## External commands and options ---------------------------------------------- # Options used by curl while dowloading source files # (default: "--connect-timeout 15 --retry 3") # If you'd like your transfer not use your entire bandwidth you can use the # `--limit-rate' option (for instance `--limit-rate 250k') curl_opts_netlink="--connect-timeout 15 --retry 3" # (default: "-L --remote-name --fail --progress-bar $curl_opts_netlink") curl_options="-R -L --remote-name --fail --progress-bar $curl_opts_netlink" # Sintax for 'proxy': "proxyhost:port" proxy="" # Sintax for 'proxy_user': "user:password" proxy_user="" # Commands to run when a rpm package must be automatically installed # (NOTE: it could be necessary to manually configure sudo # here an example (works for QiLinux and openmamba): # Cmnd_Alias DISTRO_CMD = /usr/bin/apt-get, /bin/rpm # %packager ALL = NOPASSWD: DISTRO_CMD # (of course your user must belong to the `packager' group) # Examples: # apt : rpm_download_and_install="sudo apt-get --quiet --yes install" # smart: rpm_download_and_install="sudo smart install --yes" # yum : rpm_download_and_install="sudo yum install -y --nogpgcheck" # dnf : rpm_download_and_install="sudo dnf install -y" rpm_download_and_install="sudo dnf install --skip-broken -y" rpm_install="sudo rpm -hUv" rpm_install_force="sudo rpm -hUv --force --nodeps" # Never install packages matching this regular expression # - default value='' (can be for instance '-apidocs-') rpm_install_noinstall_mask='' # Mask that identify packages providing localization... # - default value='-i18n-|-help-' rpm_install_l10n_pck_mask='-i18n-|-help-' # ...and only install localization packages matching this regular expression # - default value='.*' (can be for instance 'it|pl') rpm_install_l10n_pck_allow_lang_mask='.*' # Options passed to rpm when installing a source rpm (srpm) # - default value='--nodeps' srpm_install_options='--nodeps' # Path of the some tools commonly used in the specfiles path_ldconfig="/sbin/ldconfig" path_installinfo="/sbin/install-info"