# [main configuration file for `@package@'] # SECURITY WARNING: if `ftp_rw_user[*]' and `ftp_rw_passwd[*]' are set, # this file should be only readable by the `$packager_group' group, if any # # *** DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE *** # *** It will be overwritten at the next update *** # # Create a configuration file (.autospec) in your home directory instead, # like this one (please customize all the values) # # proxy="proxyhost:8080" # proxy_user="user:password" # packager_fullname="Your Name" # packager_email="email@domain" # ftp_rw_user[1]="user" # ftp_rw_passwd[1]="passwd" # arch_list=(i686 ppc) # rpm_download_and_install="sudo apt-get --quiet --yes install" # rpm_install="sudo rpm -hUv" # rpm_install_force="sudo rpm -hUv --force --nodeps" # curl_opts_netlink="--connect-timeout 15 --retry 3 --limit-rate 250k" # Name of the distribution (i.e. "openmamba") DISTRO="openmamba" # RPM distribution id (i.e. "mamba" --> pck-1.0-1mamba.i586.rpm) DISTRO_rpm="mamba" # Vendor name (i.e. "openmamba") VENDOR="openmamba" # Packager full name and email address (used in the Changelog) packager_fullname= packager_email= # System group name for RPM packagers packager_group="packager" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Aliases for server numbers (repositories) ftp_alias[0]="" ftp_alias[1]="contrib" # Enable/Disable switch for repositories (enable by default when unset) ftp_enable[0]=1 ftp_enable[1]=1 # FTP path of RPMS packages (i.e. "ftp://ftp.qilinux.it/pub/QiLinux/devel/RPMS") # note: you can specify multiple choices: ftpurl_ro_rpms[0] .. ftpurl_ro_rpms[n] ftpurl_ro_rpms[0]="http://www.openmamba.org/pub/openmamba/devel/RPMS.@arch@" ftpurl_ro_rpms[1]="http://www.openmamba.org/pub/openmamba/devel-contrib/RPMS.@arch@" # FTP path of SRPMS packages (i.e. "ftp://ftp.qilinux.it/pub/QiLinux/devel/SRPMS") # note: you can specify multiple choices: ftpurl_ro_srpms[0] .. ftpurl_ro_srpms[n] ftpurl_ro_srpms[0]="http://www.openmamba.org/pub/openmamba/devel/SRPMS.base" ftpurl_ro_srpms[1]="http://www.openmamba.org/pub/openmamba/devel-contrib/SRPMS.base" # FTP setup data needed when uploading RPMS and SRPMS packages # - ftp_rw_server : name of the ftp server where package will be uploaded # (i.e. "ftpcontrib.qilinux.it" or "ftp.qilinux.it") # - ftp_rw_user : username to gain write access to ftp server, if any # - ftp_rw_passwd : password to gain write access to ftp server, if any # - ftp_rw_port : ftp port (set if a non standard ftp port is used) # - ftp_rw_passive_mode : passive mode (can be "on" or "off" (the default)) # - ftp_rw_rpms_dir : ftp path where RPMS packages will be uploaded # (i.e. "/RPMS", "/devel-contrib/RPMS") # - ftp_rw_srpms_dir : ftp path where SRPMS packages will be uploaded # (i.e. "/SRPMS", "/devel-contrib/RPMS") # # WARNING: the entries MUST respect the order used in `ftpurl_ro_rpms' ftp_rw_server[0]= ftp_rw_port[0]= ftp_rw_passive_mode[0]= ftp_rw_user[0]= ftp_rw_passwd[0]= ftp_rw_rpms_dir[0]= ftp_rw_srpms_dir[0]= ftp_rw_server[1]="ftp://ftpaccounts.openmamba.org" ftp_rw_port[1]= ftp_rw_passive_mode[1]=on ftp_rw_user[1]="devel-contrib" ftp_rw_passwd[1]="" ftp_rw_rpms_dir[1]="/RPMS.@arch@" ftp_rw_srpms_dir[1]="/SRPMS.base" # if no old version of the packages are found in the repositories # `ftpurl_ro_srpms', use this one as default repository # (its value is the index of `ftp_rw_server', default: `1') ftp_rw_server_num_default=1 # FTP directories where old packages will be moved for backup # (i.e. "/devel/old", "") # IMPORTANT: SAME SIZE and ORDER as `ftp_rw_rpms_dir[]' ftpdir_rw_old[0]="" ftpdir_rw_old[1]="" # list of all supported architectures (note: 'noarch' is *not* a valid arch) arch_list[0]="i586 ppc arm x86_64" arch_list[1]="i586" # where to upload noarch packages # (should be "noarch" to upload them only to the noarch subtree, or # "${arch_list[n]}" to upload them to all the architecture subtrees # defined for the branch arch_noarch_upload[0]="${arch_list[0]}" arch_noarch_upload[1]="${arch_list[1]}" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Options used by curl while dowloading source files # (default: "--connect-timeout 15 --retry 3") # If you'd like your transfer not use your entire bandwidth you can use the # `--limit-rate' option (for instance `--limit-rate 250k') curl_opts_netlink="--connect-timeout 15 --retry 3" # (default: "-L --remote-name --fail --progress-bar $curl_opts_netlink") curl_options="-R -L --remote-name --fail --progress-bar $curl_opts_netlink" # Sintax for 'proxy': "proxyhost:port" proxy="" # Sintax for 'proxy_user': "user:password" proxy_user="" # Commands to run when a rpm package must be automatically installed # (NOTE: it could be necessary to manually configure sudo # here an example (works for QiLinux and openmamba): # Cmnd_Alias DISTRO_CMD = /usr/bin/apt-get, /bin/rpm # %packager ALL = NOPASSWD: DISTRO_CMD # (of course your user must belong to the `packager' group) # Examples: # apt : rpm_download_and_install="sudo apt-get --quiet --yes install" # smart: rpm_download_and_install="sudo smart install --yes" rpm_download_and_install="sudo smart install --yes" rpm_install="sudo rpm -hUv" rpm_install_force="sudo rpm -hUv --force --nodeps" # Never install packages matching this regular expression # - default value='' (can be for instance '-apidocs-') rpm_install_noinstall_mask='' # Mask that identify packages providing localization... # - default value='-i18n-|-help-' rpm_install_l10n_pck_mask='-i18n-|-help-' # ...and only install localization packages matching this regular expression # - default value='.*' (can be for instance 'it|pl') rpm_install_l10n_pck_allow_lang_mask='.*' # Options passed to rpm when installing a source rpm (srpm) # - default value='--nodeps' srpm_install_options='--nodeps' # Path of the some tools commonly used in the specfiles path_ldconfig="/sbin/ldconfig" path_installinfo="/sbin/install-info" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Default values for some strings used in the plugins # - default value for `Summary id' summary_defvalue="... package summary" # - default value for `Group id' group_defvalue="... package group" # - default value for `URL id' url_defvalue="... package URL" # - default value for `License id' license_defvalue="... package license" # - default value for `%description' description_defval="... package description" # - default value for `%description devel' description_devel_defval="... devel package description" # - default value for `%changelog' changelog_samever_defvalue="... add a changelog entry" # - default value for `%changelog' when updating a package to the same version changelog_rebuild_defvalue="rebuilt" changelog_userdef="" # Allowed paths for system libraries allowed_libdirs="\ /lib:/usr/lib:/usr/lib/qt3/lib:/usr/lib/qt4/lib:/opt/kde3/lib:/opt/kde4/lib" # Some specfile groups and summary entries library_group="System/Libraries" library_summary="Static libraries and headers for %{name}" library_group_devel="Development/Libraries" library_group_perl="System/Libraries/Perl" python_modules_group="System/Libraries/Python" # Paths used in the autogenerated specfiles #python_install_lib_path="%{_libdir}/site-python" python_install_lib_path="%{python_sitearch}" # File extensions for compressed man/info pages (`/usr/lib/rpm/brp-compress') man_compress_ext=".gz" info_compress_ext=$man_compress_ext # Set to modify the way man pages in the autogenerated specfile are written # "0" : all the entries (this is the default) # "1" : one entry for each man page section # "2" : only one entry for all the man pages man_condensed_list=0 # Set to modify the way info pages in the autogenerated specfile are written # "0" : all the entries (this is the default) # "2" : only one entry for all the info pages info_condensed_list=0 # Libraries, perl, and python modules names should have a fixed structure? # Default values are "^lib" for libraries, "^perl-" for perl modules, and # "^python-" for python modules. If you don't want to fix a structure for # one of these packages, set the corresponding variable to "" library_name_structure="^lib" perl_module_name_structure="^perl-" #python_module_name_structure="^python-" python_module_name_structure="" # Structure for the names of the patches (Patch[0-9]* ids) # Default value: "^%\{name\}-[0-9][\.0-9a-z]*-[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+*.patch[\.gzb2]*", # that is '%{name}-pck_version_when_first_applied-short_description.patch' # If you don't want to fix a structure use "" patch_name_structure="^%\{name\}-[0-9][\.0-9a-z]*-[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+*.patch[\.gzb2]*" # Structure for the 'Source'/'Source0' id # Default value: "\(http\|ftp\):\/\/.*\.\(tar\.gz\|tgz\|tar\.bz2\|tar\.Z\|shar\.gz\|zip\)" # that is a full internet address of a tarball package compressed with # either gzip or bzip2 # If you don't want to fix a structure use "" source0_name_structure="\(http\|ftp\):\/\/.*\.\(tar\.gz\|tgz\|tar\.bz2\|tar\.Z\|shar\.gz\|zip\)" # RPM macros for common packaging actions rpm_macro_configure="%configure" rpm_macro_makeinstall="%makeinstall" # NOTE: the `make' and `makeoldinstall' are not standard rpm macros # if are unsupported in the rpm tool you're using, you may use these settings: # - rpm_macro_make="" # - rpm_macro_makeoldinstall="%makeinstall" rpm_macro_make="%make" rpm_macro_makeoldinstall="%makeoldinstall" # A (non standard) macro for perl modules (unset if not used) rpm_macro_makeinstall_perl="%makeinstall_perl" # RPM macros used to install and remove info pages rpm_macro_installinfo="%install_info" rpm_macro_uninstallinfo="%uninstall_info" rpm_macro_installinfo_binary="%{__install_info}" # RPM macros for cmake # Default value: "%cmake -d build" (out-of-source builds) # NOTE (in-source builds) # rpm_macro_cmake="%cmake" # rpm_macro_makeinstall_cmake="%makeinstall" rpm_macro_cmake="%cmake -d build" rpm_macro_makeinstall_cmake="%makeinstall -C build" # RPM macros miscellaneous # - rpm_macro_pyver: python version number rpm_macro_pyver="%python_version" # allowed groups rpm_allowed_groups=( Applications/Accessibility Applications/Archiving Applications/Communication Applications/Databases Applications/Development Applications/Educational Applications/Emulators Applications/File Applications/Fonts Applications/Games Applications/Graphics Applications/Mathematics Applications/Multimedia Applications/Networking Applications/Publishing Applications/Scientific Applications/Security Applications/Shells Applications/Spelling\ Checker Applications/Text Applications/Web Development/Applications Development/Bindings Development/Debug Development/Kernel Development/Languages Development/Libraries Development/Libraries/Java Development/Libraries/Perl Development/Libraries/Python Development/Tools Documentation Graphical\ Desktop/Applications/Accessibility Graphical\ Desktop/Applications/Administration Graphical\ Desktop/Applications/Archiving Graphical\ Desktop/Applications/Configuration Graphical\ Desktop/Applications/Databases Graphical\ Desktop/Applications/Development Graphical\ Desktop/Applications/Educational Graphical\ Desktop/Applications/Environment Graphical\ Desktop/Applications/Games Graphical\ Desktop/Applications/Graphics Graphical\ Desktop/Applications/Internet Graphical\ Desktop/Applications/Multimedia Graphical\ Desktop/Applications/Networking Graphical\ Desktop/Applications/Office Graphical\ Desktop/Applications/Other Graphical\ Desktop/Applications/Publishing Graphical\ Desktop/Applications/Scientific Graphical\ Desktop/Applications/Security Graphical\ Desktop/Applications/Utilities Graphical\ Desktop/Fonts Graphical\ Desktop/Libraries/GNOME Graphical\ Desktop/Libraries/QT Graphical\ Desktop/Libraries/KDE Graphical\ Desktop/Look\ \'n\'\ feel Graphical\ Desktop/Look\ \'n\'\ feel/Themes Graphical\ Desktop/Look\ \'n\'\ feel/Screensavers Installation/Update Network/File\ Transfer Network/File\ Systems Network/High Availability Network/Libraries Network/Monitoring Network/Routing Network/Security System/Benchmarks System/Clustering System/Configuration System/Database System/Kernel\ and\ Hardware System/Kernel\ and\ Hardware/Drivers System/Fonts System/Hardware System/Internationalization System/Libraries System/Libraries/Java System/Libraries/Perl System/Libraries/PHP System/Libraries/Python System/Management System/Multimedia System/Servers System/Spooling System/Telephony System/Tools System/X11) # approved licenses rpm_approved_licenses=( Academic\ Free\ License\ 3.0 Adaptive\ Public\ License Affero\ GNU\ Public\ License Apache\ License Apache\ License\ 2.0 Apple\ Public\ Source\ License Artistic Attribution\ Assurance\ Licenses Boost\ Software\ License BSD Common\ Development\ and\ Distribution\ License Common\ Public\ Attribution\ License\ 1.0 Computer\ Associates\ Trusted\ Open\ Source\ License\ 1.1 Copyright\ only CUA\ Office\ Public\ License\ 1.0 Eclipse\ Public\ License Educational\ Community\ License Eiffel\ Forum\ License\ 2.0 Entessa\ Public\ License EU\ Datagrid\ Software\ License European\ Union\ Public\ License Fair\ License Frameworx\ License GPL Historical\ Permission\ Notice\ and\ Disclaimer IBM\ Public\ License IEEE IPA\ Font\ License ISC\ License LGPL Lucent\ Public\ License\ 1.02 Microsoft\ Public\ License Microsoft\ Reciprocal\ License MirOS Licence MIT Motosoto\ License MPL\ 1.1 NASA\ Open\ Source\ Agreement\ 1.3 Naumen\ Public\ License Nethack\ License Nokia\ Open\ Source\ License Non-Profit\ Open\ Software\ License\ 3.0 NTP\ License OCLC\ Research\ Public\ License\ 2.0 Open\ Font\ License\ 1.1 Open\ Group\ Test\ Suite\ License Open\ Software\ License\ 3.0 PHP\ License Python Python\ Software\ Foundation\ License QPL RealNetworks\ Public\ Source\ License\ 1.0 Reciprocal\ Public\ License\ 1.5 Ricoh\ Source\ Code\ Public\ License Simple\ Public\ License\ 2.0 Sleepycat\ License Sun\ Public\ License Sybase\ Open\ Watcom\ Public\ License\ 1.0 University\ of\ Illinois/NCSA\ Open\ Source\ License Vovida\ Software\ License\ 1.0 W3C\ License wxWindows\ Library\ License X.Net\ License zlib/libpng Zope\ Public\ License OSI\ Approved no\ OSI\ Approved ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # APSE arrays apse_site_name[0]="http://fileforum.betanews.com" apse_uri[0]="http://fileforum.betanews.com/search?search_advanced=Search+FileForum&os%5B%5D=12&alphabeta=R&title=" apse_put_fields[0]="" apse_error_msg[0]="No results found\. Please try another search\." apse_grep[0]="" apse_sed[0]="s,.*1. \${search_name}[^<]*[ ]\([^ <]*\).*,\1,pi" apse_site_name[1]="http://linux.softpedia.com" apse_uri[1]="http://linux.softpedia.com/progSearch" apse_put_fields[1]="src=" apse_error_msg[1]="No results found" apse_grep[1]="\([^ <]*\).*,\1,pi" apse_site_name[4]="http://sourcewell.berlios.de" apse_uri[4]="http://sourcewell.berlios.de/appsearch.php?by=Importance&search=" apse_put_fields[4]="" apse_error_msg[4]="No Application found" apse_grep[4]="appbyid.*\${search_name}[^a-zA-Z].*Stable" apse_sed[4]="s,.*\${search_name} \([^ <]*\).*,\1,pi" apse_site_name[5]="http://distrowatch.com" apse_uri[5]="http://distrowatch.com/packages.php?" apse_put_fields[5]="" apse_error_msg[5]="is currently being redesigned" apse_grep[5]="td.*/\${search_name}[-_][0-9]" apse_sed[5]="s,.*td><[^>]*>\([^ <]*\)<.*,\1,pi" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # mode to be used when creating and updating the specfiles rpm_specfile_mode="644" # macro used to automatically build debug packages rpm_macro_debug_package="%debug_package" rpm_macro_debug_package_suffix="debug" rpm_default_buildroot="%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root" # Set these variables to modify the autoformatting behaviour # - width of the `%description blocks' # (default: 0 (unlimited line length); was `80') format_description_width=0 # - tab size for the entries in the specfile preamble (default: 14) format_preamble_tab=14 # format_buildroot, format_builddir: leave blank to disable any substitutions format_buildroot="%{buildroot}" format_builddir="%{_builddir}" # Use the rpm variable names for common Unix tools (default is: 0) # i.e. %{_make}, %{__rm}, %{__ln_s}, %{__mkdir_p}, ... format_unix_tools=0 # Extra-formatting rules (distro-specific) format_extra_rules="\ s,\(%{_mandir}/.*man[0-9]/.*\.\)[0-8]$man_compress_ext.*,\1\*, s,\(/usr/share/man/.*man[0-9]/.*\.\)[0-8]$man_compress_ext.*,\1\*, s,\(%{_infodir}/.*\.\)info$man_compress_ext.*,\1\*, s,\(/usr/share/info/.*\.\)info$man_compress_ext.*,\1\*, s,\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT,%{buildroot},g s,%perl_major_ver,%{perl_major_ver},g s,%buildroot,%{buildroot},g;s,#%{buildroot}},#%buildroot},g s,\&\& rm -rf %{buildroot},\&\& rm -rf \"%{buildroot}\", s,test x\"%{buildroot}\" != x/,[ \"%{buildroot}\" != / ], s,[\[]* [\"]*%{buildroot}[\"]* []]* && rm -.*,\ [ \"%{buildroot}\" != / ] \&\& rm -rf \"%{buildroot}\", s,echo \"%doc \(\${dir#%.*\),echo \"%dir \1, s,make[ \t]*%[{]*[?]*_smp_mflags[}]*,%make, s,^[ \t]*\([%]*make\)[ \t]*pure_install[ \t]*$,%makeinstall_perl, s,^perl Makefile.PL$,perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=%{_prefix} INSTALLDIRS=vendor, s,\[\[ -z \"\$packlist\" \]\],\[ -z \"\$packlist\" \]," # The standard values for the `BuildRoot' id format_buildroot_value="%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root" # Enable autoformatting (disabled by default) format_autoformat=0 # Set this variable to modify the rpm unpackaged file list conversion format_unpackaged_file_list="\ s,^/usr/bin,%{_bindir}, s,^/usr/sbin,%{_sbindir}, s,^/usr/libexec,%{_libexecdir}, s,^/usr/lib,%{_libdir}, s,^/usr/share/info,%{_infodir}, s,^/usr/share/man,%{_mandir}, s,^/usr/share,%{_datadir}, s,^/usr/include,%{_includedir}, s,^/etc,%{_sysconfdir}, s,^/lib,%{_lib}, s,^/lib64,%{_lib}, s,^/var,%{_localstatedir}, # translations for kde4 packages s,^/etc/opt/kde,%{_kde4_sysconfdir}, s,^/opt/kde/bin,%{_kde4_bindir}, s,^/opt/kde/sbin,%{_kde4_sbindir}, s,^/opt/kde/include,%{_kde4_includedir}, s,^/opt/kde/lib/kde4/libexec,%{_kde4_libexecdir}, s,^/opt/kde/lib/kde4/plugins,%{_kde4_pluginsdir}, s,^/opt/kde/lib,%{_kde4_libdir}, s,^/opt/kde/share/applications,%{_kde4_xdgappsdir}, s,^/opt/kde/share/apps/kconf_update,%{_kde4_kconfupdatedir}, s,^/opt/kde/share/apps,%{_kde4_datadir}, s,^/opt/kde/share/autostart,%{_kde4_autostartdir}, s,^/opt/kde/share/config.kcfg,%{_kde4_kcfgdir}, s,^/opt/kde/share/config,%config %{_kde4_configdir}, s,^/opt/kde/share/dbus-1/interfaces,%{_kde4_dbusinterfacesdir}, s,^/opt/kde/share/dbus-1/services,%{_kde4_dbusservicesdir}, s,^/opt/kde/share/desktop-directories,%{_kde4_xdgdirectorydir}, s,^/opt/kde/share/doc/HTML/en,%doc %lang(en) %{_kde4_htmldir}/en, s,^/opt/kde/share/doc/HTML,%{_kde4_htmldir}, s,^/opt/kde/share/icons,%{_kde4_icondir}, s,^/opt/kde/share/kde4/services,%{_kde4_servicesdir}, s,^/opt/kde/share/kde4/servicetypes,%{_kde4_servicetypesdir}, s,^/opt/kde/share/locale,%{_kde4_localedir}, s,^/opt/kde/share/mime/packages,%{_kde4_xdgmimedir}, s,^/opt/kde/share/mimelnk,%{_kde4_mimedir}, s,^/opt/kde/share/sounds,%{_kde4_soundsdir}, s,^/opt/kde/share/templates,%{_kde4_templatesdir}, s,^/opt/kde/share/wallpapers,%{_kde4_wallpaperdir}, s,^/opt/kde/share,%{_kde4_sharedir}," # set this variable to '1' if rpm ignores the BuildRoot tag of a specfile rpm_ignores_buildroot=1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Name of the PERL script used to generate the Makefile in perl packages # (default is "Makefile.PL", but at least one package uses "BUILD.PL") perl_Makefile_generator="Makefile.PL" # Default License for perl packages # (default is "", but can be normally set to "Artistic") perl_License_default="" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Number of old SPEC files to keep as backup copies (history of modifications) spec_backup_numbers=5 # Filename extension appended to backup copies ('old' by default) spec_backup_extension="old" # Create "hidden" (default) or "visible" backup copies spec_backup_attr="hidden" # Output with ascii colors (enabled by default) # Default colors are: # CRIT="${ESC}[1;31m" (red) # NOTE="${ESC}[1;33m" (yellow) # WARN="${ESC}[1;31m" # EXIT="${ESC}[1;31m" colorize=1 # Logging directory (default is /var/tmp/@package@) logging_dir="/var/tmp/@package@" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # List of plugins plugindir=@plugindir@ plugin_pck_update="$plugindir/pck-update" plugin_spec_create="$plugindir/spec-create" plugin_pck_extract="$plugindir/pck-extract" plugin_config_getvar="$plugindir/config-getvar" # List of templates templatedir="@templatedir@" # List of tests testdir="@testdir@" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Directories used by the rpm tool to read and save files to srpms_dir="`rpm --eval %_srcrpmdir 2>/dev/null`" rpms_dir="`rpm --eval %_rpmdir 2>/dev/null`" spec_dir="`rpm --eval %_specdir 2>/dev/null`" source_dir="`rpm --eval %_sourcedir 2>/dev/null`" build_dir="`rpm --eval %_builddir 2>/dev/null`" tmppath_dir="`rpm --eval %_tmppath 2>/dev/null`"