Changes in version 0.8.5 <> 20110320
- sync a lot of small fixes and changes to date
- added autoport cron job and /etc/sysconfig/autoport configuration

Changes in version 0.8.4 <> 20100905
- autodist:
   * archive patches after successful buildinstall operation
   * print job variables names at job start
   * use LANG=C before date command
- autoport:
   * fix command line parsing with +3 archs specified as -x option

Changes in version 0.8.3 <> 20100902
- autoport:
   * added support for staged builds by adding config defined options to autospec
   * enable force mode and send srpm when run with -np
   * added support for multiple architectures as -x options

Changes in version 0.8.2 <> 20100822
- autoport:
   * launch autoport-fix-environment using sudo; sudoers.d file provided

Changes in version 0.8.1 <> 20100821
- autodist:
   * export LANG=C before launching autospec for autoport to parse original messages

Changes in version 0.8.0 <> 20100820
- autodist:
   * save hidden staging specfiles (preprended by '.')
   * various fixes
- autoport-fix-environment:
   * added external suid script to have permissions to modify library directories
- autoport:
   * lots of implementations for cross-platform and multi-arch builds
   * added -v (verbose) option
- configuration files updated; added distdb.ppc

Changes in version 0.7.1 <> 20100624
- update to current configuration
- autodist: minor fixed
- autoport: new script obsoleting autocross

Changes in version 0.7.0 <> 20100105
- lots of changes for cross platform build support
- added updated distdb file
- added distdb.arm and distdb.x86_64
- added new autocross tool for batch cross plaftorm ports

Changes in version 0.6.3 <> 20100110
- added daily cron openmamba-autodist-cleanold
- distdb: updated to current status

Changes in version 0.6.2 <> 20091226
- autodist:
     * sync changes to present release
- distdb:
     * updated

Changes in version 0.6.1 <> 20090721
- autodist:
     * write pre-update specfile after applying update patches
     * fix support for delayed repository
     * other minor fixes
- autodist-tool:
     * added support for parametring build environment paths

Changes in version 0.6.0 <> 20090419
- autodist:
     * added support for running as autodist user in /var/autodist
     * support RPM build environment relocation using autospec
     * generate logs in $HOME/.autodist/ when not run as autodist user

Changes in version 0.5.3 <> 20090418
- autodist:
     * added version update check from updated specfile against autodist and delayed repository

Changes in version 0.5.2 <> 20090406
- autodist:
     * added version check agains specfile before sending
- autodist-tool:
     * added skip operation
Changes in version 0.5.1 <> 20090202
- autodist:
     * added pidfile support when used with -a option
Changes in version 0.5 <> 20090125
- autodist:
     * major update with many improvements and fixes
Changes in version <>
- autodist:
     * fixed creation of pre$operation specfile copies
     * ignore skippedlist for rebuild packages (+0) in -a mode
Changes in version 0.4.4 <>
- autodist:
     * added --rebuild option and rebuild support from file (when version is set to +0)
     * prepare: added support for multiple repository as download sources using srcpkglist from 
                distromatic >= 0.9.0; see AUTODIST_REPOSITORY var in configuration file
     * many fixes
- autodist-tool:
     * rename tool from autodist-makepatch
     * added schedule command
Changes in version 0.4.3 <>
- autodist:
     * added support for pluggable distdb directory (etc/autodist/distdb.d)
     * added distdb/embedded.db and distdb/openmamba-website.db
     * disabled --force-build option for automatic builds
     * use serverity=1 as default for manual builds
     * fix creation pre-operation specfile copies
- distdb:
     * updated
Changes in version 0.4.2 <>
- autodist:
     * fix server command passed on manual send operation
     * fix: apply patches on "autoupdate" operation also
- autodist-makepatch:
     * new tool added
Changes in version 0.4.1 <>
- autodist:
     * many improvements to automatic builds 
     * moved to repository input and output files
     * scan for *.skip in repository for skipped files
     * scan for *.in in repository for input files
Changes in version 0.4.0 <>
- autodist:
     *  many improvements to automatic builds 
     * automatic builds: added support for patches
     * added configuration directory /etc/autodist
     * added configuration file /etc/autodist/config
     * distdb and blacklist updated and moved to configuration directory
Changes in version 0.3.3 <>
- autodist:
     * update: use launch_pkg_loop instead of launch_loop
Changes in version 0.3.2 <>
- autodist: 
     * many fixes
- Makefile:
     * add empty /var/autodist/successlist
Changes in version 0.3.1 <>
- Makefile:
     * change /var/log/autodist in /var/autodist/log
     * add /var/autodist/log/update subdirs
     * install default (empty) blacklist
Changes in version 0.3.0 <>
- license updated to GPL version 3
- autodist:
     * added automatic batch build operation (-a)
     * added quiet output option (-q)
     * added update option (-u)
     * severity has now three levels: 0 (don't stop) 1 (skip current) 2 (abort)
- distdb:
     * moved to localstatedir
     * small updates
Changes in version 0.2.7 <>
- autodist:
     set don't use (-) for cross_platform_cpu when build is not cross-target
Changes in version 0.2.6 <>
- autodist:
     improved support for --arch to allow builds for specified target only;
     added arch name translation for i*86 targets
     split rpm and srpm send operation to avoid multiple srpms transfers
- distdb:
     add autodist_onlycross variable to avoid non-cross build on specified 
     define cross_target_cpu for i586 arch too to allow build from different 
Changes in version 0.2.5 <>
- autodist: 
     remove old failed and ok logs if found
- distdb:
     add u_boot_all target
Changes in version 0.2.4 <>
- autodist: use separate log directories and files for each operation and
- distdb:
     addded kernel_embedded_all target
Changes in version 0.2.3 <>
- distdb:
     add x86_64 cross toolchain support
Changes in version 0.2.2 <>
- distdb: 
     add ARM hard/soft float little/big endian targets in toolchain build
     add kernel_mamba_all target
Changes in version 0.2.1 <>
- distdb update for a cross toolchain build 
Changes in version 0.2 <>
- added -i option (install packages using autospec)
- distdb updates with basic cross-platform packages support
Changes in version 0.1 <>
- added support for parametric target
- new distdb file syntax, multiple packages and variables are supported
- new -t option to simulate programs execution
- new --server option to specify send server number passed to autospec
- new --force option for autospec (force packages build)
- use autospec for build operation
- added operation time console information
- various fixes
Changes in version 0.0.3 <>
- added command -p (prepare)
- added option -v (verbose)
- fixes in tail function
Changes in version 0.0.2 <>
- use autospec -a5 for kernel build
Changes in version <>
- fixed tail_file output with longlines
- clockwise direction for progress indicator
Changes in version 0.0.1 <>
- first release