# Makefile for autospec # Copyright (C) 2004-2008,2011,2012 by Davide Madrisan <davide.madrisan@gmail.com> # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without even the implied # warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. include VERSION include Makefile.env FRONTEND = $(PACKAGE) PACKAGE_LIB = libspec.lib LOCALES = it srcdir = . distdir = $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) dist_archive = $(distdir).tar.bz2 DESTDIR = pck_root := $(sort $(patsubst %.in,%,$(wildcard *.in))) pck_confs := $(sort $(patsubst %.in,%,$(wildcard conf/*))) pck_libs := $(sort $(patsubst %.in,%,$(wildcard lib/*))) pck_manpages := $(patsubst %.in,%,$(wildcard man/*.in man/*/*.in)) pck_plugins := $(sort $(patsubst %.in,%,$(wildcard plugins/*))) pck_templates := $(sort $(patsubst %.in,%,$(wildcard templates/*))) pck_tests := $(sort $(patsubst %.in,%,$(wildcard tests/*))) pck_tools := $(sort $(patsubst %.in,%,$(wildcard tools/*))) pck_infiles := $(wildcard *.in conf/*.in lib/*.in man/*.in man/*/*.in plugins/*.in templates/.in tests/* tools/*.in) .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .in .in:; @echo "Generating $@...";\ sed "s,@package@,$(PACKAGE),g;\ s,@version@,$(VERSION),g;\ s,@release@,$(RELEASE),g;\ s,@frontend@,$(FRONTEND),g;\ s,@pck_lib@,$(PACKAGE_LIB),g;\ s,@confdir@,$(confdir),g;\ s,@libdir@,$(libdir),g;\ s,@sysconfdir@,$(sysconfdir),g;\ s,@plugindir@,$(plugindir),g;\ s,@templatedir@,$(templatedir),g;\ s,@testdir@,$(testdir),g;\ s,@date@,`LC_ALL="C" date "+%a %b %d %Y"`,g;\ s,@date_my@,`LC_ALL="C" date "+%B %Y"`," $< > $@ all: dist-update locales check check: dist-update @echo "Checking libraries and scripts for syntax errors..." @$(MAKE) check -C conf || exit 1 @$(MAKE) check -C lib || exit 1 @$(MAKE) check -C plugins || exit 1 @$(MAKE) check -C tests || exit 1 @$(MAKE) check -C tools || exit 1 dist-update: $(pck_infiles:.in=) pot-file: dist-update @echo "Generating po template '$(PACKAGE).pot'..."; \ /bin/bash --dump-po-strings $(PACKAGE) \ > $(srcdir)/po/$(PACKAGE)_fe.pot @$(MAKE) pot-files -C lib || exit 1 @$(MAKE) pot-files -C plugins || exit 1 @$(MAKE) pot-files -C tests || exit 1 @$(MAKE) merge-pot-files -C po/it || exit 1 locales: pot-file @for loc in $(LOCALES); do\ $(MAKE) -C po/$$loc || exit 1;\ done install-frontend: $(PACKAGE) @echo "Installing frontend..." @$(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) $(INSTALL_SCRIPT) $(PACKAGE) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$(PACKAGE) install-confs: $(pck_confs) @echo "Installing configuration files..." @$(MAKE) install -C conf || exit 1 install-libs: $(pck_libs) @echo "Installing libraries..." @$(MAKE) install -C lib || exit 1 install-locales: locales @echo "Installing localization files..." @for loc in $(LOCALES); do\ $(MAKE) install -C po/$$loc || exit 1;\ done install-manpages: $(pck_manpages) @echo "Installing manpages..." @for loc in $(LOCALES); do\ $(MAKE) install -C man/$$loc || exit 1;\ done install-plugins: $(pck_plugins) @echo "Installing plugins..." @$(MAKE) install -C plugins || exit 1 install-templates: $(pck_templates) @echo "Installing templates..." @$(MAKE) install -C templates || exit 1 install-tests: $(pck_tests) @echo "Installing tests..." $(MAKE) install -C tests || exit 1 install-tools: $(pck_tools) @echo "Installing tools..." $(MAKE) install -C tools || exit 1 install: install-frontend \ install-confs \ install-libs \ install-manpages \ install-plugins \ install-templates \ install-tests \ install-tools \ install-locales uninstall: @echo "Uninstalling all the files..." rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$(PACKAGE) $(MAKE) uninstall -C conf $(MAKE) uninstall -C lib $(MAKE) uninstall -C plugins $(MAKE) uninstall -C templates $(MAKE) uninstall -C tests $(MAKE) uninstall -C tools @for loc in $(LOCALES); do\ $(MAKE) uninstall -C man/$$loc;\ $(MAKE) uninstall -C po/$$loc;\ done dist: clean @rm -f history/$(dist_archive) @$(INSTALL_DIR) history @echo "Creating a temporary copy of the entire repository..." @tmpdir=`mktemp -q -d -t $(PACKAGE)-dist.XXXXXXXX`;\ [ $$? -eq 0 ] || \ { echo "cannot create a temporary directory"; exit 1; };\ $(INSTALL_DIR) $$tmpdir/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION);\ find . -mindepth 1 \( -name .git -o -name history \) \ -prune -o \( \! -name *~ -print0 \) | \ cpio --quiet -pmd0 $$tmpdir/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/;\ currdir="`pwd`";\ echo "Creating the compressed tarball...";\ pushd $$tmpdir/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/ >/dev/null;\ tar cf - -C .. $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) |\ bzip2 -9 -c > "$$currdir"/history/$(dist_archive);\ [ -f "$$currdir/history/$(dist_archive)" ] && \ echo "Wrote: $$currdir/history/$(dist_archive)";\ popd >/dev/null;\ rm -fr $$tmpdir dist-rpm: dist @rpm_sourcedir=`rpm --eval=%{_sourcedir}`;\ mv -f history/$(dist_archive) $$rpm_sourcedir;\ echo "and saved as \`$$rpm_sourcedir/$(dist_archive)'" clean: mostlyclean rm -f history/$(dist_archive) mostlyclean: @echo "Cleaning up unpackaged files..." @rm -f $(pck_root) @$(MAKE) clean -C conf || exit 1 @$(MAKE) clean -C lib || exit 1 @$(MAKE) clean -C plugins || exit 1 @$(MAKE) clean -C templates || exit 1 @$(MAKE) clean -C tests || exit 1 @$(MAKE) clean -C tools || exit 1 @for loc in $(LOCALES); do\ $(MAKE) clean -C man/$$loc || exit 1;\ $(MAKE) clean -C po/$$loc || exit 1;\ done @rm -f po/*.pot