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var tests = [], debug = null;
function Failure(why) {this.message = why;}
function test(name, run, expectedFail) {
tests.push({name: name, func: run, expectedFail: expectedFail});
return name;
function testCM(name, run, opts, expectedFail) {
return test(name, function() {
var place = document.getElementById("testground"), cm = CodeMirror(place, opts);
if (debug) place.style.visibility = "";
try {run(cm);}
finally {if (!debug) place.removeChild(cm.getWrapperElement());}
}, expectedFail);
function runTests(callback) {
function step(i) {
if (i == tests.length) return callback("done");
var test = tests[i], expFail = test.expectedFail;
if (debug != null && debug != test.name) return step(i + 1);
try {
if (expFail) callback("fail", test.name, "was expected to fail, but succeeded");
else callback("ok", test.name);
} catch(e) {
if (expFail) callback("expected", test.name);
else if (e instanceof Failure) callback("fail", test.name, e.message);
else callback("error", test.name, e.toString());
setTimeout(function(){step(i + 1);}, 20);
function label(str, msg) {
if (msg) return str + " (" + msg + ")";
return str;
function eq(a, b, msg) {
if (a != b) throw new Failure(label(a + " != " + b, msg));
function eqPos(a, b, msg) {
function str(p) { return "{line:" + p.line + ",ch:" + p.ch + "}"; }
if (a == b) return;
if (a == null) throw new Failure(label("comparing null to " + str(b)));
if (b == null) throw new Failure(label("comparing " + str(a) + " to null"));
if (a.line != b.line || a.ch != b.ch) throw new Failure(label(str(a) + " != " + str(b), msg));
function is(a, msg) {
if (!a) throw new Failure(label("assertion failed", msg));