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2011-04-26 21:39:44 +02:00
* pck-update plugin
[security] evaluation of `%define' directives could lead to security issues
(the problem exists in the rpm itself)
[bug] '/usr/share/linuxdoc-tools/dist/linuxdoc-tools/info/mapping'
should not be considered an info page
hint: grep '/info/' is a broken test; the `file' tool cannot be used
because info pages are compressed
[bug] Il seguente comando:
autospec -u bbpress -a1,5,10
causa l'errore:
ERROR: pacchetto non trovato:
in fase di upload.
Causa: parsing non corretto della riga (se "sitename" non è definito?)
Name: %{?sitename:%sitename-website-}bbpress
[feature] action 8, test 4
should check if `/usr/lib/libpopt.so' --> `libpopt.so.0.0.0' is a valid link
should display a warning on broken symlinks
[feature] support the gpg signatures of rpm packages
* libspec
[feature] specfile.getvars(): missing implementation for `%ifarch' and `%ifdef'
[feature] add support for commands like:
%{expand:%%define kernel_minor_version %(echo %version | cut -d. -f3)}
example: lilo.spec
%{!?latex_doc: %define latex_doc 1}
DEBUG: resolve_rpmvars: conditional block (%if) [level#1] -- %if %latex_doc
DEBUG: resolve_boolexpr: boolean expression [ %latex_doc ]
DEBUG: resolve_boolexpr: expanding boolexpr using: name (lilo)
DEBUG: resolve_boolexpr: expanding boolexpr using: version (22.7)
DEBUG: resolve_boolexpr: boolexpr nullified -- [ %latex_doc ]
DEBUG: resolve_boolexpr: set: $1 = "%latex_doc", $2 = "", $3 = ""
expr: sintax error
example nagios.spec
%{!?EMBPERL: %define EMBPERL 0}
DEBUG: : set: $1 = "%{EMBPERL}", $2 = "", $3 = ""
expr: sintax error
* spec-create plugin
[feature] check for non standard (/usr/lib) library files path
* documentation
[feature] missing english translation of `autospec.1' and `autospec-it-HOWTO'.
2011-04-26 21:39:44 +02:00
Have you found a bug not listed above?
Please post a description and possibly a way to reproduce the bug to
If you're feeling especially nice, you should make a patch to fix the flaw.
Sending patches as attachments is preferred, but not required.