CodeMirror.defineMode("smarty", function(config, parserConfig) { var keyFuncs = ["debug", "extends", "function", "include", "literal"]; var last; var regs = { operatorChars: /[+\-*&%=<>!?]/, validIdentifier: /[a-zA-Z0-9\_]/, stringChar: /[\'\"]/ }; var leftDelim = (typeof config.mode.leftDelimiter != 'undefined') ? config.mode.leftDelimiter : "{"; var rightDelim = (typeof config.mode.rightDelimiter != 'undefined') ? config.mode.rightDelimiter : "}"; function ret(style, lst) { last = lst; return style; } function tokenizer(stream, state) { function chain(parser) { state.tokenize = parser; return parser(stream, state); } if (stream.match(leftDelim, true)) { if ("*")) { return chain(inBlock("comment", "*" + rightDelim)); } else { state.tokenize = inSmarty; return "tag"; } } else { // I'd like to do an eatWhile() here, but I can't get it to eat only up to the rightDelim string/char; return null; } } function inSmarty(stream, state) { if (stream.match(rightDelim, true)) { state.tokenize = tokenizer; return ret("tag", null); } var ch =; if (ch == "$") { stream.eatWhile(regs.validIdentifier); return ret("variable-2", "variable"); } else if (ch == ".") { return ret("operator", "property"); } else if (regs.stringChar.test(ch)) { state.tokenize = inAttribute(ch); return ret("string", "string"); } else if (regs.operatorChars.test(ch)) { stream.eatWhile(regs.operatorChars); return ret("operator", "operator"); } else if (ch == "[" || ch == "]") { return ret("bracket", "bracket"); } else if (/\d/.test(ch)) { stream.eatWhile(/\d/); return ret("number", "number"); } else { if (state.last == "variable") { if (ch == "@") { stream.eatWhile(regs.validIdentifier); return ret("property", "property"); } else if (ch == "|") { stream.eatWhile(regs.validIdentifier); return ret("qualifier", "modifier"); } } else if (state.last == "whitespace") { stream.eatWhile(regs.validIdentifier); return ret("attribute", "modifier"); } else if (state.last == "property") { stream.eatWhile(regs.validIdentifier); return ret("property", null); } else if (/\s/.test(ch)) { last = "whitespace"; return null; } var str = ""; if (ch != "/") { str += ch; } var c = ""; while ((c = { str += c; } var i, j; for (i=0, j=keyFuncs.length; i