarco: autospec-1.4.4-fix_perl_pkgs_scraping.patch)
* libapse.lib:
apse.scrapeversion(): fix perl packages scraping.
+ new feature
(patch provided by Silvan Calarco:
* libreposirory.lib:
repository.get_SRPMS_name(), repository.get_RPMS_name(): new option
'-l|--user' (login user) for repositories that require authentication even
in readonly mode
+ bugfix
(reported by Silvan Calarco)
* pck-update:
Action 4: Fixed regression: do not always display the message
`Source[0]': does not point to a valid internet address
Changes in version 1.4.4 (Christmas Release!)
Thu Dec 25 2008 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
+ new feature
* building infrastructure:
New makefiles '{plugin,template,test,tool}/Makefile'
+ new feature (asked by Silvan Calarco)
* pck-update:
Action 1: do not remove the SRPMS package after download and installation
+ new feature (patch provided by Silvan Calarco)
* pck-update:
Action 2: exit with exit code 4 if the package is already the latest
+ improvement (issue reported by Silvan Calarco)
* librepository:
repository.get_SRPMS_name(): only download the repository web pages only
once per repository
+ bugfix (issue reported by Silvan Calarco)
* libspec.lib:
specfile.getvars(): support non standard package names like:
- foo2zjs.tar.gz
- pdf417_enc.4.4.tar.gz
- slib3a4.zip
+ bugfix
* pck-update:
infofile.create(): check the optional specfile path entered by users via
command line options (only the path set in the rpm configuration files is
* po/it/spec-create.po:
+ bugfix (issue discovered and reported by Silvan Calarco)
* pck-update - action 2:
When a newer version of the package is available on the web, put its value
in the infofile (SPEC_VERSION_FORCED)
* pck-update - infofile.create():
Honour SPEC_VERSION_FORCED when calling rpmvars.init()
* libspec.lib - rpmvars.init():
rpmvars.init(): new option '--pckver' to force the version number that
will be stored in the variable 'rpmvar_value[1]' instead of using the
value provided by the specfile itself
+ update
* libapse.lib:
Removed "Copyright (C) Davide Madrisan" and "Copyright (C) Silvan Calarco"
Changes in version 1.4.3
Thu Nov 20 2008 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* librepository.lib:
- Use a general regular expression in 'repository.get_pckname_from_HTML()'
(this should fix all the issues recently spotted by Silvan Calarco)
* spec-create:
- Add support for 'https' protocol when downloading source files
* po/it/spec-create.po:
- Updated
Changes in version 1.4.2
Fri Nov 14 2008 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* pck-update:
- The function 'repository.resolveURL()' is now called 'specfile.resolveURL()'
- 'repository.get_SRPMS_name()', 'repository.get_RPMS_name()', and
'repository.is_reachable()' has been moved to the new library librepository
- The function 'specfile.resolveURL()' has been moved to 'librepository' and
renamed to 'repository.resolveURL()'
- Fixed the 'ftp_alias' support (thanks to Silvan Calarco for the bug report)
* libspec.lib:
- Do accept also the "<pck> <= <version>" syntax when parsing the list of the
build requirements (thanks to Silvan Calarco for reporting this issue)
* librepository.lib:
- New library
- New command line options '--proxy' and '--proxy-user' for the library
function 'repository.get_SRPMS_name()'
- Function 'repository.get_SRPMS_name()': option '-u' renamed to '-r'
- New command line options '--proxy', '--proxy-user', and 'target_cpu' for the
library function 'repository.get_RPMS_name()'
* Makefile:
- Minor fixes
- Makefile logic reworked (added 'Makefile.env', 'po/it/Makefile', and
'/man/it/Makefile') to also work with the 'dash' (Debian Almquist SHell)
shell used as /bin/sh replacement by Ubuntu since the 6.10 release
- Updated target 'uninstall'
- Use "/usr/local" as default prefix instead of "/usr"
* autospec.spec
- If '%_localedir' is undefined in the rpm macros do use the path defined by
the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) document
Changes in version 1.4.1
Wed Oct 29 2008 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* autospec.spec:
- Added italian tranlations to subpackages descriptions
- New subpackage 'tests'
* plugins/pck-extract:
- Load libmsgmng.lib
- Use the builtin bash operator '=~' instead of the a call to the external
tool 'grep' when possibile
- Check for bash version 3 or better
* plugins/config-getvar:
- Use the builtin bash operator '=~' instead of the a call to the external
tool 'grep' when possibile
- Check for bash version 3 or better
* plugins/spec-create:
- Use the builtin bash operator '=~' instead of the a call to the external
tool 'grep' when possibile
- Check for bash version 3 or better
* plugins/pck-update:
- Use the builtin bash operator '=~' instead of the a call to the external
tool 'grep' when possibile
- Check for bash version 3 or better
* Makefile:
- Install the plugins in '$(bindir)' instead of '$(datadir)/autospec/plugins'
- New target 'check' for checking libraries and scripts for syntax errors
- Add targets and instructions to build and install the autospec tests
* lib/libapse:
- Use when possible the construct 'for i in ${!Array[@]}; ...' to expand the
values saved in a vector
* autospec.conf:
- New variable 'testdir'
- New variables
- 'rpm_install_noinstall_mask'
- 'rpm_install_l10n_pck_mask'
- 'rpm_install_l10n_pck_allow_lang_mask'
used to control which localization and development packages will be
installed by the plugin 'pck-update' (feature asked by Silvan Calarco)
Ex1. rpm_install_noinstall_mask=''
In this example all the packages will be installed (default configuration)
Ex2. rpm_install_noinstall_mask='-apidocs-'
In this example the apidocs packages will never installed and only the
localization packages for the italian language will be installed
* tests:
- Add 'test01_pkgquality' and 'test02_pkgsecurity'
- Other tests can now be easily added in '$testdir' directory (see above)
* i18n:
- New po files for core tests
Changes in version 1.4.0
Mon Oct 13 2008 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* autospec:
- Added the missing entry for the '--update' option in the help message
- Added the missing entry for the '--eval' option in the help message
- The '--eval' option now works again
* pck-update:
- Make a backup copy of the old specfiles when executing action 1 instead of
action 4. This seems more useful for developers and for the automatic
upgrading tool used in openmamba. Feature asked by Silvan Calarco
- Do not try to backup a specfile if it does not exists (!)
* autospec.spec:
- Updated
* i18n:
- The po file is now splitted into nine separate files
- po/autospec_fe-it.po frontend
- po/config-getvar-it.po plugin config-getvar
- po/libapse-it.po library libapse.lib
- po/libcfg-it.po library libcfg.lib
- po/libmsgmng-it.po library libmsgmng.lib
- po/libspec-it.po library libspec.lib
- po/pck-extract-it.po plugin pck-extract
- po/pck-update-it.po plugin pck-update
- po/spec-create-it.po plugin spec-create
* Makefile:
- updated
* autobuild:
- This tool has been removed because it hasn't been developed and maintained
for a long time and it has been now superceeded by `autodist', written by
Silvan Calarco for the openmamba distribution
* libapse:
- Merged patch "autospec-trver.patch" by Silvan Calarco
- Merged patch "autospec-install.patch" by Silvan Calarco
* autospec.conf:
- Removed the variable 'plugin_autobuild'
* libcfg.lib:
- Do not verify if 'plugin_autobuild' is set
Changes in version 1.3.2
Fri Oct 03 2008 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* autospec.conf
- New vector variable 'ftp_alias[]'
* pck-update:
- Merged "autospec-1.2.2-localedir.patch" by Silvan Calarco: this patch
improves the detection of locales files performed by autospec
- Support a package name matching the regex "<pck_name>-svn<date>-<...>.rpm"
- Implemented aliases for ftp repositories (using the new vector variable
'ftp_alias' in the autospec configuration file). Affects both the options
'--server-download' and '--server-upload'. Feature asked by Silvan Calarco
With a similar configuration you can select a repository the old way:
autospec -u -a0 --server=1
or using the configured alias:
autospec -u -a0 --server=contrib
Changes in version 1.3.1
Tue Sep 30 2008 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* autospec:
- More code cleanups
- Fixed a typo error in the help message
- -V|--version option: Only print the version number in quiet mode
* spec-create:
- Display the help message when the following command-line arguments are used:
"-s --help", "-s -h", "--help -s", and "-h -s"
* libapse.lib:
- Exit with return value "3" if a new version of the given package cannot be
found (thanks to Silvan Calarco:silvan.calarco(a)mambasoft.it for the patch)
- Merged "autospec-1.2.2-sourceforge_fix_group_id.patch" by Silvan Calarco
* pck-update:
- New option "--force-update" (thanks to Silvan Calarco for the patch)
- Fixed a regression in the '--changelog' option (thank to Silvan again for
spotting this)
- Fixed openmamba bug #83 (http://bugs.openmamba.org/view.php?id=83) open by
skiver: remote patches are not automatically downloaded
* Makefile:
- Create the source tarball in the `history' folder
* i18n:
- Minor fixes
- Updated italian catalog
* documentation:
- Updated the italian man page and the document `autospec-it-HOWTO'
Changes in version 1.3.0
Mon Sep 01 2008 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* libspec.lib:
- sourcefile.download(): display "skipped" also for remote files already
found in the local disk (that is previously downloaded)
* Makefile:
- plugins are now installed with execution rights
* autospec:
- autospec now acts as a real front-end. The plugins are not loaded but just
executed with the correct options
- removed compatibility assignments for long-time obsoleted variables
- do not check for rpm: it's only used in 'pck-update' where the same check is
already performed
- functions 'autospec.check_4user_config' and 'autospec.security_checks' moved
to 'libcfg.lib' and renamed to 'config.check4user' and 'config.security'
* pck-extract:
- modified to work as a standalone script
* autospec.conf:
- definitions for 'srpms_dir', 'rpms_dir', 'spec_dir', 'source_dir', and
'tmppath_dir' moved from 'autospec' to the main configuration file
* libcfg.lib:
- new library for loading the configuration file(s)
* spec-create:
- modified to work as a standalone script
* autobuild plugin:
- modified to work as a standalone script
* config-getvar:
- modified to work as a standalone script
* i18n:
- updated italian catalog
Changes in version 1.2.2
Fri Aug 15 2008 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* pck-update
- action 5: install all the missing build requirements in a single (usually
"apt-get") command to speed up the installation process
Changes in version 1.2.1
Fri Jun 13 2008 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* pck-extract
- preserve modification times in the files extracted from an archive
* Makefile
- fixed variables substitution in the `.in' files ('pck_lib' instead of
'pck_libs'): this bug only affected the man page for autospec
* libspec.lib
- support specfiles with licenses containing one or more spaces
(i.e. "Apache License 2.0")
(thanks to silvan for reporting this issue)
* pck-update
- infofile.create: support licenses (`SPEC_LICENSE') with spaces
Changes in version 1.2.0
Sun May 11 2008 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* Makefile
- plugins moved to @datadir@/autospec/plugins
- add support for autospec templates
* autospec.conf
- new variable 'templatedir'
* spec-create
- new specfile tipologies: librarytool, kde3, kde4
- update description for 'specfile.create()'
- use libspec.lib
* templates
- created the following templates:
* tools
- updated email adresses
* pck-update
- action 10: fix typo (proxy user is set by 'proxy_user', not 'proxyuser')
* libspec.lib
- new functions 'getnamefromtarball()' and 'getversionfromtarbal()'
* i18n
- updated italian catalog
Changes in version 1.1.9
Wed Jan 30 2008 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* autospec.conf
curl_options: always use the `-R' option (curl will attempt to figure out the
timestamp of the remote file, and if that is available make the local file
get that same timestamp)
* pck-update
action 6: committed patches written by silvan.calarco(a)mambasoft.it
- autospec-1.1.8-buildreq_ldconfig_warning.patch
- autospec-1.1.8-buildreq_ignore_file_requirements.patch
- autospec-1.1.8-buildreq_executable.patch
* autospec
- updated copyleft message
* documentation
- italian man page: updated copyleft message
Changes in version 1.1.8
Wed Jan 30 2008 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* autospec.spec
removed a duplicate entry in the changelog
* pck-update
- action 11: fixed an issue related to the recent rpm version upgrade
- action 11: added a debugging message to print the command executed while
installing the rpm packages
Changes in version 1.1.7
Sat Dec 29 2007 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* autospec.conf
new variables `rpm_macro_cmake' and `rpm_macro_makeinstall_cmake';
current settings:
- rpm_macro_cmake="%cmake -d build"
- rpm_macro_makeinstall_cmake="%makeinstall -C build"
to enable by default out-of-source builds if the cmake packaging system has
been detected;
- rpm_macro_cmake="%cmake"
- rpm_macro_makeinstall_cmake="%makeinstall"
for in-source builds
* spec-create
support the cmake building technology
Changes in version 1.1.6
Sat Dec 22 2007 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* libspec.lib
(feature asked by Silvan Calarco: support the `dreadful' mantis.spec syntax)
- rpmvars.init: use a better regexp to catch `Name' and `Version' variables
- boolexpr.solve: print a warning message when a specfile with unsupported
syntax is detected while performing variables expansion
- rpmvars.init: should now support expansion of variables in the quite
generic form "string0%{?varname:%varname-string1-}string2"
- specfile.getvars: use a better regexp to catch `Name' and `Version'
- rpmvars.solve: support variables matching the generic form
Changes in version 1.1.5
Fri Dec 14 2007 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* libapse.lib
- fixed a bug introduced by the 1.1.4 update (thanks to Stefano Cotta Ramusino
(aka whitone) for the patch)
* autospec.conf
- arrays moved from libapse.lib to the configuration file (patch by whitone)
* spec-create
- specfile.write_setup: minor fix for package that requires "%setup -c"
(thanks to Silvan Calarco for reporting this bug)
Changes in version 1.1.4
Mon Dec 10 2007 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* libapse.lib
- merged patch provided by Stefano Cotta Ramusino (main author of libapse)
(removed from the original patch all the api changes, for compatibility)
* libspec.lib
- specfile.getvars: modified help message
* autospec.conf
- fixed some typos in the comment lines
* i18n
- updated italian catalog (libapse: translated all strings)
Changes in version 1.1.3
Sun Dec 02 2007 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* autospec.conf
- added "Graphical Desktop/Applications/Security" to `rpm_allowed_groups'
* pck-update
- action 4: do not strip out all the make commands but the last one in
specfiles containing multiple occurrences of `make' in their %build
sections, when autoformatting is enabled
- action 6: do not try to be too clever, if the specfile is newer than the
rpm and/or srpm packages just print a warning message
- action 2: exit from autospec unless libapse is able to found a package
update with a release number greater than the current installed one
* libapse.lib
- apse.scrapeversion: return the following exit codes:
0 : package is already the latest version
1 : a package with newer version is already installed
2 : a new version is available
* i18n
- updated italian catalog (libapse: translated all strings)
Changes in version 1.1.2
Wed Nov 28 2007 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* libspec.lib
- specfile.getvars: variable `var' declared as local (this function can
be executed recursively so a global definition leads to bad side effects)
- specfile.getvars: fixed the regexpr used to set `SPEC_SOURCE0_PCKNAME' when
the tarball name match the `<pck_name>_<pck_ver>' scheme
* config-getvar
- support variables in the form
- print a bug message when a variable structure does not match any known
* autospec.conf
- updated `format_extra_rules' to automatically format old perl specfiles
with the last coded scheme
- `format_description_width' by default set to `0' (unlimited length for
description lines)
* autospec.spec
- updated package description in english
* documentation
- italian man page: minor changes
Changes in version 1.1.1
Mon Nov 26 2007 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* pck-update
- action 6: merged changes made by silvan.calarco(a)mambasoft.it
- action 11: just print a warning message (instead of an error) when too many
srpm candidates are found in the repositories if `--force' is used
* autospec.spec
- add requirement for ftp
(thanks again to silvan.calarco(a)mambasoft.it for reporting the problem)
Changes in version 1.1.0
Tue Nov 20 2007 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* pck-update
- action 6: merged the `find_buildrequirements' script written by
- if the specfile has been modified, force rebuild of rpm and srpm packages
* spec-create
- fixed a regression bug: do not always insert the line
PreReq: /sbin/install-info
while creating a specfile preamble
(thanks to silvan.calarco(a)mambasoft.it for reporting the problem)
* autospec
- document the new action 6 feature in `autospec.usage()'
* i18n
- updated italian catalog
* documentation
- italian man page, AUTHORS, and autospec-it-HOWTO updated
Changes in version 1.0.2
Tue Nov 13 2007 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* pck-update
- add debug code when removing remote files using curl
- test 12 (action 8) is now correctly numbered as test 12 instead of test 11
- new test: check if a package that do not contains binaries is tagged `noarch'
- if the rpm packages are rebuilt force the repackaging of the srpm package too
(thanks to silvan.calarco(a)mambasoft.it for reporting the problem)
* spec-create
- better support for perl modules using the more recent `Module::Build'
building, testing, and installing system
- do not insert an extra space character when formatting the preamble of a
newly created specfile
- new default `spec_source' for perl packages:
- try to automagically complete the package source of perl module
* configuration file
- new variable `perl_License_default' unset by default
* documentation
- italian man page: updated and improved
- BUGS: updated
Changes in version 1.0.1
Fri Oct 26 2007 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* autospec.spec
- do not truncate lines in the package description
- do not use the %makeinstall macro for compatibility with other distros
* pck-update
- repository.get_RPMS_name(): use a better regexpr for parsing the list of
files found in a repository
* configuration file
- update `allowed_libdirs': fixed entry for kde3 libs; support kde4
* documentation
- updated autospec-it-HOWTO (formerly known as `rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO')
Changes in version 1.0
Wed Sep 26 2007 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* autospec
- allow execution of the `pck-extract' and `spec-create' plugins by root
- do not require a valid `/root/.autospec' file when running `pck-extract'
and `spec-create' plugins by root
* pck-update
- repository.is_reachable(): remove protocol prefix (http:// ftp://) before
checking server dns reachability (thanks to silvan.calarco(a)mambasoft.it
for providing the patch)
- fixed warning message about deprecated options `-u -a6'
* spec-create
- do not reject *.tbz2 file archives
(thanks again to silvan.calarco(a)mambasoft.it for reporting the problem)
* i18n
- updated english and italian catalogs
Changes in version 0.9.99
Tue Sep 04 2007 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* pck-update
- if `arch_list[]' is unset do not report it's a program bug, just say that
the variable is unset - probably because of a buggy user configuration
file (reported by Stefano Cotta Ramusino <stefano.cotta(a)openmamba.org>)
- updated copyright informations
- update 2: moved almost all the code to `libapse.lib:apse.find4updates()'
- fixed some issues related to the new openmamba web infrastructure
- update 10: do not display any html output when uploading packages with curl
* libspec.lib
* libapse.lib
- new function `apse.scrapeversion()'
- apse.scrapeversion: all internal variables are now declared local
- apse.scrapeversion: detect network problems when calling curl
- apse.scrapeversion: code reworked to make it more robust in case of errors
- apse.scrapeversion: set `APSE_LAST_VERSION' with the last available version
found on the web
- apse.scrapeversion: do not modify the global variable `pck_newver' to avoid
side effects
- apse.scrapeversion: code cleanup
* configuration file
- add some documentation for `--limit-rate' in `curl_opts_netlink'
- modified the default settings for `ftp_rw_server', `ftp_rw_rpms_dir', and
`ftp_rw_srpms_dir' to reflect the new openmamba web infrastructure
* rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO
- updated email address
* i18n
- updated english and italian catalogs
- minor fixes
Changes in version 0.9.98
Wed Jun 06 2007 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* pck-update
- do not display usernames and passwords in the debug messages unless
`debug_print_private_user_infos' is set (hardcoded) to `1'
- merged another patch provided by whitone(a)gmail.com which fix some issues
in the engine used to look for package updates on the web
- `repository.get_SRPMS_name()', `repository.get_RPMS_name()': enable url
redirection in all the calls to curl
(thanks to silvan.calarco(a)mambasoft.it for reporting the problem)
- `repository.get_SRPMS_name()', `repository.get_RPMS_name()': use a better
regexpr for parsing the list of files found in a repository
- the backup of old packages should now work again
(this issue was reported by silvan.calarco(a)mambasoft.it)
* spec-create
- write './Build install destdir=\"%{buildroot}\"' instead of 'DESTDIR=..'
(problem reported by silvan.calarco(a)mambasoft.it)
* libspec.lib
- specfile.getvars: partial support for `%ifnarch'
- specfile.getvars(): new query `SPEC_SOURCE0_NAME' available
- sourcefile.download(): added the necessary options to support a proxy
server (`--proxy', `proxy-user')
* libapse.lib
new library "Autospec Package Search Engine (APSE)" with `cmpversion'
function written by Stefano Cotta Ramusino <stefano.cotta(a)openmamba.org>
* configuration file
- updated list of osi-approved licenses (patch by whitone(a)gmail.com)
- new variable `curl_opts_netlink' used to set connection timeout and number
of retries for curl when downloading files
* i18n
- updated english and italian catalogs
Changes in version 0.9.97
Sat May 05 2007 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* autospec
- removed default setting for `format_unix_tools'
- removed default setting for the unused variable `format_extrarules'
- removed default setting for the obsolete variable `description_width'
* pck-update
- repository.get_SRPMS_name(): new options '--urllist'
- repository.get_SRPMS_name(): the options '--server' is now called '--urlnum'
- repository.is_reachable(): fixed wrong check for nonvoid arg#1
- when uploading packages do not report that a repository with no read-write
access is unreacheable, just tell it is unreachable..
- repository.get_RPMS_name(): new option '--archlist'
* spec-create
- initialize the variable `perl_Makefile_generator' if unset
* libspec.lib
- honour command line LANG setting
- updated copyright info
* configuration file
- `arch_list' and `arch_noarch_upload' are now vectors because the branches
defined in the configuration file could support different architectures
Changes in version 0.9.96
Tue Apr 24 2007 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* configuration file
- new default values for `ftpurl_ro_rpms[]', `ftpurl_ro_srpms[]', and
`ftp_rw_*[]' to match the tree of the openmamba repository
- removed `System/Configuration/QiLinux' from the list of the allowed package
groups (`rpm_allowed_groups[]')
- updated the list of the approved licenses (thanks to whitone(a)gmail.com
for providing the patch)
* pck-update
- modified `changelog_new' string (trailing string "by autospec" removed)
- `sourceforge.net' is now also scanned while finding for available packages
over the web (patch provided by whitone(a)gmail.com)
- fixed paths used when uploading files to the openmamba repositories (thanks
again to whitone(a)gmail.com for reporting the problem and sending a patch)
Changes in version 0.9.95
Tue Mar 27 2007 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* Makefile
- updated copyright info
* configuration file
- new default value for DISTRO: "openmamba"
- new default value for VENDOR: "openmamba"
- new default value for DISTRO_rpm: "mamba"
- spec-create
- updated copyright info
* pck-update
- function `specfile.newrelease': code and regexpr's modified to support the
upgrade of packages when switching between two different linux distributions
(that is a package upgrade where the source and destination specfiles will
have different 'DISTRO_rpm' entries)
* documentation
- rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO: UTF8 fixes; synchronized with previous release
Changes in version 0.9.94
Thu Mar 01 2007 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)gmail.com>
* pck-update
- check for desktop files installed in `/usr/share/applnk/' (that is the
non-standard location used by kde in the old times)
- remove (again) the trailing `.spec' string from the package name if any
- fixed the regular expression used when updating the `Release' and `Version'
entries (this fixes a bug reported by silvan.calarco(a)mambasoft.it)
- the elements of `SPEC_BUILDREQUIRES' in the info file need to be quoted
(now the package `perl-MIME-tools' which contains a build requirement for
`perl(MIME::Base64)' can be updated whitout errors; this issue was reported
by silvan.calarco(a)mambasoft.it)
* autospec
- updated copyleft message
* i18n
- updated english and italian catalogs
Changes in version 0.9.93
Fri Feb 09 2007 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* libspec
- sourcefile.download(): added '--force' option to force file download, even
if a local file with the same name has been found
- sourcefile.download(): do not download remote files if forcing is unset
(thanks to silvan.calarco(a)mambasoft.it for reporting this issue)
* pck-update
- update code used to append multiline changelog entries in the specfiles;
was affected by a strange bug apparently caused by a bash version upgrade
(thanks again to silvan.calarco(a)mambasoft.it for reporting the problem)
* configuration file
- do not set `python_module_name_structure' by default
Changes in version 0.9.92
Thu Gen 09 2007 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* configuration file
- added the `/usr/lib/qt4/lib' path to the variable `allowed_libdirs'
- default settings for
. summary_defvalue
. group_defvalue
. url_defvalue
. license_defvalue
. description_defval, description_devel_defval
. changelog_[samever,rebuild]_defvalue, changelog_userdef
moved from the autospec script to the configuration file (code cleanup)
- new entry in rpm_allowed_groups[]: 'System/Hardware'
* config-getvar
- new plugin created from code by the autospec script (code cleanup).
This plugin implements the `--eval' option provided by autospec
* autospec
- do really check for plugins availability
- be paranoid when loading plugins using bash variables
- updated copyright info
* pck-extract
- added support for `nosrc' packages
- updated copyright info
* pck-update
- do not always say that the installation of the given packages is forced,
just print the message in the case
- updated copyright info
- action `0': http sites are now correctly handled
* i18n
- updated english and italian catalogs
Changes in version 0.9.91
Thu Gen 09 2007 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* configuration file
- added the architectures "arm" and "x86_64" to the default configuration
(asked by silvan.calarco(a)mambasoft.it)
* libspec
- fixed expansion of define directives that refer to other define directives
ex. %define gnomever %(echo `rpm -q --queryformat '%{VERSION}' libglib`)
%define gnomemajver %(echo %gnomever | cut -d. -f 1-2)
- updated copyright info
* pck-update
- do not check for uninstalled build requirements and source files if nor
the srpm not the rpm packages need to be built
- updated copyright info
Changes in version 0.9.90
Thu Dec 21 2006 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-update
- use the curl tool instead of an ftp command when uploading rpm/srpm files
- added a timeout to curl when uploading files
- fixed some issues for connections trough a proxy server when uploading
packages and installing the build requirements
* documentation
- rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO: updated
Changes in version 0.9.15
Wed Dec 12 2006 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* autospec.conf
- new options `proxy' and `proxy_user' for connections trough a proxy server
* libspec
- fixed copyright printed by `specfile.getvars()'
- added proxy support
* autospec
- added proxy support
* pck-extract
- added proxy support
* pck-update
- added proxy support
- integrated and reworked the Autospec Package Search Engine (APSE) code
developed by Stefano Cotta aka whitone (stefano.cotta(a)qilinux.it);
now autospec can automatically search for updates looking at
. http://fileforum.betanews.com/
. http://linux.softpedia.com/
. http://www.gnomefiles.org/
. http://freshmeat.net/
- added proxy support and debug infos to APSE
* spec-create
- added proxy support
* i18n
- updated english and italian catalogs
Changes in version 0.9.14
Mon Nov 29 2006 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-update plugin
- display a warning message if `LD_LIBRARY_PATH' is defined when building a
package (security/functionality check)
- the test that checks for the presence of the install/uninstall code for
info pages has been improved, at least for LSB compliant systems
(thanks to "whitone" (stefano.cotta(a)qilinux.it) for providing a patch)
* spec-create plugin
- do not require the uncompress utility because it is now obsolete and some
distros do not provides it; just display an error message if a .Z file is
found and the uncomress utility is not installed
* autospec
- some portability fixes
- do not perform the checks related to the `packager_group' group variable
when is unset
- new option `--ignore-test': it's now possibile to tell autospec to skip a
given list of tests (i.e. --ignore-test=5,6)
* autospec.spec
- ncompress tool removed from the list of static requirements
- /bin/mktemp is now required instead of /usr/bin/mktemp for portability
* i18n
- updated english and italian catalogs
* documentation
- rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO: updated
- italian manpage: in sync with the autospec help
Changes in version 0.9.13
Mon Nov 06 2006 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* autospec.conf
- new entry 'System/Clustering' for 'rpm_allowed_groups[]'
- new option '-T/--target' available in the 'autobuild' plugin
* pck-update plugin
- minor typo fixes in some error messages
- when listing the available versions of a given package found in the
repositories (--action=0), the server number is now also displayed
* libspec.lib
- expand all the rpm variables found in the build requirements, not only
the variables at the very begin of the name
(thanks to silvan.calarco(a)mambasoft.it for reporting this issue)
* autobuild plugin
- several bug fixes
- better error messages printed when parsing problems are detected
* configuration file
- new configuration variable 'python_install_lib_path' with default value
* i18n
- updated english and italian strings
* documentation
- rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO: updated
- italian manpage: documented the new option '--target' for autobuild
Changes in version 0.9.12
Mon Jun 19 2006 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* autospec.conf
- added `-L' to `curl_options' to allow redirects
(thanks to stefano (stefano.cotta(a)qilinux.it) for reporting the problem
and giving me the fix)
* spec-create plugin
- use "%{buildroot}" instead of %{buildroot} everywere
* pck-update plugin
- action 1: if `force_install' is set the srpm file is downloaded and
installed even if a local srpm has been detected
* autospec
- do not overwrite the `packager_email' variable is already set
* libspec.lib
- boolexpr.solve() now supports conditional expressions with only one
operand, like '%if "%{?stage1}"' (thanks to silvan
(silvan.calarco(a)mambasoft.it) for reporting the problem)
* tools/mbrowse.spec: updated
* configuration file
- fixed rpm_approved_licenses (some space characters were not escaped)
Changes in version 0.9.11
Sun Jun 11 2006 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* autospec (frontend)
- new options `--force-build' and `--force-install'; the previous ambiguous
option `--force' is now a shortcut to enable both these options
- help message updated to document these new options
- display a better help message if the user configuration file for autospec
is not found; also try to catch the user email address looking at the kde
configuration file `emaildefaults'
- fixed the check for configuration errors concerning `ftp_rw_server[]'
- new options `--server-download' (to select a server from where to
download srpm packages) and `--server-upload' (to select a server where to
upload packages; the previous ambiguous option `--server' can now be used
to select a server to be used for both download and upload of packages
* pck-update plugin
- modified to support `--force-build' and `--force-install'
- if one or more lines in a specfile must be ignored by autospec, a command
block 'AUTOSPEC-OFF' - 'AUTOSPEC-ON' can now be used; an example follows:
Obsoletes: %{name}-tools
- stop with an error message if the command line version and/or release
entered by user differ from the ones set in the specfile when building
rpm/srpm packages
- if a source file cannot be found in the source directory before the build
of the rpm/srpm packages, autospec now try to download it
(suggested by <stefano.cotta(a)qilinux.it>)
- yet another fix to permit the use of multiple actions on the same command
line while upgrading a package to a different package version
- fixed a bug in the autoformatting feature occurring when formatting the
requirements coded as follows
Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}-%{release}
in a `%package' section related to a subpackage only
* autobuild plugin
- modified to support `--force-build' and `--force-install'
- added support for `update = rebuild' and `update = false'
- added support for `download_server' and `upload_server'
* libspec
- new function `sourcefile.download()' usefull to download source files
* Makefile
- fixed the error message coded in the target `dist-rpm'
* autospec.conf
- new entry "Applications/Scientific" in rpm_allowed_groups
* new documentation file `test/autobuild_example.rules'
* documentation
- rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO: updated
- italian manpage: updated
Changes in version 0.9.10
Sun May 21 2006 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* autospec (frontend)
- honour ftp users and passwords set in the configuration file
* pck-update plugin
- the logging file name has a new format:
<year><month><day>_<hours><minutes><seconds>-<package name>.log
here an example: 20060521_112318-mbrowse.log
- do not send curl stderr messages to /dev/null because this way the progress
bar will never be diplayed (thanks to stefano (stefano.cotta(a)qilinux.it)
for reporting the issue)
- create info files at every step adding the missing variables if any
* pck-extract plugin
- do not send curl stderr messages to /dev/null (see above)
* libmsgmng.lib
- new function 'notify.disable_colors'
* configuration file
- garbage stuff used for tests while developing last release removed
* autobuild plugin
- a new plugin for batch processing via rules files: this plugin can parse
text files written with a specific syntax and execute shell commands,
build, upgrade, install, and upload rpm and srpm packages
(for an example of a rules file see the file `test/autobuild.rules')
* i18n
- updated english and italian strings
* documentation
- rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO: updated
- italian manpage: updated
Changes in version 0.9.9
Tue May 16 2006 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-update plugin
- fixed a bug in the feature that prevent the creation of rpm and srpm
packages if already found on the local disk
- fixed an obscure bug occurring when both --server and --define options were
used and caused the server option to be set with the tenth token of the
define list
- package names can now have a trailing '.spec' in all the contexts
* autospec.spec
- do not inconditionanlly set the variable 'curl_options' (thanks to
stefano (stefano.cotta(a)qilinux.it) for reporting the problem and the way
to fix it)
* tools/mbrowse.spec: minor updates
Changes in version 0.9.8
Sun May 07 2006 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* configuration file
- list of approved licenses ('rpm_approved_licenses') updated
- list of allowed packages groups ('rpm_allowed_groups') updated
* pck-update plugin
- the rpm and srpm packages are not built if they are found on the local
disk; to force the rebuild the `--force' can be used
(this feature has been asked by silvan.calarco(a)qilinux.it)
* autospec.spec
- updated help message
* i18n
- updated english and italian strings
* documentation
- updated italian manpage
* Makefile
- modified to automatically set the date of the italian manpage
Changes in version 0.9.7
Sun Apr 16 2006 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* configuration file
- new variable `rpm_install_force' used to to force the installation of rpm
packages (default value: "sudo rpm -hUv --force --nodeps")
* pck-update plugin
- action 10: fixed some typo and sintax errors
- action 11: force the installation of the rpm given packages if `--force' is
selected by user
- remove any trailing ".spec" in the package names entered by user (just to
make autospec a bit less pedantic)
* i18n
- updated english and italian strings
* documentation
- italian manpage: updated
Changes in version 0.9.6
Sun Mar 19 2006 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-extract plugin
- patches compressed with gzip (*.{diff|patch}.gzip) are automatically
* pck-update plugin
- action 0: check for the given srpm package in all the configured
repositories instead of stopping the search at the first occurrence found
(this is required now because a package can be located in different
repositories, even with a different version number)
- action 10: packages backup/cleanup is now performed correctly when the
`--server' option is specified by user
* tools/mbrowse.spec: minor updates
Changes in version 0.9.5
Sat Mar 05 2006 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-update plugin
- check for the structure of the 'Source[0]' entry only if a '%setup'
block has been found (problem notified by silvan.calarco(a)qilinux.it)
* libspec.lib library
- specfile.getvars: 'SPEC_SOURCE' is not a mandatory variable
Changes in version 0.9.4
Fri Feb 03 2006 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* spec-create
- fixed creation of specfiles for source tarballs without a unique root
directory (thanks to Alessandro (alessandro.ramazzina(a)qilinux.it) for
reporting the problem)
* pck-extract plugin
- bzip2-compressed patches (*.diff.bz2) are now automatically decompressed
* configuration file
- rpm_approved_licenses: new entry "non-OSI" for non OSI licenses
Changes in version 0.9.3
Sat Jan 13 2006 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-update plugin
- function `specfile.newrelease` fixed
* spec-create plugin
- add the commands needed to remove the files `perllocal.pod' and `.packlist'
when a specfile for a perl module is generated; remove empty directories in
- modified requirement for devel packages
Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%epoch:}%{version}
to be fully compliant with rpm 4.4.x
- perl specfiles: license entry modified to be OSI standard compliant
- do not insert a space character after `%setup -q'
- use `%find_lang' instead of `%{find_lang}'
- do use the values provided by the configuration variables
`$rpm_macro_uninstallinfo' and `$rpm_macro_installinfo', insted of the
hardcoded values `%install_info' and `%uninstall_info'
* configuration file
- new value for `rpm_macro_pyver'
provided by rpm 4.4.x. (the previous value was: `pyver')
* autospec.spec
- requires: rpm >= 4.4.4
Changes in version 0.9.2
Sun Jan 01 2006 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* configuration file
- updated `rpm_allowed_groups'
* pck-extract plugin
- the bzip2-compressed patches (*.patch.bz2) are now automatically
- srpm packages can now be remote files (will be dowloaded)
* pck-update plugin
- added a trap command to remove temporary info files
- the function `specfile.newrelease()' has been generalized to work with
release numbers in the format `[0-9]*.[0-9]*'
* i18n
- updated english and italian strings
* documentation
- italian manpage: indentation fix, some small changes
Changes in version 0.9.1
Sun Dec 18 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* libspec.lib
- made `rpmvars.init()' a public function; it's currently called by the
function `infofile.create()' instead of `rpmvars.solve()' to workaround a
crazy bug occurring while running autospec under bash 3.1
* pck-update plugin
- the function `repository.get_SRPMS_name()' has a new option `--server' to
set a single repository where to look for available packages;
this feature will permit autospec to manage a given set of ftp repositories
where SRPMS packages could be duplicated (even with different version
and/or release numbers)
* spec-create
- when creating a specfile preamble do substitute all the occurrences of the
package version with the string `%{version}` in the value automatically
assigned to `Source:'
* autospec (frontend)
- do exist with an error message if the configuration file `~/.autospec' is
not found or not readable by the user running autospec
* documentation
- rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO: an example of a working personal configuration file
for QiLinux contributors has been added
* configuration file
- added a short help message at the top of the file
* Makefile
- make dist-rpm rule: do not copy the tarball created by `make dist' to the
source directory for rpm, do move it
Changes in version 0.9.0
Sat Dec 10 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* configuration file
- the variables listed below are now vectors
- ftp_rw_server
- ftp_rw_user
- ftp_rw_passwd
- ftp_rw_port
- ftp_rw_passive_mode
to support multiple repositories (both servers and directories) while
uploading packages
- for the same reason the variable `ftpdir_rw_old' is now a vector
- `ftpdir_rw_rpms' renamed to `ftp_rw_rpms_dir'
- `ftpdir_rw_srpms' renamed to `ftp_rw_srpms_dir'
- new numeric variable `ftp_rw_server_num_default', pointing to the server
where new born packages will be uploaded
- fixed default values for `ftp_rw_srpms_dir' and `ftp_rw_rpms_dir'
(thanks to Alessandro Secco (alessandro.secco(a)tiscali.it) for notifying
me of the problem)
* pck-update plugin
- action 10: do use the `delete' command instead of `rm'
(thanks to Alessandro Secco for identifying the problem and fixing it)
- small fix required by bash 3.1
* autospec
- yet another (small) fix for the `--eval' command
- added the `--server' option which tells autospec what repository must be
selected when uploading packages
(i.e. --server=n, where n is a positive interger, means that `n' is the
(zero-based) index of the ftp server set via the configuration variable
`ftp_rw_server', that is `ftp_rw_server[n]')
* Makefile
- exit with error if the NEWS file has not been updated
- fixed target `uninstall' (was out of synk)
- most of targets reworked
* i18n
- english and italian translation updated
* documentation
- rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO: updated
- italian manpage: updated
Changes in version 0.8.9
Sat Dec 03 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* autospec
- implementation of `--eval' command rewritten to work when invoked for
multiline vectors (for instance: autospec --eval=rpm_approved_licenses)
* configuration file
- rpm_allowed_groups: fixed some typos
- rpm_allowed_groups: updated
- new variable `rpm_approved_licenses', a list of OSI approved licenses
written by "whitone" (whitone(a)gmail.com)
* pck-update plugin
- added a test (#9) to check if all the licenses listed in the `License'
specfile entry are approved licenses according the configuration variable
note: based on a patch written by "whitone"
- added two messages for test 8 and 9 to give some help to users
* libspec.lib
- specfile.getvars: SPEC_LICENSE' is now a vector
The patch was done by "whitone"
Changes in version 0.8.8
Sat Nov 26 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-update plugin
- building (-a5) now supports both the options `--norpm' and `--nosrpm'
- modified (again) regexpr to catch uninstalled info pages
- user defined values set via the `--define' command are now passed to rpm
when building a specfile; a feature required by Silvan Calarco
- new format for `ftpdir_pckbak' (date and time is appended):
$ftpdir_rw_old/${SPEC_NAME}_$(date +%y%m%d.%H%M%S)
* rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO
- updated, typo fixed
* Makefile
- fixed make target
- partially rewritten to make it usable in a standard way ('make' to 'build'
files, 'make install' to install files, ...)
* autoupdate-kde, autoupdate-perl_modules, and extract-spec tools
- do not overwrite LANG environment variable at startup
- added requirement for bash version 2 or better
Changes in version 0.8.7
Thu Nov 24 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-update plugin
- checking code for correct groups updated to handle groups with spaces
* spec-create plugin
- option `-s' has been enhanced: if its argument is a URL, the package is
dowloaded and the URL used to set the `Source' entry in the specfile;
feature required by Silvan Calarco (silvan.calarco(a)qilinux.it)
* autospec (frontend)
- updated help message
* manpages
- updated
Changes in version 0.8.6
Sat Nov 19 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* spec-create plugin
- typo fixes
* libspec.lib
- specfile.getvars: `SPEC_GROUP' is now a vector
- specfile.getvars: better debug code and messages when vectors are parsed
* pck-update plugin
- code using SPEC_GROUP updated
- specfile.checksintax: (test#7) regexpr modified to avoid false positive
results when testing for info pages not correctly installed or uninstalled
* i18n
- updated and converted to UTF-8 charset
* rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO
- synchronized with current release
* manpages
- added the manpage man1/it/autospec.1
Changes in version 0.8.5
Tue Nov 15 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* configuration file
- variable `rpm_allowed_groups' updated
- new value for `library_group_perl' : "System/Libraries/Perl"
- new value for `python_modules_group' : "System/Libraries/Python"
- new variable `rpm_specfile_mode' (default value is "644")
* pck-update plugin
- set the permissions of the specfiles according to `rpm_specfile_mode'
- requires the chmod tool
* spec-create plugin
- specfile are now created with the permissions set in `rpm_specfile_mode'
- requires the chmod tool
* libspec.lib
- boolexpr.solve(): expand rpm variables at the end of the expansion chain
- specfile.getvars(): new query `SPEC_LICENSE' available
This was a patch from "whitone" (whitone(a)gmail.com)
* pck-extract plugin
- do not use a pipe command when extracting files from a srpm archive
(revert the change made in release 0.7.3) to fix some (apparently input
(cpio archive) dependant) failures
Changes in version 0.8.4
Thu Nov 10 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* autospec.spec
- requires: host
* pck-update plugin
- requires: host, cpio, and rpm2cpio
- also support "Url" in the specfile preamble (only "URL" was supported)
- exit with error if the files cannot be extracted from the rpm/cpio archives
before performing quality and security tests
- specfile.checksintax(): added a check to see if the `Group' entry specified
in the spefile is a known one, according to the configuration variable
* configuration file
- new variable `rpm_allowed_groups'
* spec-create plugin
- typo fix
* libspec.lib
- specfile.getvars(): new query SPEC_GROUP' available
Changes in version 0.8.3 ("whitone")
Sat Nov 05 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* autospec
- checks for needed tools customized and moved at the top of each plugin body
to permit users to view help instructions, check configuration files and
execute some plugins even if not all the system tools required by autospec
are available
- load /etc/sysconfig/i18n only if the environment variable LANG is undefined
* autospec.spec
- requires: cpio
- do not require sudo; use it only if installed on the current system and
configured in the autospec configuration file
(see: `rpm_download_and_install' and `rpm_install')
* pck-update plugin
- specfile tests (action 2) merged at the end of action 4 (specfile update)
- perform more strict sintax checks before updating specfiles
Changes in version 0.8.2
Sun Oct 30 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* libspec.lib
- rpmvars.solve(): double-level rpm variables are now correctly expanded
%define kernel_ver 2.6.13
Version: %{kernel_ver}
- specfile.getvars()
- new query `SPEC_URL' available
- nested conditional blocks (%if ... %else ... %endif) for SPEC_TARGET
are now supported; warning message removed
- rpmvars.init(): nested conditional blocks now supported; warning removed
* autospec
- the `--eval' command can now be executed in quiet mode (`-q' option)
- option `--norpm' now available for action 5 (packages building action)
* spec-create plugin
- minor fixes
* pck-update plugin
- only remove the build directory if the `--clear' command is selected
(thanks to <alessandro DOT ramazzina AT qilinux DOT it>, for the bugreport)
- recreate the info file when the specfile has been modified by the action 4
(this fixes a long standing bug when autospec was used to execute action 4
followed by other actions)
* configuration file
- new value for `format_buildroot_value modified' :
%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
Changes in version 0.8.1
Sun Oct 16 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* libspec.lib
- display a warning if an expression like "%{!?<VAR>:<DEFVALUE>" is found
- specfile.getvars(): new query `SPEC_BUILDREQUIRES' now available
- rpmvars.solve() now expands the rpm variables
- specfile.getvars(): display a warning if `%ifarch' is found (it's not
implemented yet and may lead to problems with conditional blocks)
- specfile.getvars(): do not exit with error if `SPEC_BUILDREQUIRES' is a
null string (thanks to "whitone" (whitone(a)gmail.com) for reporting the
* configuration file
- new configuration variable `rpm_install' (default value: "sudo rpm -hUv")
* pck-update plugin
- new option `11' usefull to install the rpm files created by a given package
* rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO
- synchronized with current release
* Makefile
- install autospec tools with execution permissions
Changes in version 0.8.0
Sun Oct 9 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-update plugin
- installation of build requirements moved to action 5 (build section)
- fixed cross-compiling regressions issues
- new option `--changelog' to set a user defined changelog entry
(multiline entries are allowed, using eol ('\n') characters)
* Makefile
- several changes to install libraries and compile .in files in each target
* libraries
- new shared libraries `libspec.lib' and `libmsgmng.lib', usefull to access
autospec's features by external scripts
Changes in version 0.7.3
Sun Oct 02 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-update plugin
- operator `!' supported in boolean expression (function `resolve_boolexpr')
- check if the architecture set by the `--arch' command is a legal one
looking at the configuration variable `arch_list[]'
- ignore the architecture set by user via command line if `BuildArch' is found
in the specfile preamble (a warning message is printed anyway)
* pck-extract plugin
- do not convert rpm packages to temporary cpio archives using the disk,
just make use of a pipe command
- display extracted files with the `--destdir' path
- check for required external unix tools
- code cleanups
* spec-create plugin
- check for required external unix tools
- use `sed 1q' instead of `head' to minimize the number of external tools
- perl modules: use
perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor
in the `%build' section instead of `perl Makefile.PL'
* autospec
- exit with an appropriate return value, not always `0'
- do use the bash built-in command `type -p' instead of `which'
Changes in version 0.7.2
Fri Sep 30 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-update plugin
- action 2 : new test to check if the macro %find_lang is used when
localization files are detected
- action 4 : take care of packages that provide the specfile-harcoded build
requirements (i.e. `zlib-devel' is provided by `libz-devel')
- action 4 : automatically install all the declared build requirements if
`rpm_download_and_install' is set (see configuration file)
- resolve_rpmvars(): make blank the undefined rpm variables beginning by `?'
- action 8, test 11 : run `id -un', `id -gn' just once
* configuration file
- new configuration variables `rpm_download_and_install'
(default value: "sudo apt-get -y install")
* rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO
- synchronized with current release
- added a note about sudo usage/configuration
Changes in version 0.7.1
Wed Sep 28 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-update plugin
- `specfile.getvars()': new option `--verbatim'
- action 2 : new test to check if the install/uninstall code is present
* spec-create plugin
- use `rpm_macro_installinfo_binary' if defined in the configuration file
* configuration file
- new configuration variables `rpm_macro_installinfo_binary'
(default value: "%{__install_info}")
Changes in version 0.7.0
Sat Sep 24 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-update plugin
- the function `resolve_rpmvars' now expands rpm variables like `%_target_cpu'
- added support for conditional definitions like:
%if "%{?cross_target_cpu}" != ""
%define target_platform %{cross_target_cpu}-qilinux-linux-gnu
%define target_cpu %{cross_target_cpu}
%define target_platform %{_target_platform}
%define target_cpu %{_target_cpu}
where `cross_target_cpu' may be set via a `--define' command
- allow void strings in user definitions (--define)
( i.e. : --define cross_target_cpu="" )
- more debug verbosity while performing rpm variables expansion
- new function `resolve_boolexpr' to calculate boolean expressions like:
%if "%{?cross_target_cpu}" != ""
%if %{use_gcc_33}
- rpm variables with prefix `?' are now supported
- autoformatting now also support `Serial', `NoSource', `NoPatch', `Prefix',
`ExclusiveArch', `ExclusiveOs', `ExcludeArch', `ExcludeOs, `BuildArch'
- backup/cleanup of old packages now also take care of the `Obsoletes' tags
- code cleanups in function `specfile.update()'
- action 8: new check for files with wrong user and/or group ownership
- action 10: noarch packages are now copied in all the repository branches
set in the new configuration variable `arch_noarch_upload[]'
- new internal function `repository.obsoletes_pcks()'
- action 10: code cleanups
- action 8: test performance dramatically improved
- action 10: new options `--nosrpm', `--norpm'
- print a warning message is the ftp upload has been disabled in the source
code via the boolean variable `do_ftp_upload'
- create the logging directory (`logging_dir') if not found
- the command `-S|--specfile' accepts now a specfile name with optional path
- action 2 now checks for sintax errors/non-standard stuff in the specfile
(was part of action 4)
- several bugfixes
* spec-create plugin
- when creating the specfile for a python package do use
`python setup.py install --install-lib=%{_libdir}/site-python'
instead of
`python setup.py install --install-lib=%{_libdir}/python'
`CFLAGS=\"%{optflags}\" python setup.py build'
instead of
`python setup.py build'
if C files have to be compiled during the build process
* autospec
- `autospec --eval=<var>' now correctly display the values of variables
like `ftpdir_rw_rpms' (a vector) and `ftpdir_rw_rpms[0]'
* configuration file
- new configuration variables:
`arch_list' (list of all supported architectures)
`arch_noarch_upload' (where noarch packages will be uploaded)
- `ftpdir_rw_rpms' and `ftpdir_rw_srpms' are now vectors and MUST have their
entries ordered as in `ftpurl_ro_rpms' and `ftpurl_ro_srpms'
- `format_extra_rules' updated
- new default value for `logging_dir'
* extract-specs
- a new script usefull to extract specfiles from srpms archives (does not
create temporary files)
* Makefile
- added `install-tools' label
* i18n
- added missing strings, several updates
* rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO
- synchronized with current release
Changes in version 0.6.4
Wed Aug 31 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-update plugin
- updated regexp in action 10 to support composite release numbers
(like `1.4qilnx')
- fixed a regression bug in function `resolve_rpmvars'
Changes in version 0.6.3
Wed Aug 03 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-update
- new option `--rebuild/-R'
- new action `0': checks for available version(s) of a given package in the
repositories set in the configuration file(s)
- new option `--arch'/`-A' usefull to force a value for the architecture
instead of using the autodetection feature (needed when cross compiling)
- action `2' partially implemented
* rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO
- sync with current release
Changes in version 0.6.2
Fri Jul 29 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* spec-create
- correctly write configure scripts found in folders different from the
package root directory
- do not write
`%install_info *'
`%uninstall_info *'
if the info page name(s) cannot be automatically detected
- use `$rpm_macro_makeinstall_perl' if set in the configuration file
* pck-update
- release numbers in the form n1.n2[.n3] are now supported
- modified specfile parsing in `resolve_rpmvars()' to support rpm definitions
like %define label str1,str2,str3
- fix in the autoformatting feature for `%build' blocks
- use "%make test" instead of "make test" if "%make" is defined
* configuration file
- new variable `rpm_macro_makeinstall_perl' (def. value: "%makeinstall_perl")
Changes in version 0.6.1
Sat Maj 28 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-update
- named piped files hang autospec: skip them while running checks for known
- check if the ftp server is reachable before trying to upload the new
packages or move the old ones to the backup folder, to avoid annoying and
repetitive error messages printed by the ftp tool
- quality package checks: do not warn for executables found in
- major changes in the autoformatting algorithm to avoid stripping of
conditional directives
- allow leading spaces in the preamble entries
- autoformatting feature: reordering of preamble lines is only performed if
no conditional directives ('%if' commands) has been found
- autoformatting feature: comment lines are now not stripped out but appended
at the end of the preamble (sorry, autospec is not cleaver enought to do
something better for now)
- package version entered by user at command line is cosidered now when
expanding rpm '%define' commands, to fix this bug:
%define majversion %(echo %version | cut -d. -f 1-2)
Name: libgtkhtml
Version: 2.4.1
Source: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/%{name}/%{majversion}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
$ autospec -u libgtkhtml 2.6.3 -a3
1] http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/libgtkhtml/2.4/libgtkhtml-2.6.3.tar.bz2
ERROR: should be 2.6 --> ^^^
- minor fixes
* configuration file
- removed variables
- ftp_ro_server
- ftp_ro_port
- ftpurl_ro (was: ftp://ftp.qilinux.it:21/pub/QiLinux/devel)
- modified the meaning/name of
- ftpurl_ro_rpms
from : ${ftpurl_ro[0]}/RPMS
to : ftp://ftp.qilinux.it:21/pub/QiLinux/devel/RPMS
- ftpurl_ro_srpms
from : ${ftpurl_ro[0]}/SRPMS
to : ftp://ftp.qilinux.it:21/pub/QiLinux/devel/SRPMS
- new variable: `rpm_macro_pyver' : python version
- new variable `format_autoformat'
- the boolean variable `format_extra_rules' is now a list of sed command
distro specific. For QiLinux, now the rules are:
s,\&\& rm -rf %{buildroot},\&\& rm -rf \"%{buildroot}\",
s,test x\"%{buildroot}\" != x/,[ \"%{buildroot}\" != / ],
s,make[ \t]*%[{]*[?]*_smp_mflags[}]*,$rpm_macro_make,
s,^[ \t]*\([%]*make\)[ \t]*pure_install[ \t]*$,\1 pure_install DESTDIR=%{buildroot},"
- new variable: `curl_options': options used by curl while dowloading source files.
The default value is: "-O -f --connect-timeout 15 --retry 2 --progress-bar"
* spec-create
- when a specfile for a python package is created, the requirement for python
is added
- specfile for perl updated
make pure_install --> make pure_install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
* rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO
- in sync with current release
* i18n
- fixed a typo error
Changes in version 0.6.0
Mon Apr 25 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* configuration file
- new default configuration for `ftpurl_ro' and `ftpurl_ro_[s]rpms' vectors:
when downloading files, first search in the devel tree and the files are
not found try with devel-contrib
- new variables:
- `ftp_ro_server' : server from where packages are downloaded
- `ftp_rw_server' : server where packages are uploaded
- new variables: `ftp_ro_port' and `ftp_rw_port'
`ftp_port' is an alias for `ftp_ro_port' and `ftp_rw_port' if the latter
variables are not set
- new variables: `ftp_rw_passive_mode'
`ftp_passive_mode' is an alias for `ftp_rw_passive_mode' if this variable
is not set
- new variables:
format_description_width (was `description_width')
format_unix_tools (was `use_rpm_vars_for_tools')
format_buildroot_value (was `BuildRoot_stdvalue')
format_buildroot (default value: "%{buildroot}")
format_builddir (default value: "%{_builddir}")
path_ldconfig (was `ldconfig_path')
path_installinfo (was `installinfo_path')
* autospec
- code updates to support the new configuration variables (see above)
- short option for `--debug' is now `-D' (was `-d')
- a few changes in the online help
* pck-update
- code updates to support the new configuration variables (see above)
- better help message when code to [un]install info pages is not detected
- implemented support for conditional definition of rpm variables in the
specfile preamble
%define use_gcc33 0
%if %{use_gcc33}
%define BUILD_CC "ccache gcc33"
%define BUILD_CC "ccache gcc"
- exit with error when a bad specfile is detected (mostly duplicate entries)
- fixed a long standing bug occurring when invoking the autoformatting
feature over a specfile preamble with one or more blank lines
- exit with error if a `%description' with no body is detected
- if `format_description_width' is `0', the description body is not formatted
(verbatim copy)
- few other improvements and bugfixes in the autoformatting feature
- correctly parse URLs with space characters
- download of multiple source files (`Source[0-9]*') implemented
- broken `--specfile' option fixed
- new `--define' option: usefull to set one or more rpm variables used in
the specfile, for instance the version number of extra source files
%define addons_ver 1.2.3
Source0: http://www.website1.net/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
Source1: http://www.website2.net/addons-%{addons_ver}.tar.gz
[user command]
autospec -u ... --define addons_ver=1.2.4
* i18n
- updates, strings optimisation
* rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO
- in sync with current release
- added more informations about the rpm macros available in QiLinux
Changes in version 0.5.4
Sun Apr 10 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* spec-create plugin
- add `PreReq: /sbin/install-info' if info pages are found
- `%post' and `%preun' scripts have now the needed commands used to install
and remove info pages using the `install-info' tool
* configuration file
- new variables `rpm_macro_installinfo', `rpm_macro_uninstallinfo'
- new variable `installinfo_path' (default value: /sbin/install-info)
* pck-extract plugin
- if the `-F' is not specified all the files are extracted (a statistically
better choice) not only the specfile
* pck-update plugin
- added support for boolean variables used in the `%files' blocks
%define foo 1
%if %foo
%files foo_pck
- minor fixes
- check if info pages are installed and removed via rpm scriplets
* rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO
- in sync with current release
* i18n
- updates
* Makefile
- fixed to remove the boring error message print by tar
tar: --exclude=autospec-0.5.4.tar.bz2: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
Changes in version 0.5.3
Fri Mar 25 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-extract plugin
- fixed the srpm file check regexpr
- fixed a couple of problems in the i18n support
* pck-update plugin
- do not execute `eval' on every `%define' directive: it give no usable info
and could lead to security issues
- fixed the regexpr used to set the `SRPM_PATCH' variable when the right
value in the specfile is an URL
Changes in version 0.5.2
Mon Mar 21 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-update plugin
- added support for conditional rpm variable (like `%{?foo}')
- updated `resolve_rpmvars()' to support a specfile scenario like this:
%define majversion %(echo %version | cut -d. -f 1-2)
Name: libavifile
Version: 0.7.41
%dir %{_libdir}/avifile-%{majversion}
- better debug messages in `resolve_rpmvars()'
- display a warning if the `%{expand:%%define ...}' directive is found;
(implementation is yet missing)
- fixed the new upload scheme when uploading the same package (same version
and release numbers) multiple times
Changes in version 0.5.1
Sun Mar 13 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-update plugin
- display a warning if the rpm macros `%configure', `%make', `%makeinstall'
`%makeoldinstall' are not used (but enabled in the configuration file)
while updating the specfile (--action 4)
- cosmetic changes in the output messages
- the code now does not assume that the specfile name is `%{name}.spec', but
looks in the srpm package for the real name
- once a rpm variable has been set, its value is used and never recalculated
looking in the specfile (optimization)
- the backup copies of old specfiles are now rotated before `--action 1' is
executed; this way an existing specfile is not overwritten in this step
(thanks to Massimo Pintore (massimo.pintore(a)qilinux.it) for the bug report)
- modified the regular expression used to find if every `%files' block has a
`%defattr' directive
- fixed package upload when no old copy of that package exists in the
* autospec
- new option `-S|--specfile' to let the user specify the name of the specfile
* i18n
- updates, strings optimisation
Changes in version 0.5.0
Fri Mar 11 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* autospec
- removed the `--info', and `--no-info' options
- 2nd action in autospec 0.4.15 is now action 1st
- new action number 2, currently unimplemented
- added a check for `curl' binary presence in PATH folders
* pck-update plugin
- make SRPMS installation more verbose (list of installed files)
- added a short documentation for all implemented functions
- action 11 removed: backup, or removing of old packages from repository
has been moved to action 10 (upload of new packages to the given repository)
- exit with error if more than one candidate is found on the repository when
looking for the current srpm package
* spec-create plugin
- exit with error if the package name and/or version cannot be autodected
and the user has not provided their value(s)
* pck-extract plugin
- exit with error if on try to extract files from a non-srpms package
* configuration file
- removed the variables: `ftpurl_ro_info', `use_infofile', `info_tmpdir'
* i18n
- updated
* rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO
- updated
Changes in version 0.4.15
Wed Mar 02 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-update plugin
- fixed again the regexpr used in `specfile.getvars SRPM_TARGET'
- added a check to verify if both `ftp_rw_user' and `ftp_rw_passwd' are set
or unset
- if `Source[0]' does not point to an internet address, a warning message
is now printed (instead of the previous blocking error message)
- fixes to let autospec work when the `info_files' option is set to `0'
- code cleanups
* autospec
- colorized input enabled by default
* rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO
- updated
Changes in version 0.4.14
Tue Feb 15 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-update plugin
- fixed warnings generated by the new version of findutils (4.2.15)
- `ftpurl_ro' is now a vector to permit download from multiple ftp sites
and/or branches (for instance autospec can forst try from the update branch
and then, if the file has not been found, from the main branch)
- minor fixes
* spec-create plugin
- fixed warnings generated by the new version of findutils (4.2.15)
- fixed a bug in the function `expand.variables()': if more than one candidate
is found in the `configure', just choose the first.
* configuration file
- `ftpurl_ro' is now a vector (see above)
- new boolean variable `use_infofile' (default value `0', that is: do not use
the info files by default; do read all the informations in the specfile)
* rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO
- updated
Changes in version 0.4.13
Sat Jan 29 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-update plugin
- `Epoch' is not a mandatory entry in the specfile; do not exit if not found
- minor fixes
* spec-create plugin
- code cleanups
* autospec
- the option `-C' (`--config`) can be only used now when looking for the
value of a configuration variable used by autospec
- do not overwrite the option set via command line with the values found in
the configuration file(s)
* configuration file
- new variable `use_infofile' with default value "0": by default do not use
info files when updating packages (info files are not always available)
Changes in version 0.4.12
Mon Jan 24 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-update plugin
- fixed the regexpr used in `specfile.getvars SRPM_TARGET'
- added support for `Epoch'
- print a warning if `%setup -q -D -T' or a similar command is found
* spec-create plugin
- added experimental code to support building and installing processes via
`Build.PL' scripts, i.e.:
perl Build.PL
./Build, ./Build test, ./Build install
- automatically build the list of perl files when using `Build.PL'
Changes in version 0.4.11
Sun Jan 16 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-update plugin
- removed the default action (some users dislike this behaviour)
* autospec
- new `--eval' command, used to get the value of the given configuration
variable set in at least one of the configuration files used by autospec
- disable colorize output if logging is enabled
* configuration file
- modified `source0_name_structure' to catch all the supported compressed
- new default (/var/tmp) for logging directory `logging_dir'; was `/tmp'
- new variable `info_tmpdir' with default value `/tmp', used to set the
directory where info files will be saved
* rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO
- fixed some typos and mispellings (thanks to "whitone" (whitone(a)gmail.com)
for reporting the problem)
- updated
Changes in version 0.4.10
Sun Jan 09 2005 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-update plugin
- modified behaviour of action 11: erase packages from ftp site if
`ftpdir_rw_old' is unset in the configuration file, otherwise do a backup
copy in the `ftpdir_rw_old' directory
- fixed sed substitution in function `resolve_rpmvars': was broken for rpm
variables like
%define kde_groups audio,floppy,cdrecordings,dialout,camera,tty.scanner
where the rvalue has "," characters
- fixed initialisation of `SRPM_TARGET' when one or more rpm variables
different from `%name', `%version', `%release' are used
- made install simulation a bit more verbose
- added a check for suspicious binary/library files with wrong permissions
(that is non executable files)
- check for `%buildroot' strings improved
* autospec
- modified help (see above)
- copyright info updated
* spec-create plugin
- when looking for a GNU generic INSTALL document do ignore directories,
thanks to Massimo Pintore (massimo.pintore(a)qilinux.it) for reporting the
- added the internal variable `tar_compability_mode' (default value = '0')
in the `autospec' script if someone has a tar tool that do not support the
commands 'xjf', 'xzf', 'xZf' (gnu tar ver 1.14 and above do support them)
- added a partial and experimental support for python modules
- added support for the rpm macros
`%configure', `%make', `%makeinstall', `%makeoldinstall'
configurable via configuration file entries (see below)
* configuration file
- new variables `python_module_name_structure' to check the sintax of python
modules names and the , and `python_modules_group'
- new variables
`rpm_macro_configure', `rpm_macro_makeinstall',
`rpm_macro_make', and `rpm_macro_makeoldinstall'
used to configure the rpm macros
`%configure', `%makeinstall', `%make', `%makeoldinstall'.
the default values:
rpm_macro_configure="%configure" (standard rpm macro)
rpm_macro_makeinstall="%makeinstall" (standard rpm macro)
rpm_macro_make="%make" (NOT a standard rpm macro)
rpm_macro_makeoldinstall="%makeoldinstall" (NOT a standard rpm macro)
are correct for the QiLinux distro (rpm >= 4.0.4-21qilnx)
* i18n
- updated
* rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO
- updated
Changes in version 0.4.9
Wed Dec 15 2004 2004 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* autospec
- new option `-L (--log)' to enable output logging; the log files will be
created in the directory `$logging_dir' (see configuration file)
* configuration file
- new (non mandatory) variable `logging_dir', with default value `/tmp',
used by autospec to store the log files
* spec-create plugin
- added autodetection of W3C licenses
- removed duplicates in the list of directories for header files
- better output for debug messages when looking for header files paths
- fixed detection of header files paths in `specfile.includedir'
- added a function for configure/makefile variable expansion
this way list of manpages, pkgconfig files, header files directory, etc.
built using configure/makefile variables (@var@/$(var)|${var}) are now
supported by this plugin
some examples:
@includedir@/opensc --> ${_prefix}/include/opens
$(includedir)/pygtk-$(PLATFORM_VERSION)/pygtk -->
- run unzip with the '-q' option to avoid trash lines on top of the specfile
- do not add in the `%doc' list the GNU generic INSTALL file and empty docs
- minor fixes
* pck-update plugin
- small changes required by the new logging option
- the insecure temporary file creation vulnerability check should work also
for perl scripts
- new subpackages added during the upgrade process are now uploaded to the
ftp site even if `--no-info' is unselected (new subpackages are not yet
listed in the info file)
- if the package is vulnerable to the insecure creation of temporary files
bug, some hints for packagers are printed
Changes in version 0.4.8
Sun Nov 14 2004 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* spec-create plugin
- exit if `Makefile.PL' (`$perl_Makefile_generator') is not found.
- all the occurrences of `Makefile.PL' substituted with the new variable
`$perl_Makefile_generator' (I've found a package (`SDL_perl') that uses
`BUILD.PL' instead of the standard perl script `Makefile.PL')
* pck-extract plugin
- added the new option `--destdir' to save extracted files in a folder
different from `$PWD'
- made more robust to system errors
* pck-update plugin
- fixed detection of lines before the specfile preamble (typo fix)
- added more debugging messages
- don't tell it's an autospec bug, if a user enter a value for --action
that is out of range (i.e. 'autospec -u autospec 0.4.8 -a99')
- only print the pre-preamble lines when debug mode is enabled
- fixed a sequence of multiple errors messages displayed when the user
manually modify the info file in a broken way
- made more verbose when saving backup copies on the ftp server
- added a check for the `%buildroot' strings in the packaged files
(can be usefull to detect wrong paths in scripts dinamically created)
- added code to support specfiles with package names, versions, releases,
sources, patches, and URLs set using rpm variables
(i.e. `%define major_ver 0.7
Patch: %{name}-%{major_ver}-0.7.38-libdir.patch')
note: conditional variables are not (yet) supported
- only check for RPATH vulnerabilies ELF binaries and libraries
- check for setuid binaries while looking for security problems
- added a check for unsecure use of `$$' as random source in shell scripts
- check if all the `%files' blocks have a `%defattr' directive
* i18n
- minor changes
* configuration file
- new (non mandatory) variables:
- `description_width' with default value `80'
- `perl_Makefile_generator' with default value `Makefile.PL'
* Makefile updated
Changes in version 0.4.7
Tue Nov 02 2004 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* spec-create plugin
- fixed the autodetection of the package name and version, when the tarball
has a non standard format, like 'GubedServer0.1.2.tar.bz2', 'tidy_src.tgz'
- fixed an error in the code for perl specfiles creation ("%doc" --> "%dir")
- modified default 'Source' for perl modules. Old one was:
New 'Source' is:
- fixed the regular expression that autodetects the 'perl_module_name' to
handle both \' and \" characters
Thanks to Mirko Cortillaro (mirko.cortillaro(a)qilinux.it) for the bug
- remove duplicated entries from the list of the man pages created in some
untested situations (thanks to Silvan Calarco (silvan.calarco(a)qilinux.it)
for reporting this bug)
- minor fixes
* pck-update plugin
- let autospec be a bit more verbose when uploading packages;
feature required by Silvan Calarco (silvan.calarco(a)qilinux.it)
- inserted a check in 'specfile.getvars()' to stop execution if the function
fails to initialize a requested variable
- the package number set by the user via the command line is now not required
by the actions that doesn't need it
- it's now possibile to specify the version and the release of a package via
the command line options
- do not delete lines (%define, comments, ecc.) before the specfile preamble
- better algorithm for specfile %descriptions autoformatting ('-f' option),
but there are yet some situations it cannot handle correctly (anyway they
should only be related to opefully unusual and badly formatted specfiles)
- added experimental code to autoformat ('-f' option) %build sections
- minor fixes
* autospec
- modified 'autospec --help' output to document the sintax extension for
the 'pck-update' plugin
* rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO
- updated
* new file TODO with development notes
Changes in version 0.4.6
Tue Oct 19 2004 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* spec-create plugin
- cleanups and fixes in the includedir path discovery algorithm
* pck-update plugin
- checks if the value of 'Name' and 'Version' are coded using rpm variables
- checks if *.so files in devel packages seems to be pure plugins and not
symbolic links to dynamic libraries (pure plugins must be in the main
package, not in devel)
- checks for some wrong symbolic links (link starting by '%_{tmppath}')
- modified the default action when the '--action' command in not specified by
the user (previously was: do all the steps, now is: "1:5,7,8" (see the
builtin variable 'default_action')
- checks if 'Source' is defined using rpm variables and try to resolve these
variables into their values looking at the '%define' commands
- minor fixes
* autospec
- fix a typo error in the --help ('md5' --> 'md5/sha1')
- modified the logic used by autospec when loading the configuration files:
autospec first try to load the main configuration file (/etc/autospec.conf),
then try to load '~/.autospec' if the user has not set a different file
using the available command line option
(feature requured by Silvan Calarco (silvan.calarco(a)qilinux.it))
- 'autospec --help' and 'autospec --version' can now be executed by the
user root
* i18n
- small fixes in it.po
* rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO
- updated
Changes in version 0.4.5
Thu Oct 14 2004 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* spec-create plugin
- added some warnings about data initialized with default values that must
be replaced with real values by the packager
- added experimental support for includedir path discovery in case of
libraries and when the Makefiles have been generated by automake
If necessary, the code try to expand the Makefile variables used, looking
into the Makefiles and the (main) configure script
- when a 'standard' specfile is created and has some header files declared
in one of its Makefile.am files, the devel %package and %description stuff
is added to the generated specfile
- added experimental support for includedir path discovery in case of
'standard' specfiles
- preliminary support for pkgconfig files (*.pc) when creating a specfile
for Makefiles not generated via GNU automake and for non library packages
* pck-update plugin
- sintax of the '--action' command extended
- various fixes when the '--no-info' command is used
- added a command to calculate md5 and sha1 checksums
- added support for the 'ExclusiveArch' id
- the srpm and the tarball packages are now downloaded only if they are not
found in the local filesystem;
feature required by Silvan Calarco (silvan.calarco(a)qilinux.it)
* autospec
- modified the examples in 'autospec --help' to show the new sintax for the
command '--action'
- minor fixes
* configuration file
- new variable 'ldconfig_path' with default value set to '/sbin/ldconfig'
- new variable 'patch_name_structure' used to check the structure of the
patches names that may be present in the Patch[0-9]* ids
- added the variable 'use_rpm_vars_for_tools' with default value set to '0',
that permit the packager to select or unselect the use the rpm variables for
the some common Unix tools (i.e. %{_make}, %{__rm}, %{__ln_s}, ...)
- new variable 'source0_name_structure' used to check the structure of the id
'Source' or 'Source0' (the default value find for valid internet addresses)
* i18n
- fixed a typo error in it.po
- some strings have been simplified
- different sintax for the internal errors (bugs)
- added some missing messages used when debugging is enabled
* rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO
- updated
Changes in version 0.4.4
Wed Oct 06 2004 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* spec-create plugin
- added support for pkgconfig files (*.pc) when creating a specfile for a
library when Makefiles are generated via GNU automake
- fixed wrong warning about Makefile[.in] files not found when generating
a specfile for a perl module (they use Makefile.PL)
- added auto-detection of the perl module name (looking into Makefile.PL)
* configuration file
- new variables
* library_name_structure (default value: "^lib")
* perl_module_name_structure (default value: "^perl-")
They define the structure of libraries and perl module names
Changes in version 0.4.3
Tue Oct 05 2004 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* help message modified to show the use of the '--no-info' option
* the configuration variable 'ftpdir_rw_old' is no more mandatory because
external contributors generally have no access to this directory
* default configuration file modified to be as ready as possible for external
* added the HOWTO (italian language) `rpm4QiLinux-it-HOWTO'
Changes in version 0.4.2
Mon Oct 04 2004 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* fixed 'ftp_rw_user' and 'ftp_rw_passwd' initialization when the '-l' command
line option is used
* added the command line option '--no-info' to tell autospec to try to
update a package even if its info file is unavailable.
This option is usefull if a specfile has just been created using the
spec-create plugin and we want to create and test the (s)rpm packages
automatically using the pck-update plugin
Changes in version 0.4.1
Mon Sep 13 2004 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* spec-create plugin
- get the correct name for packages with one or more hyphens in their names
- fixed the check for makefiles in the '%build' section
- removed the (not so easy to read) rpm variables (like '%{__make}');
feature required by Silvan Calarco (silvan.calarco(a)qilinux.it)
- fixed the error: missing `specfile.write_build' command
* pck-update plugin
- fixed a sed error message shown when the option '-f' is selected
- the value of 'BuildRoot' is overwritten with the string found in the
configuration file, or "%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build"} if such a
value is undefind
- added support for the 'Obsoletes' id in the specfile preamble
- removed the (not so easy to read) rpm variables (like '%{__make}') when
substitution when the '-f' flag is used
- yet some fixes and improvements in the autoformatting code
* fixed a typo error in it.po
* added the file BUGS
Changes in version 0.4.0
Mon Sep 13 2004 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* spec-create plugin
- do not write "%doc" if no standard documents are found
* pck-update plugin
- don't display commented build requiremnts as real build requirements
- when autoformatting is enabled overwrite the values of "Vendor" and
"Distribution" using the values found in the configuration file
- new algorithm for update with autoformatting flag enabled
- added code to format the text in the "%description" blocks
- fixed wrong substitution when "%{__make} install" is found
* pck-extract plugin (new name for the old 'spec-extract' plugin)
- new command line sintax and one more option (-F)
- every file in the package can be extracted, not only the specfile
* 'colorized' option added in the configuration file
* added italian localization
Changes in version 0.3.9
Wed Sep 01 2004 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* pck-update plugin
- added a check for wrong duplicate entries in the specfile preamble
- fixed bad substitution of rpm variables (like '%{__make}')
* spec-create plugin
- fixed specfile creation errors when no Makefile exists in the tarball
- i18n files are now processed using the rpm macro '%find_lang'
* autospec, autospec.conf, and autospec.spec now autogenerated by make using
the *.in files
Changes in version 0.3.8
Fri Aug 27 2004 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* added a Makefile to build, install, and uninstall autospec from sources
* added a command option to enable colorized output
Changes in version 0.3.7
Wed Aug 25 2004 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* function specfile.create
- fixed license type scanning in 'specfile.write_preamble' when no COPYING
file is found in the tarball
- added the missing "Version" directive in 'specfile.write_preamble()'
* function package.update
- fixed rpm install simulation with multiple rpm packages
- fixed the download of new source files when there's not a "Source" directive
in the specfile but several "Section[0-9]" ones
- fixed preamble reformatting code to support tags repeated on multiple
lines (like for instance 'BuildRequires')
* added the "ftp_passive_mode" option in the configuration file
Changes in version 0.3.6
Fri Aug 20 2004 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* function package.update
- fixed broken checks for '%setup' and '%setup -q' specfile options
- fixed rpm install simulation and upload steps
* autospec script slitted into a main script and three plugins
* added initial i18n support (gettext)
Changes in version 0.3.5
Mon Aug 09 2004 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* function specfile.create
- handle correctly relative paths to source tarballs (`-s' option)
- added list of common `%docs' entries found in the package root directory
- autodetect of prefix variable used by makefiles (`prefix' or `DESTDIR')
- autodetect of i18n files, man pages, and info pages
- full list of man pages available for makefiles generated by automake
(there's even support for the unusual macro 'manSECTIONdir_MANS') and
for manually build makefiles ('manpagename.manSECTIONdir' files only)
- full list of info pages list available for makefiles generated by automake
* function package.update
- added security checks for RPATH vulnerabilities
- added support for updates with same version number
- autoformatting fixes (`-f' option)
* added the `-x' option to extract specfile from srpm packages
* various bugfixes and code cleanups
* added checks to catch some wrong command line input
* added sintax check of info files when they are loaded
Changes in version 0.3.4
Thu Aug 05 2004 Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan(a)qilinux.it>
* first public release