CodeMirror.defineMode("gfm", function(config, parserConfig) { var mdMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, "markdown"); var aliases = { html: "htmlmixed", js: "javascript", json: "application/json", c: "text/x-csrc", "c++": "text/x-c++src", java: "text/x-java", csharp: "text/x-csharp", "c#": "text/x-csharp" }; // make this lazy so that we don't need to load GFM last var getMode = (function () { var i, modes = {}, mimes = {}, mime; var list = CodeMirror.listModes(); for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { modes[list[i]] = list[i]; } var mimesList = CodeMirror.listMIMEs(); for (i = 0; i < mimesList.length; i++) { mime = mimesList[i].mime; mimes[mime] = mimesList[i].mime; } for (var a in aliases) { if (aliases[a] in modes || aliases[a] in mimes) modes[a] = aliases[a]; } return function (lang) { return modes[lang] ? CodeMirror.getMode(config, modes[lang]) : null; }; }()); function markdown(stream, state) { // intercept fenced code blocks if (stream.sol() && stream.match(/^```([\w+#]*)/)) { // try switching mode state.localMode = getMode(RegExp.$1); if (state.localMode) state.localState = state.localMode.startState(); state.token = local; return 'code'; } return mdMode.token(stream, state.mdState); } function local(stream, state) { if (stream.sol() && stream.match(/^```/)) { state.localMode = state.localState = null; state.token = markdown; return 'code'; } else if (state.localMode) { return state.localMode.token(stream, state.localState); } else { stream.skipToEnd(); return 'code'; } } // custom handleText to prevent emphasis in the middle of a word // and add autolinking function handleText(stream, mdState) { var match; if (stream.match(/^\w+:\/\/\S+/)) { return 'link'; } if (stream.match(/^[^\[*\\<>` _][^\[*\\<>` ]*[^\[*\\<>` _]/)) { return mdMode.getType(mdState); } if (match = stream.match(/^[^\[*\\<>` ]+/)) { var word = match[0]; if (word[0] === '_' && word[word.length-1] === '_') { stream.backUp(word.length); return undefined; } return mdMode.getType(mdState); } if (stream.eatSpace()) { return null; } } return { startState: function() { var mdState = mdMode.startState(); mdState.text = handleText; return {token: markdown, mode: "markdown", mdState: mdState, localMode: null, localState: null}; }, copyState: function(state) { return {token: state.token, mode: state.mode, mdState: CodeMirror.copyState(mdMode, state.mdState), localMode: state.localMode, localState: state.localMode ? CodeMirror.copyState(state.localMode, state.localState) : null}; }, token: function(stream, state) { /* Parse GFM double bracket links */ var ch; if ((ch = stream.peek()) != undefined && ch == '[') {; // Advance the stream /* Only handle double bracket links */ if ((ch = stream.peek()) == undefined || ch != '[') { stream.backUp(1); return state.token(stream, state); } while ((ch = != undefined && ch != ']') {} if (ch == ']' && (ch = != undefined && ch == ']') return 'link'; /* If we did not find the second ']' */ stream.backUp(1); } /* Match GFM latex formulas, as well as latex formulas within '$' */ if (stream.match(/^\$[^\$]+\$/)) { return "string"; } if (stream.match(/^\\\((.*?)\\\)/)) { return "string"; } if (stream.match(/^\$\$[^\$]+\$\$/)) { return "string"; } if (stream.match(/^\\\[(.*?)\\\]/)) { return "string"; } return state.token(stream, state); } }; }, "markdown");