## Main configuration file for `@package@' # *** DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE *** # *** It will be overwritten at the next package update *** # # Create a user configuration file in your home directory instead # (.autospec and .autopec.d/*,conf files, if you need them) like the following # one (please customize all the values). # # proxy="proxyhost:8080" # proxy_user="user:password" # packager_fullname="Your Name" # packager_email="email@domain" # ftp_rw_user[1]="user" # ftp_rw_passwd[1]="passwd" # arch_list=(i686 ppc) # rpm_download_and_install="sudo apt-get --quiet --yes install" # rpm_install="sudo rpm -hUv" # rpm_install_force="sudo rpm -hUv --force --nodeps" # curl_opts_netlink="--connect-timeout 15 --retry 3 --limit-rate 250k" ## Packager full name and email address (used in the Changelog) --------------- packager_fullname= packager_email= ## Mode to be used when creating and updating the specfiles ------------------- rpm_specfile_mode="644" ## Rules for backupping specfiles --------------------------------------------- # Number of old SPEC files to keep as backup copies (history of modifications) spec_backup_numbers=5 # Filename extension appended to backup copies ('old' by default) spec_backup_extension="old" # Create "hidden" (default) or "visible" backup copies spec_backup_attr="hidden" ## Output using ascii or web colors (enabled by default) ---------------------- # Default colors are: # ESC=$(echo -en "\033") # CRIT="${ESC}[1;31m" (red) # NOTE="${ESC}[1;33m" (yellow) # WARN="${ESC}[1;31m" # EXIT="${ESC}[1;31m" # NORM=$(echo -en "${ESC}[m\017") # See the files: see /etc/@package@.d/color-theme.* colorize=1 ## Logging directory (default is /var/tmp/@package@) -------------------------- logging_dir="/var/tmp/@package@" ## Autospec plugins ----------------------------------------------------------- plugindir=@plugindir@ plugin_pck_update="$plugindir/pck-update" plugin_spec_create="$plugindir/spec-create" plugin_pck_extract="$plugindir/pck-extract" plugin_config_getvar="$plugindir/config-getvar" ## Autospec templates --------------------------------------------------------- templatedir="@templatedir@" ## Test modules --------------------------------------------------------------- testdir="@testdir@" ## Directories choosen by rpm for reading and saving files to ----------------- srpms_dir="`rpm --eval %_srcrpmdir 2>/dev/null`" rpms_dir="`rpm --eval %_rpmdir 2>/dev/null`" spec_dir="`rpm --eval %_specdir 2>/dev/null`" source_dir="`rpm --eval %_sourcedir 2>/dev/null`" build_dir="`rpm --eval %_builddir 2>/dev/null`" tmppath_dir="`rpm --eval %_tmppath 2>/dev/null`"