## Repositories --------------------------------------------------------------- # SECURITY WARNING: if `ftp_rw_user[*]' and `ftp_rw_passwd[*]' are set, # this file should be only readable by the `$packager_group' group, if any # Aliases for server numbers (repositories) ftp_alias[0]="" ftp_alias[1]="contrib" # Enable/Disable switch for repositories (enable by default when unset) ftp_enable[0]=1 ftp_enable[1]=1 # FTP path of RPMS packages (i.e. "ftp://ftp.openmamba.org/pub/openmamba/devel/RPMS") # note: you can specify multiple choices: ftpurl_ro_rpms[0] .. ftpurl_ro_rpms[n] ftpurl_ro_rpms[0]="http://www.openmamba.org/pub/openmamba/devel/RPMS.@arch@" ftpurl_ro_rpms[1]="http://www.openmamba.org/pub/openmamba/devel-contrib/RPMS.@arch@" # FTP path of SRPMS packages (i.e. "ftp://ftp.openmamba.org/pub/openmamba/devel/SRPMS") # note: you can specify multiple choices: ftpurl_ro_srpms[0] .. ftpurl_ro_srpms[n] ftpurl_ro_srpms[0]="http://www.openmamba.org/pub/openmamba/devel/SRPMS.base" ftpurl_ro_srpms[1]="http://www.openmamba.org/pub/openmamba/devel-contrib/SRPMS.base" # FTP setup data needed when uploading RPMS and SRPMS packages # - ftp_rw_server : name of the ftp server where package will be uploaded # (i.e. "ftpcontrib.openmamba.org" or "ftp.openmamba.org") # - ftp_rw_user : username to gain write access to ftp server, if any # - ftp_rw_passwd : password to gain write access to ftp server, if any # - ftp_rw_port : ftp port (set if a non standard ftp port is used) # - ftp_rw_passive_mode : passive mode (can be "on" or "off" (the default)) # - ftp_rw_rpms_dir : ftp path where RPMS packages will be uploaded # (i.e. "/RPMS", "/devel-contrib/RPMS") # - ftp_rw_srpms_dir : ftp path where SRPMS packages will be uploaded # (i.e. "/SRPMS", "/devel-contrib/RPMS") # # WARNING: the entries MUST respect the order used in `ftpurl_ro_rpms' ftp_rw_server[0]= ftp_rw_port[0]= ftp_rw_passive_mode[0]= ftp_rw_user[0]= ftp_rw_passwd[0]= ftp_rw_rpms_dir[0]= ftp_rw_srpms_dir[0]= ftp_rw_server[1]="ftp://ftpaccounts.openmamba.org" ftp_rw_port[1]= ftp_rw_passive_mode[1]=on ftp_rw_user[1]="devel-contrib" ftp_rw_passwd[1]="" ftp_rw_rpms_dir[1]="/RPMS.@arch@" ftp_rw_srpms_dir[1]="/SRPMS.base" # if no old version of the packages are found in the repositories # `ftpurl_ro_srpms', use this one as default repository # (its value is the index of `ftp_rw_server', default: `1') ftp_rw_server_num_default=1 # FTP directories where old packages will be moved for backup # (i.e. "/devel/old", "") # IMPORTANT: SAME SIZE and ORDER as `ftp_rw_rpms_dir[]' ftpdir_rw_old[0]="" ftpdir_rw_old[1]="" # list of all supported architectures (note: 'noarch' is *not* a valid arch) arch_list[0]="i586 arm x86_64 aarch64" arch_list[1]="i586" # where to upload noarch packages # (should be "noarch" to upload them only to the noarch subtree, or # "${arch_list[n]}" to upload them to all the architecture subtrees # defined for the branch arch_noarch_upload[0]="${arch_list[0]}" arch_noarch_upload[1]="${arch_list[1]}"